امتیازات Resident Evil 6

گفتگو بسته شده و امکان ارسال پاسخ وجود ندارد.

Tommy Fisher

Shit happens
کاربر سایت

RE6 اولین امتیاز خودش رو از شعبه ایتالیا مجله رسمی پلی استیشن (OPM Italy) دریافت کرد, 9/10 !

اسکن های مجله:


OPM US - 9/10
M! Games Magazine - PS3 - 8.8/10
X360 - 8.5/10
LEVEL Magazine -
OPM NL/BE - 8/10
NAG Magazine - 5.8/10
Famitsu – 10/10/10/9
PS Mania - 4.5/5
Mumbai Mirror - 4/5
Hyper Magazine - 8/10
GameTrailers - 8.8/10
4players.de Xbox 55%
Ps3 59%

Joystiq 2.5/5

Destructoid 3/10

Gamesradar 3.5/5

Gamespot 4.5/10
The Good

Intriguing narrative structure
Great voice acting and action-packed cutscenes draw you into the story.

The Bad

Loads of bad, overlong quick-time events
Excruciating overemphasis on mediocre set piece events
Ruins the pace by constantly ripping control from you
Poorly executed scripted events lead to unavoidable deaths.

EDGE 6/10
It’s a bloated, often incoherent game, but the most frustrating thing about Resident Evil 6 is that (Chris’s focus on cover shooting aside) it’s not an unimaginative one. It might feel padded at times, but Capcom always has something new to show you after the filler, such as a fresh campaign, another repellent boss form, a surprising enemy type, a co-op vehicle section, or an odd location to explore. Even replaying a chapter from the perspective of your teammate will offer a tweaked weapon set and slightly altered routes. In always trying to offer something more, Resident Evil 6 fails to refine what it has already given you. And whatever else you might say about the game, it achieves something that its predecessor never did: it steps out of Resident Evil 4’s shadow and becomes its own game. Sadly, it’s a game that redefines the series as a loose collection of action scenarios with a shared theme of mild sci-fi horror. It’s a game so eager to please that it can’t settle on an identity. And it’s a game that marks a critical point in the series’ history. Resident Evil might have lost interest in pure horror a while back, but it seems Capcom would rather you were thrilled than afraid.

G4TV 2.5/5

1up C+

RE6 presents blockbuster-caliber entertainment, sure, but it also forces you to revisit rough portions of gameplay and rarely challenges a player outside of arbitrary difficulty levels and cheap deaths via phoned-in quick-time events. The unfortunate truth is that Capcom hasn't figured out a new way to terrify gamers in the eight years since RE4. While building on that game's masterful formula of stop-and-pop gunplay is a smart approach, RE6 serves as proof that too many compromises and too much empowerment can ultimately erode what makes Resident Evil, at its core, work.

Eurogamer 6/10
The game represents a tremendous amount of effort and investment and, for those impressed by such things, Resident Evil 6 may delight. But all the effort in the world won't make up for a lack of vision. This game is blind to imagination and focus. Capcom's uncertainty about the series' identity post-Mikami (and post-Uncharted) is hardcoded into its structure: four campaigns offering different, flawed expressions of that potential. And the inevitable price for this wavering is a lack of coherence. Resident Evil 6 is an unwieldy tribute to the series' past, an uneven expression of its present and an unwelcome indication of its future.

IGN 7.9/10
Resident Evil 6 might be the biggest RE game ever, but it struggles to be the best, lacking a coherent vision.

x360a 77/100
Resident Evil 6 is a truly immense RE title that succeeds as a third-person action shooter, but falls flat on its face as a survival horror game. Yes, times have changed, but if Dead Space can still provide a good balance of scares and set-pieces, then why can't Resi? Here's hoping that Capcom sees the next-generation of consoles as a golden opportunity to take Resident Evil back to its roots. Or perhaps a reboot is in order. Until then, Resident Evil 6 is certainly not a bad game by any means, just a bit of a disappointment. Nonetheless, it'll still get its slimy hooks into you if you let it.

polygon 4/10
Resident Evil 6 leaves players with the shell of a blockbuster game. It blusters along with massive explosions and insane plot twists, but it lacks a fundamental understanding of why action games are fun. In the end, Resident Evil 6 resembles one of its grotesque mutations — bloated, out of control, and recklessly trying to consume everything around it. Capcom has built a real monster here.

gameinformer 8.75/10
Capcom has loaded an unprecedented amount of content on one disc. Unfortunately, that drive to do it all has created some quality gaps. The game occasionally pulls the camera away from the action to show off a new goal or destination, leaving you open to blind cheap shots. The most annoying bug I encountered makes a boss unbeatable during Leon’s co-op campaign, marring the otherwise excellent climactic battles. Capcom promises some of these issues will be fixed with a day one patch, but we reviewed the game on the disc.

