امتیازات Heavy Rain

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Lord Zeus

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این بازی هم اولین امتیازش (9/10 ) رو از OPM گرفت.
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Certainly there’s nothing quite like it on PS3, or indeed any other system. Put gaming conventions aside, go in with no expectations other than this is something new and massively good-looking, and you’ll be rewarded with a unique experience that lurches between genius and madness, manages to be genuinely emotional, and that you’ll be bursting to talk about with your friends

آخرین ویرایش:
آره EDGE رو آدم حساب نكردن ولي خوب نقد ميكنه بازيارو (موشكافانه) حالا بگذريم از اين كه يه ايراد كوچولو ميگيره 5 نمره كم ميكنه و حيسيت بازيارو به فنا ميده!!! :biggrin1:
Ace Gamez : 90 / 100

When a game comes along and does something outside of regular conventions, it will often spark a pandemic of navel-gazing across the world. You maybe know a few of these people, the kind of gamers who wax philosophical over time-bending puzzler Braid as if it was a life-altering experience, or claim that Final Fantasy VII is art because it made them cry. As much as these people would like to believe it, Quantic Dreams' long-anticipated Heavy Rain will not change the world, nor will it change the definition of what constitutes a game.

PushSquare: 4 / 4

"Heavy Rain will leave you heavy hearted. Indeed, it is perhaps the greatest compliment you can pay to Quantic Dream's vision to describe a scenario in which, when reviewing the game, we had to turn off our Playstation 3. Not because of an absence of quality, but because of the breathless, "kick-you-when-you're-down" nature of Heavy Rain's narrative - all of which culminate in a captivatingly original game that will be remembered for years to come."
Joypad: 100 / 100

Excerpt: "Heavy Rain is a game that ask what is your position. To accept what it is in its approach, is to endorse the idea that the game can be something other than what it is today. Joypad is recognized in this approach, others do not. It is their right. But while video games still chasing artistic recognition, it seems surreal, if not irresponsible, not to support such initiative."

Yahoo:5 / 5

Early reviews of Heavy Rain have been glowing, most celebrating the style and maturity of a unique experience among so much predictable software. But the first thing you need to realise about Heavy Rain is that it isn't typical action fare. You do not have control of characters in the same way as Tomb Raider, Uncharted, Modern Warfare 2, etc. Instead you make timely responses to prompts flashed on screen, and the narrative continues based on ability to react accurately and / or at speed.
VGC:9.1 / 10

Heavy Rain has not redefined the way games are played, or started a revolution for the industry which all developers will now follow. It has, however, successfully blurred the lines between games and movies a little by offering an extremely cinematic experience that doesn't leave the player watching endless cutscenes. More importantly, Heavy Rain is fun to play. It gives the player a thrilling rush, and an intriguing and interesting story that will keep you on the edge of your seat from the beginning to the end. This is the kind of game that you may sit down and play all at once, not because it's incredibly short, but because it's just too hard to put down."
آهان، خب با توجه به این تفاوتی که بازی با "بازی" داره انتظار داشتم امتیازات خیلی بیشتر از این ضد و نقیض باشند
Teletext GameCentral به بازی امتیازه 4 از 10 داده که تو متاکریتیک هم ثبت شده.

PROS: The background graphics are stunning and there's very little loading. Fearlessly ambitious.

CONS: The level of interactivity is ruinously low. Weak script, dialogue, voice-acting and flawed animation​
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