I struggled with wi-fi and as a regime for a
long time I read a branch, a fact, I learned 3 facts.
1) in the standard area code 3122 for my TV set - wi-fi has a channel width of 20 MHz and a speed of up to 150 Mbps (the region of the Wifi module DE - depends only on the area code)
2) in the Russian area code 3128 - wi-fi works in ac mode, as can be seen from the channel, the channel width is 40 MHz and up to 433 Mbit (region of the Wifi module RU)
3) in the proposed code 512 - Wi-Fi works at 866 Mbit and 80 MHz wide (but the analog TV is black and white) (region of the KR Wi-Fi module )
I thought for a long time, in each code segment there are 128 numbers, we number them from 0 to 127 and we see a fantastic pattern))))
This number is the country index in any range)))) (it clearly says in what mode you will have wifi )
Suppose 512, 3072, 3584, etc. - And every first code in each range will give country_index 0 and the Wi-Fi region KR and a speed of 866 Mbit.
Codes 3128, 3640, etc. They have a country index of 56 and a Wi-Fi region RU and a speed of up to 433.
Is the concept clear?
So to stay in EU_Lengwich_Can i.e. in the range 3072-3199, we select the country index 0, namely the area code 3072, to have the continent index0 (which means the waffle is in 866mbit mode), but the language and country in EU mode)))))
everything works for me) And the wafer is 866mhz in the Kyrgyz Republic mode, and Lengvich + EU country in the service menu, and with Russian in the location and country of service. and with Russian preinstalled applications.
I did not check other country indexes, maybe there is a better one, but 3072 suits me.