Over the years, the tone of the Resident Evil series has morphed from a George Romero horror flick to Michael Bay summer blockbuster. That metamorphosis into insane action is front and center in Resident Evil 6, and bringing a buddy along for the chaos is great fun. The game’s minor flaws don’t hold back the decadent experience from being an unhinged, flaming rollercoaster ride.

BioGamer Girl 10/10
Capsulecomputers 10/10
Nieuwerwets 10/10
Famitsu 10/10/10/9
Playfront 9.5/10
NZGamer 9.5/10
CGM 9.3/10
Ztgd 9.2/10
CheatCC 9.2/10
Mondoxbox 9/10
God Is A Geek 9/10
The Inquirer 9/10
Fan Bolt 9/10
GodisaGeek 9/10
Rant Gaming 9/10
Bloody Disgusting 9/10
OPM US 9/10
PS Mania 9/10
GamingNexus 8.9/10
HH Review 8.9/10
Play UK 8.8/10
GameTrailers 8.8/10
Gram.pl 8.8/10
TheKoalition 8.8/10
Games Magazine 8.8/10
Game Informer 8.75/10
VGZ 8.7/10
Consoledominatio 8.5/10
X360 8.5/10
JPS 8.5/10
VGRevolution 8.4/10
Gameswelt 8.1/10
OXM UK 8/10
Worthplaying 8/10
Play Magazine 8/10
Shogungamer 8/10
Gaming age 8/10
EGM 8/10
Empire 8/10
Dread Central 8/10
Hyper Magazine 8/10
Mumbai Mirror 8/10
Invision Game 8/10
OPM NL/BE 8/10
GIGA 8/10
StrategyInformer 8/10
Planet Xbox 360 8/10
IGN 7.9/10
Xbox360achievements 7.7/10
Canadianonlinegamers 7.7/10
GameFront 7.5/10
insidegamingdaily 7.5/10
GamerZines 7.5/10
Xgn 7.5/10
Gaming Examiner 7.5/10
Machinima 7.5/10
Dealspwn 7/10
Eurogamer.it 7/10
LEVEL Magazine 7/10
GamesTM 7/10
OPM UK 7/10
GamesTM 7/10
ClickOnline 7/10
Gamesradar 7/10
JeuxActu: 7/10
Cinema Blend 7/10
EuroGamer Sweden 7/10
WhatCulture 7/10
Trusted 7/10
Gamerevolution 7/10
Upperpad 6.9/10
AusGamers 6.8/10
G3AR 6.5/10
IBTimes 6/10
Attack of the Fanboy 6/10
NY Daily News 6/10
Complex 6/10
EuroGamer Spain 6/10
AE Infinite 6/10
1UP 6/10
Gameblog 6/10
VideoGamer 6/10
Eurogamer 6/10
Edge 6/10
PSLS 6/10
The Escapist 6/10
Welland Tribune 6/10
NAG Magazine 5.8/10
German 4-Players Xbox 5.5/10
WGTC 5.5/10
Good Game 5.5/10
Joystiq 5/10
G4TV 5/10
Insight Factor 5/10
MetroGameCentral 5/10
Gamekult 5/10
IncGamers 5/10
FanCensus 5/10
DualShockers 5/10
Gamespot 4.5/10
Giant Bomb 4/10
TheVerge 4/10
Polygon 4/10
Destructoid 3/10
Quarter to Three 2/10
Last edited by a moderator:
نميدونم اين اخلاقها ماله ما ايرانياي جهان اولي هست يا نه بقيه دنيا هم اين اخلاقيات رو دارن
اخلاقي كه بازي مورد علاقه مون گند بزنه تمام سايتها هم نمره كم بدن بعد بيايم ماست مالي كنيم
گيم اسپات واقعا نمره كشكي و الكي نميده من ناراحت شدم واسه اينكه به فيفا داده 8 اما الان رفتم چند دست زدم ديدم واقعا 8 حقشه
درمورد آنچارتدو گران 5 با اينكه فن سوني هستم ولي ميگيم اينها هم نمراتشون حقشون بود
حتي درمورد جي تي 5 با يكي كه ركورد ميزنه هم صحبت كردم اونم ميگفت واقعا حقشه
بهرحال ما ايرانياي جهان اولي بايد ياد بگيريم كه صورت مساله رو نبايد پاك كنيم شكست رو قبول كنيم نميدونم چرا دائم بايد از شكستها فرار كنيمو واقعيتو قبول نكنيمو صورت مساله رو پاك كنيم:|
یعنی اونایی که میومدن میگفتن چیه این گیمر های قدیمی انقدر کلاس میذارن و میخوان بگن که خیلی حالیشونه و اویل باید اکشن باشه و سوپر کال و اون سبک قدیم به درد نمیخوره . فقط یک جمله دارم بهشون بگم جیش بوس لالا ........................
نسخه ریمیک شاهکار هست اما در زمان خودش. الان برای یک گیمر تازه وارد در حد ORC هم ارزش نداره. همین انتظارات بیجا از یک بازی باعث میشه تا چنین نمراتی شکل بگیره. همه فکر میکنن که کپکام باید همون رزیدنت ایول کلاسیک رو برگردونه. عزیز دل برادر نمیشه ... 2-3 نفر میرن بازیش میکنن.

