اوه اوه اوه بنظر من که خیلی خوبه نمره ایی که گرفته.
جدی دیگه نه تا این حد : If this is the final Resistance game, the franchise is certainly going out with a whimper
اینم هست : the soundtrack is forgettable بله و این یکی که کاملا تغییراتی که تو شماره 3 انجام شده رو بیفایده خونده :
Unfortunately, they’re not enough to keep the game from being a decidedly average shooter, and the most disappointing entry in the series
یک شوتر معمولی و ناامید کننده ترین تغییرات در سری بازیهایه رزیستنس .
GameTrailers هم 8.8 داده گویا !! http://www.gametrailers.com/gamereview.php?id=12539
نمره خیلی خوبی هست(ولی فکر میکردم از GT امتیاز بالاتری بگیره) ولی فکر کنم پایین ترین نمره تو رو کل سری از GT گرفته اگر اشتباه نکرده باشم. ریز نمرات به این صورت هست :
Design : 8.7
Story : 8.4
Gameplay : 9.2
Presentation : 8.4
پ.ن : خب مثل اینکه دوستان این نمره رو به لیست اصلی هم اضافه کردند ولی در هرحال من ریز نمرات رو هم قرار دادم.
من که همون Live Commentary ـه IGN برام کافیه و البته معیار ... همون چیزی که ازش انتظار داشتم ... !
حالا گیم اسپات 8 هم بده ذره ای تردید به خودم راه نمی دم واسه تجربه ی این عنوانِ غول ( هایپ!! :d )
The change of direction at around the two thirds mark is a nice surprise.
Multiplayer will keep you busy for months.
Sometimes the game just throws too many enemies at you, we’d have preferred fewer, smarter foes.
Secondary characters aren’t really fleshed out properly.
The character models are ugly, with terrible lip sync.
Resistance 3 isn’t revolutionary, but it’s better than Resistance 2 and, even though it’s a much more singular, human tale, it feels enough like the first Resistance that hopefully fans that didn’t like the second outing will give Insomniac another chance. Capelli’s road trip hardly ever goes to plan, but invest in the character and his motives and you’ll find that every chance you get to pull the trigger on some Chimeran skulls you’ll be cracking a smile. Move, Sharpshooter and 3D support round off one of the most comprehensive packages since Killzone 3 – and we’ve no hesistation in saying that this is a safe buy for fans. Score: 8/10