فرخ انصافا باز از اون حرف ها زدی ها ! همین چند وقت پیش نبودید می گفتید این بازی 360 را تا سر حد مرگ میبره ، Push to limits میکنه ؟ نگفتید از بهترین تکنولوژی ها استفاده می کنه ؟ من می گفتم خدا کنه رو PC هم بیاد ، نارنجک های دست ساز به سمتم پرتاب میشد که نخیر ، تو بوق و کرنا می کردید که انحصاری 360 ِ ؟
حالا از اینور رونده ، داری از Remedy طرفداری می کنی ؟ چه ربطی داره ؟ حالا یهو 360 شد موش آب کشیده ؟ چطور تا چند وقت پیش Crysis 2 و KZ2 و U2 و همرو گذشاته بود کنار و شده بود بهترین گرافیک قرن و Game of The Generation ؟
قطعا هم اینطوره و قدرت 360 را کشیده بیرون ولی این عظمت گرافیکی زیاده واسه کنسول باور نداری یکم بخون مثلا یکی از سایتها گفته اصلا باورش سخته که چطور تونستن همچین گرافیکی روی کنسول بیارن !
دیگه اینو قبول کن از نظر افکتهای به کار برده شده تو یه محیط حداقل روی کنسول بازی باهاش قابل رقابت نیست و فقط مشکلات فنی نذاشت که اینطور بشه .من بحثم همیشه روی جلوه های بصری این بازی بوده که همینطور هم هست .
اینا را قبول داری در مورد گرافیک alan wake
When you're not engaged in nighttime combat, Alan Wake offers players stunning visuals of the Pacific Northwest. Natural vistas are rendered superbly, with soaring mountaintops and lush treetops. Perhaps the only real complaint I have is repetition. Alan ends up spending a lot of his time in basically identical abandoned buildings, and these end up being some of the least interesting portions of the game. The visuals suffer slightly when it comes to rendering people and faces; try as they might, the faces never quite look natural, and the lip-synching usually feels a bit off from the vocals. We also noticed an occasional bit of screen tearing during the dozen or so hours spent playing the game, but that was the exception rather than the rule.
By and large,
Alan Wake is a visually gorgeous game and one that serves to showcase the visual prowess of the Xbox 360
At points,
thanks to gorgeous visuals, a standout score and deafening, psychedelic sound effects,
Alan Wake really does feel like an interactive Hollywood disaster movie. During the review process our television screen attracted a crowd of slack-jawed games journos more than once.
A special nod should also go to the beautiful world that developer Remedy's created,
which still shows its open-world roots and is vast and detailed in unprecedented measure.
این قسمت قرمز را بخون .
Graphically, Alan Wake was an absolute impossibility on any home console in 2005. With the Xbox 360, there is enough graphic power to bring Wake’s world to life. Much of the game is spent in the dark, but this isn’t a Resident Evil knockoff - the world looks like what you’d see in a forest illuminated by stars and the moon, and not just pitch black like Doom 3. There is a bluish hue to the world, and the forest is absolutely choked full of foliage. Full size trees, bushes, plants, leaves, signs, debris, and more sway in the wind, providing a shocking amount of ambush points for the creatures in this game. It isn't just black, it's darkness the way you and I would perceive it in the real world. You’ll spend a fair amount of time in the town of Bright Falls, and it is well populated, both with people and things to see. The town is excited about their annual Deerfest celebration, and it is decorated accordingly. Somehow the city feels alive, not just filled with pre-placed objects. While it isn't the sandbox city that was initially planned, it feels focused without ever putting your feet on rails.
The incredible lighting engine I mentioned above is the heart of the game. Day and night cycles cast absolutely perfect shadows. Most games do such a weak job with shadows, putting simple circles under the feet of the protagonist. Alan Wake was built around the concepts of light and dark, and it shows. Your flashlight has small concentric circle distortions from the lens, and the light realistically bends across objects. It pales, however, in comparison to when the real fireworks start.
Much has been made of Alan Wake's less-than HD resolution, but the bottom line is that it's a stunning looking title.
No game released so far this generation features lighting effects more impressive, or so much going on. At times, with the wind blowing, smoke in the air, objects flying around, flares alight and enemies coming at you, there'd be an argument for this being one of the
most visually striking games ever released. It's that impressive. During certain dramatic moments the game even pauses and pans around Alan, giving you a chance to take it all in.
It highlights what a
great job Remedy has done building a richly detailed game world that retains authenticity even as its plot spirals further into the mists of the fantastic.
Remedy has built a world that, despite being a fantastical realm of twisting shadows and realities, is solidly anchored in authenticity. Outstanding environmental design and some brilliant visuals
مثلا gamersyde توسط Blim
Got to watch and play the game yesterday. While my full preview will have to wait for a few hours, I can already say that technically this game is maybe at the top of what I ever saw running on consoles this generation. It's definitely up there with Killzone 2. I was in awe most of the time, it's just crazy how much stuff they managed to get into their engine while still having it run already almost perfectly smoothly (still some slight tearing from time to time, but the final build should be better).
I've always been a big fan of Remedy (ever since Future Crew) and how they could push hardware like no others, but I wasn't expecting this game to be that impressive in terms of lighting, draw distance and effects.
The game is dead gorgeous. The lighting is spectacular, the town is amazingly detailed, theforests are lush and beautiful. This game looks awesome
As I was mentioning earlier, visually the game really knocks one out of the park. The focus and attention put on light as being a huge factor in the game is evident at all times. The scenery completely mimics something you would see in the Pacific Northwest and truly is a site in itself. Character models have extreme detail in all of their movements and behaviors. Each and every cut scene is well done and draws you into the story and I never once felt the need to skip any. I do love how the game is presented as a TV Series where between each episode you’ll get a “Previously on Alan Wake” review session of the events that lead up to where you are now
Saying the setting of Alan Wake is idyllic is one thing but executing it on Xbox 360 is another. We have known since E3 2005 that Remedy was putting together something special and the final result is one of the
best looking games to ever grace the console. While there are some obvious repeated elements like gates and logs in episode one, the textures and detail are off the charts. It's the type of place you would actually want to take a virtual walking tour of to soak up the ambiance.
Alan Wake’s graphics can be considered as good in some way.
The environments and the lighting of the game are phenomenal but when it comes to the character models, that’s the part when I can say that it doesn’t live up my expectation.
The surroundings that Alan Wake will be exploring is very detailed and crisp. You will get to see a
lot of light and dark areas where it will build emotions as you play. Aside from dark areas, Alan Wake will be venturing in towns and streets where he can interact with them. The game
renders the graphics very well and it all looks very good.