بحث و تبادل نظر در مورد سری Devil May Cry (خلاصه داستان در پست اول)

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دوست دارین نسخه‌ی بعدی DMC رو چه استودیویی بسازه؟

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کپکام از اولشم دزد بود:دی (یادته واسه دو تا DLC و چند تا Bonus Character کلا یه ورژن دیگه از RE5 منتشر کرد؟;;) :دی)

پس بریم دعا کنیم برا این نره یه ورزن جدا بزنه/:)
فک کنم میخواد سوء استفاده کنه ضرر های re6 رو با بازیایی که ملت ازشون استقبال میکنن رو جبران کنه:>
من در کل از بین این کاستوما اول از classc dante خوشم اومد http://up.vbiran.ir/images/y1g9ss9u83g1kcy8s556.jpg
بعد از dark dante . ولی در کل این دانته جدید هم دوست دارم با همه تغییراتش که بعضیا خوششون نیامده ولی من که از این بدم نمیاد .
و ما همچنان در کف نسخه PC هستیم !!! :|
توجه کردین این سیستم Evade چقدر به درد نخوره؟ :دی
اونجایی که کت به دانته میگه: "مواظب باش، اونجا مثل جهنمه" بعد دانته میره تو آسانسور، یه آهنگ ضایع در حال پخشه، بعد دانته میگه: "حق با اون بود، اینجا جهنمه!" =)) =)) =))

پ.ن: لیلیث = :-&
مثلا میخواست Nevan جدید باشه این؟ :-& انگشت کوچیکه خفاش های Nevan هم نمیشه >:d< :دی
کامیک DmC هم اومد و داستانش مربوط میشه به ورجیل و کت و قبل از نسخه اصلی اتفاق میوفته ، زبون اصلیش فرانسویه ولی یکی از دوستان به صورت خلاصه به زبون انگلیسی داستان رو توضیح داده و به نظرم چیز جالبیه :
Well, it starts with Dante vs Poison (but this is totally unrelated, it's just the meeting between them that happens in the game). Then we go back to one year before. We see Dante in Hellfire which is a jail in human world but secretly hosted by demons. Some things are very weird in that comics (I'll get to it later) so he's being beaten by a demon when he ears Sparda's voice in his head. I translated the first few pics in that thread > http://devilmaycry.org/community/th...he-comic-book-vergils-chronicles.13589/page-2
So yeah after that Vergil is back in human world with Kat in her prison room. He explains her whats happening with the world and try to hire her so he can enter Hellfire's prison in limbo (since she can guide him tough the human world) so he tells her that she have to be caught by demons. Theres a camera in the room so he tells her that they are gonna bring her to Hellfire since they will think she is Vergil's friend. She doesn't really believe and call the security saying there's a terrorist in her room. So they come and Vergil opens a gate to Limbo to show her the truth. They appear in the "Phlégéthon's lake" And while Vergil's fighting demons she go away to find a rift to real world. As soon as Vergil's done with demons, the Phlégéthon appears, it's a very huge demon-worm and he's going to eat Vergil when Kat call him to get back in real world. The thing is that Vergil comes back in real world but he's not anymore in Kat's room (since he moved in Limbo) and Kat is sent to Hellfire as he predicted. While her body is on the way, she goes in Limbo again with her spirit and meet Vergil there. They are in a safe place where Vergil already killed everyone. I will say some dialogues later. He explains her that she's gonna suffer a lot in Hellfire and she has no way to escape then he continue with the story of Dante (that he was raised by demons and trapped into Hellfire while Vergil was raised in a rich family etc). He tells her that he doesn't know how Dante look like but that she has to find him. Back in human world, at Hellfire's gate where Kat meet the Onyx (Funny thing is that their concept art IS in game, they look like towers with womans head and arms) who are the guardians of Hellfire. According to Vergil's plan she was supposed to call him once she is in the prison but one of the Onyx catch her so she's scared and call Vergil who appears and immediatly go though the gate via Limbo (where he can enter easily). Kat is now in Hellfire where she meet her friend Kylian (if you read my translations you know that he is Kat's friend). He tells her that he's been there since the Virility truck exploded and then demons thought he was a terrorist like Vergil, she stop him and ask if he knows someone called Dante here, an old dude say "No! Don't prounonce that name here, we are under watch" then demons comes from everywhere and one kills the old dude then one of those big demons (they also are in concept arts in game, those are the tyrants with a baby face and tentacles arms with the machine gun in the belly) catch Kat but Vergil comes and cut his tentacle. He slays all demons in no time but then the Onyx comes to him and he's not confident about it, he yells a bit at Kat because it's her fault (for calling him too early) but he still tries to resist them while Kat finds a way for Vergil to escape though Limbo. He does his bushin no jutsu lol but gets his *** beaten by the Onyx that throw him though the ground. Once down, he meets Kat who found something interesting, a way to the brain of Hellfire (in Limbo) She says she can connect to it to find who is Dante and what happeed to him. Another weird thing, we see Dante in Devil Trigger via the Brain (even Vergil says he is stronger than what he thought) I guess it's just a pre-DT since he doesn't have white hair or anything, it's just a state he discovered by raging.. that's only my guess. Anyways, Bob Barbras appear in his demon form (the one we fight in game) and take possession of Kat, Vergil is worried about her and tell her sha have to get out of Limbo quickly, the only way he finds is by kissing her (YES HE KISSED HER). They are now back in human world but Bob is still in Kat's head and he is sending the Onyx on them. Vergil goes Devil Trigger and break them, then we see souls (looking like angels) going out of the Onyx bodies (there's also a concept art for that in game) and going all together to reveal the true apparence of Onyx. Vergil and Kat won't fight him so they try to go out but the gates are closing. The gates are actually not gates but it's tooth (can't really explain but hellfire gates are like, a croco mouth ?) anyways Hellfire is actually a demon itself, a huge demon. Once Kat and Vergil are "safe" He says he'll use DT again but she tell him not to, because it will transform him into a demon and he'd loose his humanity. She has the idea to combine her power to find rifts with Vergil's power to open gates so vergil jump down, sending the whole demon to another world/place in Limbo (didn't really get that part). And finally, it ends with Vergil and Kat at "the Order's place" 2 days later, bob is on Tv saying that they found who is masked man's accomplice who is.. guess who.. DANTE! Kat is now willing to help him find Dante because now he is known by everyone so it wouldn't be easy for him. Vergil says that their feelings for each other might be a weakness and that if he uses once more the DT, he would turn into a demon. He decides to use the same thing as Sparda to wipe their memory (only to forget their feelings for each other). 3 months later, Vergil's on tv, Dante's drunk in his "home-car" and Kat knocks at his door, the rest is in game

