آخرین اخبار هک PS4 | آخرین ورژن Firmware هک 9.00 | (پست اول مطالعه شود)


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آپدیت11 کنسول PS4 هک شد

دانگل تو تهران 1.300.000تا1.5 میلیون قیمتش هست

دانگل دو نوع اومده
1.یک نوع یه سر یو‌ اس بی یه سر لن هستش
2..یک نوع دیگر داخل کنسول داخل برد لحیم کاری میشه



آخرین ویرایش:
داداش ترجمه شدن که نمیبینی
سه پست بالای که خلیل جان ترجمه کرده

من فقط گفتم که خبرها درسته
سایتهای دیگه هم تایید کردن
چیز خاصی نزاشتم که ترجمه کنم

یه سری از USER تو فروم ها اعتقاد دارن که این هکی که صورت گرفته...FAKE هستش.
البته یه مقدارش هم مشکل از رفتار مریض گونه Xmax Katsu هستش که از چهار رو پیش بعد...از آخرین تویت ـش کوتاهش، تا الان هیچ چیزی نگفته.
حتی یه نمایش درست حسابی هم نداده.
PS4 Dongle 2017 Rumor: Team SGK China USB for Game Backups

They say history repeats itself and every year starts with a PS4 dongle jailbreak rumor, as in 2015, in 2016, another in 2016 and now to kick off 2017 the latest PlayStation 4 dongle rumor being that despite their Twitter being dead, the Facebook page of Team SGK is abuzz since news of PS4 4.07 Unlimited PSN Gamesharing by Xmax Katsu broke.

Now they're attempting to peddle everything from 1.76 / 3.55 PS4's to Raspberry Pi's, Teensys & PS3 Console IDs with the coup de grace being an alleged PlayStation 4 dongle USB device purportedly from China for playing PS4 game backups

But wait.. there's more! They want you to Go to HeLL (specifically the HeLL Forum pictured below, and you'll need the Tor Browser to access this .onion link available only on Darknet / Deep Web) and then deposit 0.1 BiTCoin (@ash721 said $70 $91-92) to join the forum which they claim will be refunded after your first post or contribution

As ironic as it would be if their dubious 'thing' used the same PS4 exploits that Chaitin Tech and Fail0verflow used but won't share, prompting either team to release theirs so that nobody in the scene would give good money towards their work to third-parties (Team SGK and the Chinese) it begs the

Why would ANYONE pay for ANYTHING such as this in 2017?!

Assuming it is legit (highly unlikely, moreso just a quick cash grab attempt) as soon as it's out in the general public the information, files, etc will be passed around faster than an iPhone 9 jailbreak for FREE just like everything else digital these days and scene developers will reverse-engineer and hack it to pieces.​

Anyhoo, feel free to use this topic for the related discussion (meme's welcomed!) and if anyone out there does find out more on this supposed Chinese PS4 dongle being marketed by Team SGK by all means do


آخرین ویرایش:
PS4 Dongle 2017 Rumor: Team SGK China USB for Game Backups

They say history repeats itself and every year starts with a PS4 dongle jailbreak rumor, as in 2015, in 2016, another in 2016 and now to kick off 2017 the latest PlayStation 4 dongle rumor being that despite their Twitter being dead, the Facebook page of Team SGK is abuzz since news of PS4 4.07 Unlimited PSN Gamesharing by Xmax Katsu broke.

Now they're attempting to peddle everything from 1.76 / 3.55 PS4's to Raspberry Pi's, Teensys & PS3 Console IDs with the coup de grace being an alleged PlayStation 4 dongle USB device purportedly from China for playing PS4 game backups

But wait.. there's more! They want you to Go to HeLL (specifically the HeLL Forum pictured below, and you'll need the Tor Browser to access this .onion link available only on Darknet / Deep Web) and then deposit 0.1 BiTCoin (@ash721 said $70 $91-92) to join the forum which they claim will be refunded after your first post or contribution

As ironic as it would be if their dubious 'thing' used the same PS4 exploits that Chaitin Tech and Fail0verflow used but won't share, prompting either team to release theirs so that nobody in the scene would give good money towards their work to third-parties (Team SGK and the Chinese) it begs the

Why would ANYONE pay for ANYTHING such as this in 2017?!

Assuming it is legit (highly unlikely, moreso just a quick cash grab attempt) as soon as it's out in the general public the information, files, etc will be passed around faster than an iPhone 9 jailbreak for FREE just like everything else digital these days and scene developers will reverse-engineer and hack it to pieces.​

Anyhoo, feel free to use this topic for the related discussion (meme's welcomed!) and if anyone out there does find out more on this supposed Chinese PS4 dongle being marketed by Team SGK by all means do


خبر فیک هستش اعلام کردن!
SceSblAuthMgrAuthHeader: PS4 Executable File Decryption on Console

We've seen PS4 UserModules Decryption, PS4 EBOOT / SPRX Decryption, PS4 Game PKG Decryption and PS4 PUP Update Decryption leading up to PlayStation 4 developer @zecoxao's latest Twitter hint on sceSblAuthMgrAuthHeader.
image: https://www.psxhax.com/styles/default/xenforo/clear.png


Before you ask (like I was about to
image: https://www.psxhax.com/styles/default/xenforo/clear.png

:p), @LightningMods has us covered in the PSXHAX Shoutbox reminding us that previously developer CTurt blogged about it briefly in his Hacking the PS4: Part 2 Userland code execution analysis.

To quote: Executable files with kernel access

The following two kernel functions seem to deal with the majority of integrity checks of executable files: sceSblAuthMgrAuthHeader and sceSblAuthMgrIsLoadable.

With kernel code execution, executable files can be directly decrypted on the console, however there isn't much benefit to this over just loading the module and dumping it from userland.

And now we know, and knowing is half the battle... here's to hoping more great PS4 stuff is in the pipeline!
image: https://www.psxhax.com/styles/default/xenforo/clear.png


From Pastebin:
ERROR: W:\Build\J00739801\sys\internal\modules\sbl\authmgr\authmgr_secure_module.c:verifyHeader(626) mail retval err -37
[KERNEL] ERROR: segment #3 of "/mnt/usb0/hello_world.elf" is not page aligned.
ERROR: found illegal segment header in /mnt/usb0/hello_world.elf.

Thanks to @Centrino and @spyro2670 for passing this along in the PSXHAX Shoutbox!
image: https://www.psxhax.com/styles/default/xenforo/clear.png

image: https://www.psxhax.com/attachments/...ecutable-file-decryption-on-console-jpg.2027/


Read more at SceSblAuthMgrAuthHeader: PS4 Executable File Decryption on Console
SceSblAuthMgrAuthHeader: PS4 Executable File Decryption on Console

We've seen PS4 UserModules Decryption, PS4 EBOOT / SPRX Decryption, PS4 Game PKG Decryption and PS4 PUP Update Decryption leading up to PlayStation 4 developer @zecoxao's latest Twitter hint on sceSblAuthMgrAuthHeader.
image: https://www.psxhax.com/styles/default/xenforo/clear.png


Before you ask (like I was about to
image: https://www.psxhax.com/styles/default/xenforo/clear.png

:p), @LightningMods has us covered in the PSXHAX Shoutbox reminding us that previously developer CTurt blogged about it briefly in his Hacking the PS4: Part 2 Userland code execution analysis.

To quote: Executable files with kernel access

The following two kernel functions seem to deal with the majority of integrity checks of executable files: sceSblAuthMgrAuthHeader and sceSblAuthMgrIsLoadable.

With kernel code execution, executable files can be directly decrypted on the console, however there isn't much benefit to this over just loading the module and dumping it from userland.

And now we know, and knowing is half the battle... here's to hoping more great PS4 stuff is in the pipeline!
image: https://www.psxhax.com/styles/default/xenforo/clear.png


From Pastebin:
ERROR: W:\Build\J00739801\sys\internal\modules\sbl\authmgr\authmgr_secure_module.c:verifyHeader(626) mail retval err -37
[KERNEL] ERROR: segment #3 of "/mnt/usb0/hello_world.elf" is not page aligned.
ERROR: found illegal segment header in /mnt/usb0/hello_world.elf.

Thanks to @Centrino and @spyro2670 for passing this along in the PSXHAX Shoutbox!
image: https://www.psxhax.com/styles/default/xenforo/clear.png

image: https://www.psxhax.com/attachments/...ecutable-file-decryption-on-console-jpg.2027/


Read more at SceSblAuthMgrAuthHeader: PS4 Executable File Decryption on Console
خیلی جابه. :D تونستن فایل فریمورو هم رمزگشایی کنن.

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