سایتش معتبر نیست ، امتیازش هم هیچ جا ثبت نمیشه . بعد killzone چه ربطی به GeOW میتونه داشته باشه ؟!
How to kill a brand ?! اصلا فکر نکنید که من فن 360 هستما، نه... من فقط بسیار عقده geow دارم و همه چیز رو Geow میبینم... از Killzone هم اصلا متنفر نیستم
بلاخره Killzone 2 خیلی سروصدا کرده و همه امتیازاتش که از هر سایتی میگیره چک میشه .من نمیدونم این سایتها تا قبل از ماجرای Killzone 2 کجا بودن ؟ چرا بازیهای دیگرو Review نمیکردن؟ حالا که Killzone 2 داره عرضه میشه همه عالم از جمله مجلههای p*rn و سایتهای تخصصی آفتابه سازی، کارشناس گیم شدن و به نقد Killzone 2 مشغول شدن.
Smart soldiers
The enemy, the seemingly vicious weekend hurry, moving much.
They take the protection and look forward from different places.
Shooting in the dark for you, throwing grenades and sometimes hard bull rush.
It is very seldom I see stupid decisions.
When you shoot or blow up the broken parts of their protection against the rush a new one.
Furthermore, their everyday security quite real.
Man dies quickly in Killzone 2 if you do not keep away from or behind the protection and a single Helgestad Hast can kill you if you're not careful, Usually you come in five to ten at a time.
Ridiculously critized two years ago, AI is one of the best and most convincing in the genre. Starting with the ordinary foot soldiers with which you will be fighting at the beginning, althrough the armored specials, to the fearsome officers of Helghan which will atack you in squads, and will not shy from atacking you with knives. Enemy soldiers cooperate, hide, blind fire, run at you when you are reloading. It is exactly that type of AI that is the second most valuable trait of the game, only second to the planet Helghan because the entire time you spend there you will feel vulnerable and afraid-and we remember that from the first game. Another evidence of the persuasiveness of the AI is the skirmish mode, which in essence is the "multiplayer without the multiplayer", in which it is possible to play the basic war zone mode of multiplayer with bots. Whether the friendly or the enemy AI, it is equally impressive and one begins to think that Guerilla put skirmish to show of its effort and reach in programing the part which is usually the weakest in most FPS and not only FPS
حرف واقعا درست و حسابی زدی واقعا شورش رو در اوردن گرچه به نظرم بهتره به مراجع معتبر نگاه بندازیدمن نمیدونم این سایتها تا قبل از ماجرای Killzone 2 کجا بودن ؟ چرا بازیهای دیگرو Review نمیکردن؟ حالا که Killzone 2 داره عرضه میشه همه عالم از جمله مجلههای p*rn و سایتهای تخصصی آفتابه سازی، کارشناس گیم شدن و به نقد Killzone 2 مشغول شدن.
کلآ تا اینجا هر امتیازی دادن عین خیالم نیس!!
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