اقایون دوستان خواهشا جای کسای دیگه نظر ندید .شما از کجا مطمئنی ؟
بزار یه دفعه تو این نسل یا نسل اینده بسازن ببینیم استقبال میشه یا نمیشه.
خداییش دیگه کار بازی بجایی کشیده که فرق چندانی با dead rising یا the house of the dead نمیکنه!.
من الان چند تا رفیقام اصلا نمیدونستن رزیدنت اویل چی هست فقط فوول کامپیوتر اپگرید میکردن برای بتل3 و این سبک بازیها بهشون دادم گفتم با شبیه ساز بازی کنن همه تحسین کردن بعدشم که از این سری خوششون اومد رفتن 5 تازه خریدن نصب کردن گفتن اصلا در حد اندازه قبلی یعنی ریمیک نبود فقط گرافیکش بالاتر بود.

دیگه چه افتضاحی بیشتر از 4.5 گیم اسپات برای نسخه اصلی !
مگه نمیگین به اسم رزیدنت اویل دارن میفروشن ؟ اصلا re از کجا اینطوری اسم در کرد؟ مگه نه سری 1و2و3و4 و کدورونیکا و ریمیک بودن که باعث شهرتش شدن.

مطمئن باش بازیی که امتیازش کم باشه به اندازه بازی که امتیازش بالاتر هست با اختلاف 2 یا 3 نمره کمتر فروش میکنه.جماعت گیمر که دیگه کور نیستن.جالا شما نگاه کن به فروش این بازی و با 5 و4 مقایسه کن.
پس بگو چرا نسخه PC رو همزمان منتشر نکردن چون می ترسیدن تمام ملت پایرتش کنن با این امتیاز ها
بابا خدایی دیگه امتیاز gs نامردیه .4.5 یعنی یه اشغال به تمام معنا .به خدا بازی اونقدر ها هم بد نبود دیگه کمه کم باید 7 تا 7.5 می گرفت

به خدا اگه یه نمره درست و حسابی داده باشن همین نمره گیم اسپات هست تازه به نظر من زیاد هم هست . یعنی واقعا RE:ORC واسه کپکام درس عبرت نشد. همه با هم باید کپکام رو تحریم کنیم. خاطرات خوش نوجوانی با رزیدنت اویل 1 2 3 خداحافظ.....................:(#:-s:(:-s:-s:(#:-s:-s:(:((

---------- نوشته در 09:20 AM اضافه شد ---------- نوشته قبلی در 09:05 AM ارسال شده بود ----------

دوستان چند لحظه به احترام نسخه1 این بازی سکوت کنید.

این عکسها رو که میبینید مال نسخه1 ریمیک هست که خودم رو pc باتنظیمات اخر گذاشتم و عکس گرفتم شاید نزدیک این نسل بشه و کمی اروم شیم.

به این میگن زامبی که از فاصله 1 کلیومتری غلاف میکردی.

محیطی بشدت ساکت و مرگبار با نور پردازی عالی.


درگیری فقط با یک زامبی بسیار خطرناک که به محض نزدیک شدن کار را یکسره میکند.


محیط پهناور همراه با سکوت.


جستجو برای زنده ماندن و فرار از محیط .


زاویه دوربین جدید بر روی رزیدنت اویل اصیل.


جستجو در سکوت و جنگ با مرگ.


محیطی مه گرفته و تاریک که صدای پای مردگان و جیرجیرکها میاد.

واقعا اشکم رو درآوردی دمت گرم.:-s داغ دلمون رو تازه کردی.
واسه اینکه اون مشکل چند سال پیش بود. به مدد میکامی بازی افتاد توی این خط. الانم باید همین خطو ببره جلو. دیوانه نیستن که بیان بازی رو واسه یه گروه خاص بسازن.
اویل یه بازی ترسناک با یه اکشن مختصر هست.یعنی ترس باید به بازی تعلیق بده نه اکشن...میشه گفت وجه غالب بازی اکشن نبود.
چیزی که الان میتونیم بگیم برعکس هم نشده.چون اصلا ترسی نمونده.شده یه بازی تجاری صرفا اکشن.
درسته که شماره 4 هم فوق العاده اکشن بود ولی اولویت بازی اویل بودنش بود نه اکشن غربی.
متاسفانه این شماره همه چیز رو مثل طوفان با خودش برد.
آخرین ویرایش:
من خودم از کسایی بودم که به بازی امید زیادی داشتم و تو همین تاپیک از بازی بشدت پشتیبانی کردم.ولی چند روز پیش وقتی کامنت نوید رو دیدم که بازی رو یه جورایی نقد کرده بود کم کم باورم شد که بازی اونی نیست که من فکرشو میکنم و اومدم تو تاپیک گفتم من دارم کم کم از بازی ناامید میشم.
متاسفانه بازی عین هیچکدوم از 5 شماره قبلی نیست و از همشون ضعیفتر عمل کرده.

متای XBOX360 بازی از 38 نقد:68
متای PS3 بازی از 17 نقد:77
واکنش کپکام، دو ماه بعد:

فن های عزیز و گرامی که در تمام لحظات با ما بودند و ما رو تنها نذاشتند. ما شما رو درک می کنیم، ما ساخت رزیدنت اویل 7 رو شروع کردیم و این بازی رو به استودیوی موفق و فوق العاده غربی ـه epic واگذار کردیم. چون فروش RE6 خیلی خوب بود . So Screw You, We want More Money!
مطمئن باشید اویل 7 به ریشه ها باز می گرده، و همونطور که می دونین منظور از ریشه ها تعدادی سگ زامبی شده و یه مقدار Herb هست. تمام شخصیت هایی که توی اویل 6 نبودن توی 7 هستن، نگران نباشید، وسکر هم بر می گرده. اینم اولین تریلر بازی که می تونین توش Co op 8 نفره و بازی دسته جمعی از طریق کینکت رو ببینید. همون طور که می بینین سبک بازی به اول شخص تغییر پیدا کرده، که قدم بزرگی برای سینمایی شدن و بیشتر COD شدن بازیه. ما الان توی سکوت خبری فرو می ریم و توی E3 هم نمایش نداریم، اما توی TGS میام و کاری می کنیم همه تون توی دریایی از کف غوطه ور بشین. اینم دوتا DLC قبل از عرضه ی بازی......
نظرات سایت های خارجی نقد کننده بازی قسمت اصلیش در مورد بازی :
Polygon: 4/10 - Resident Evil 6 leaves players with the shell of a blockbuster game. It blusters along with massive explosions and insane plot twists, but it lacks a fundamental understanding of why action games are fun. In the end, Resident Evil 6 resembles one of its grotesque mutations - bloated, out of control, and recklessly trying to consume everything around it. Capcom has built a real monster here. VideoGamer: 6 - Resident Evil 6 is not one but four games, and Capcom has done a beautiful and stupid thing in its attempt to recreate a rich, diverse and storied series into one single title. There are some great pearls to be found on Capcom's seabed, but lofty ambitions are this game's downfall and an inability to focus on any one of Resident Evil 6's disparate elements proves more than ever that this series needs to find itself.
IGN: 7.9 - Resident Evil 6 might be the biggest RE game ever, but it struggles to be the best, lacking a coherent vision.
ShopTo: Good - At numerous points in reviewing this game I found myself comparing Resident Evil 6 with the previous games; this should not be the case as if it were it would have a very low score, however as a standalone game it certainly has a lot of action and shooting of zombies and hours upon hours of replayability, if that's your pleasure then there will be some enjoyment in this for you.
GamerZines: 75% - An epic in every sense, Resident Evil 6 delivers action by the spadeful but little of it memorable.
OXM: 8 - Resident Evil 6 is an accomplished shooter on the whole, and a fittingly thunderous send-off for current gen Resident Evil. The next instalment needs to tighten the focus, deciding which ideas are worth sticking with, but this could be the definitive videogame blockbuster - huge, colourful and surprising.
Play Mag: 88% - Odd rough patch or misfire aside, Resident Evil 6 is bursting with innovation, content and confidence that shows Capcom knows exactly what it's doing with it's series. Now fully tooled up for co-op, this feels like Resident Evil worthy of modern times.
GamesBeat: 70/100 - Everything in Resident Evil 6 is bigger, louder, and prettier than its predecessors, but that does not necessarily make it a better game. While it finally embraces the adrenaline-fueled action the series has hinted at for so long, the rest is a schizophrenic mess. Capcom can't seem to decide whether Resident Evil is a campy blockbuster film (undoubtedly its greatest strength) or a serious reflection on the human condition. For all of our sakes, let's hope it chooses the former.
1UP: C+ - RE6 presents blockbuster-caliber entertainment, sure, but it also forces you to revisit rough portions of gameplay and rarely challenges a player outside of arbitrary difficulty levels and cheap deaths via phoned-in quick-time events. The unfortunate truth is that Capcom hasn't figured out a new way to terrify gamers in the eight years since RE4. While building on that game's masterful formula of stop-and-pop gunplay is a smart approach, RE6 serves as proof that too many compromises and too much empowerment can ultimately erode what makes Resident Evil, at its core, work.
Destructoid: 3.0 - It's bad enough that the game -- at its very best -- is so pedestrian, but to screw up in areas that even third-rate shooters manage to get right is something Capcom should find degrading. It's not enough to say that Resident Evil 6 is poor as a Resident Evil game. This is unexceptional tripe that becomes insulting once the woeful missteps come into play. Resident Evil 6 is not just a step back for the series, it's a step back for common garden, unassuming action-shooters.
God Is A Geek: 9/10 - The marketing slogan has been "No Hope Left", but Resident Evil 6 shows that there's plenty of life in the old dog yet, with plenty of hope left for the future. Resident Evil 6 is wonderful, sprawling and epic; they've listened to the fans and given them something special, and that's something that should happen more often. Don't let this one pass you by