k now some random/interesting things.
Vergil says that he's the son of a Demon and an Angel to Kat
He says that Mundus is ONE OF THE HELL KINGS (Meaning there are others)
He also says that Sparda was the "left-arm" or Mundus, so in game when he say they were brothers, that doesn't mean actual brothers.
And as I stated some demons are in concept arts of the game, which I didn't guess
پیشنهادِ دوستان برای بهترین راهِ کشتنِ این دشمنا چیه ؟( فقط اینا میتونن منو بکشن :| )

هر دو نوعش هم قرمز هم آبی 8-|

و اینا

دومی که خودم هم توش موندم :دی ولی اولی :

صبر کن تا پورتال باز کنه و غیب بشه ، وقتی پورتال دوم رو باز کرد تا بهت حمله کنه آماده باش تا اومد بیرون با Rebellion ضربه اش رو دفع کن ( با شمشیر به موقع یه ضربه بزنه تا Parry انجام بده ) بعد سریع هر کمبویی که به ذهنت میرسه روش اجرا کن :دی چندبار اینکار رو بکنی میمیره :دی

خب DMD هم تموم شد ! خیلی آسونتر از نسخه های قبلی بود ولی خب برای تازه واردها مطمئنا سخت خواهد بود. الان میخوام برم Hell Or Heaven :دی
پیشنهادِ دوستان برای بهترین راهِ کشتنِ این دشمنا چیه ؟( فقط اینا میتونن منو بکشن :| )

هر دو نوعش هم قرمز هم آبی 8-|

و اینا

اینا در حد سوسک هستن البته :دی برای اولی بهترین راه به نظر من اینه که وقتی داره از پورتالش میاد بیرو جاخالی بدی و وقتی اومد بیرون با Arbiter بکشیش سمت خودت و با خود Arbiter یا Eryx دک و پوزشو بیاری پایین :دی
دومی رو هم که آسونه استراتژی نمی خواد که! :دی فقط آبی هاشو باید با سلاح های فرشته ای و قرمز هاشو باید با سلاح شیطانی بکشی! همین! :دی
دشمن سخت البته به این میگن که تو DMC1 اشک آدم رو در میوورد:

این موجود عکسش هم رعشه بر تن DMC باز ها میندازه :دی

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

تبلیغات متنی

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن