The Last Guardian isn’t perfect — its mechanical slips are present if occasional — but the experience is so very special, and uniquely beautiful to the end.
بابا دیگه خسته شدیم از بس
My hear will go on
The story and character relationship stay with me .
never forget.
The game is deep, meaningful, and powerful. It’s reflective, different, and beautiful.
Fumito Ueda and his team confirms they did not lose their magic during the long and painful development of The Last Guardian. What we have here is an amazing video game with stunning characters and clever puzzles, a masterful piece of art that depicts one of the most touching stories ever told in this medium.
The Last Guardian is not perfect, but those issues are nothing compared to its wonderful gameplay and its beautiful setting. This game and its soundtrack will live forever in the gaming world
Too often pioneering in the games industry is based on technical achievements: bigger, faster, more polygons. But true magic begins behind the obvious – when the artistic vision starts taking shape in a virtual creation. Trico for me is the most fascinating creature in video game history. The Last Guardian is the counterpoint to the loud and hectic game design that tries to show off its bling on every corner.
they'll be missing out on one of those most meaningful and truly original experiences in years.
the game also shares a warming, heartfelt tale of friendship. A tale so strong and confident in its telling, that most of its negative elements fade away.
After ICO and Shadow of the Colossus is another masterpiece from Team ICO with a new brilliantly-crafted and aesthetically-pleasing adventure. Only its technical side could be improved.
For some The Last Guardian's iffy controls, awkward camera, and glitches might be hard to overcome. Others won't care as they experience one of
the most incredible relationships in video game history.
Trico will go down as one of the best characters ever made for a video game.
The Last Guardian is an incredible journey with an unforgettable friend
Just as the huge creature protagonist of his story, The Last Guardian is a unique game, with an unusual and fascinating shape. It is an adventure in some way out of time, which retains a glimmer of distant memories. It is a noble game, yet inexplicably fragile.
For now, I'm confident in saying that although it isn't their best work, there really aren't too many directors out there like Fumito Ueda, and I hope for our sake, he continues to keep making games.
Be prepared for some huge irritations but buy The Last Guardian despite these. It's the kind of game you won't forget.
Pure perfection
و البته بیشتر از همه
Tlg is not perfect because some technical issues
البته شما باور نکنید اینا رو بازی fail شده و این حرفا هم شایعات فنای بازیه که نظر مخالف رو قبول ندارن
Play this game. Even if you hate it