Eurogamer: 6/10 - This game is blind to imagination and focus. Capcom's uncertainty about the series' identity post-Mikami (and post-Uncharted) is hardcoded into its structure: four campaigns offering different, flawed expressions of that potential. And the inevitable price for this wavering is a lack of coherence. Resident Evil 6 is an unwieldy tribute to the series' past, an uneven expression of its present and an unwelcome indication of its future.
Gamespot: 4.5 - Resident Evil 6's messy mix of annoying quick-time events and constant set pieces makes it a poor caricature of modern-day action games.
Bloody Disgusting: 9 - Resident Evil 6 might not revolutionize the genre, but it definitely reinvigorates the franchise in much like the fourth game did seven years ago. It can be a little goofy - okay, a lot goofy - but if you're a fan of the RE fiction, this offers one of the more compelling stories so far. In short, this game does for the action horror genre what Skyrim did for RPGs. The bar has been set, and Capcom has once again proven they know exactly what they're doing
Digital Spy: 4/5 - Resident Evil 6 is a very good game let down by a few poor design choices. Leon and Jake's campaigns, in particular, are hugely entertaining, showcasing the survival horror genre at its best. While Chris's campaign might well prove that two's company and three's a crowd, the excellent plot, cast of characters and additional content should ensure that Resident Evil 6 is revisited more times than Tall Oaks' pharmacy.
Official PlayStation Magazine UK: 7 - The game just about averages out to the good through volume and variety. As well as the basic shooting, there are puzzles, chases, fighter-jet sequences - a huge array of tonal variation. If you're going to sink 40 quid into something, this certainly gives you your money's worth, and when it's going well this is a competent and rewarding adventure. But it can just as easily swing off into a Dragon's Lair-style QTE section or an overly long, bland shooting tunnel.
Edge: 6 - Sadly, it's a game that redefines the series as a loose collection of action scenarios with a shared theme of mild sci-fi horror. It's a game so eager to please that it can't settle on an identity. And it's a game that marks a critical point in the series' history. Resident Evil might have lost interest in pure horror a while back, but it seems Capcom would rather you were thrilled than afraid.
Beefjack - Look, I'll champion Resident Evil 5 to the end. As a survival horror game it couldn't pass muster, but if the series was going to jump the shark I'd rather it landed somewhere worthwhile. And it did. 5 was a splendid co-op score attack game bolstered by short levels, natty level design and an inkling of terror. Most people missed that, but I spent weeks clinching all those S ranks. Resident Evil 6 embraces 5′s infatuation with the action side of things, but fails to capture any of its real glories. And as for the old games, forget it. Without its clunky idiosyncrasies Resident Evil 6 is just another vanilla-flavoured third-person shooter, albeit a very thorough one. And is there anything more depressing than that?
Metro: 5/10 - If Resident Evil wants to be an action game then so be it, but it needs to be a good one - not this linear, patronisingly simplistic time waster.
Joystiq: 2.5/5 - If every idea had come together without friction, and with the aid of Capcom's top-notch presentation, Resident Evil 6 would have been a tremendous action game. Instead, it's a fully-featured, sloppy, frequently frustrating attempt to do well by everyone. Everyone would do well to study its anatomy, to learn what happens to a series stuck somewhere between a new life and an old body.
داشتم نمرات رو می خوندم، نمره ی فامیتسو مث نخود تو شُل زرد بود. از همینجا تقاضا می کنم فامیتسو نمره اش رو عوض کنه :دی
R.I.P Evil از همه چی ضایعه تر اینه که همون اول مهمات بی نهایت میشه و به هر object ای تیر میزنی صحیح و سالم سر جاش میمونه چه آینه،شیشه ماشین،گلدان،و و و و و ....:dباورم نمیشه این بازی ماله این نسله:dبه خدا قسم جز خنده کاری نمیتونم انجام بدم دست خودم بود گریه میکردم:((
به نظرم اصلی ترین مشکل بازی های این نسل ژاپنی غربی شدنشون هست.
همون طور که ژاپن انیمه داره و غرب انیمیشن.ژاپن spirited away داره و آمریکا toy story توی گیم هم یه زمانی بود که ژاپن رزیدنت اویل و اونیماشو و dmc رو داشت غرب هم خدای جنگ و cod و هیلو رو.حالا اگه dmc بخواد ادای بازی های غربی رو دربیاره و اویل بشه مثل گیرز آف وار=>>>نابودی صنعت گیم ژاپن چون دیگه روح و حس ژاپنی توش باقی نمیمونه.شاید نسخه راکون سیتی و 6 اویل خوب بفروشن ولی نسخه های بعدی به احتمال خیلی زیادتوی فروش هم شکست میخورن.:(
نمیدونم چرا یاد RE3 افتادم اون جایی که جیل ویروس تو بدنش بود باید میرفتیم از توی بیمارستان براش پادزهر رو می اوردیم.
چقدر یه محیط اونجوری یهو دلم خواست.
ولی فک میکنم با توجه به اینکه بازی اکشن شده و یه سری هم که اصلن سری های قبلی رو بازی نکردن و طبعشون یه بازی اکشن رو میپسنده کپکام به اون چیزی که میخواد میرسه.
فروش زیاد.
گفتگو بسته شده و امکان ارسال پاسخ وجود ندارد.

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