استودیو در حال ساخت یک بازی دیگست ،از اون طرف هم مایکروسافت روابطش رو باهاش سر حواشی که ایجاد کرد، قطع کرددوستان به نظرتون هیچ احتمالی وجود نداره از Ori جدید خبری بشه ؟ این لعنتی خیلی خوب بود هر دو نسخه ش
+ خییییییلی علاقه دارم یه بازی خفن توی سبک MOBA رو بتونم رو کنسول تجربه کنم با اینکه موس و کیبورد برای این سبک خیلی بهتره. امیدوارم امسال از این سبک بازیا داشته باشیم
Game Name | Percentage |
Perfect Dark | 100% |
Starfield | 100% |
Avowed | 90% |
The Outer Worlds 2 | 80% |
Indiana Jones | 70% |
Battlefield | 60% |
Wolfenstein 3 | 50% |
Fable | 40% |
Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 | 40% |
State of Decay 3 | 40% |
Everwild | 30% |
Project Dragonfall | 30% |
Contraband | 30% |
Playground Games' new IP | 30% |
Undead Labs' new IP | 30% |
The Coalition's new IP | 30% |
Compulsion Games' new IP | 30% |
Ninja Theory's new IP | 30% |
InXile Entertainment's new IP | 30% |
Obsidian Entertainment's new IP | 30% |
Double Fine Productions' new IP | 30% |
Undead Labs' new project | 20% |
The Initiative's new IP | 20% |
Splash Damage's new IP | 20% |
Certain Affinity's new IP | 20% |
Roundhouse Studios' new IP | 20% |
World's Edge's new IP | 20% |
Undead Labs' second new project | 10% |
The Initiative's second new IP | 10% |
Game Name | Percentage |
Perfect Dark | 100% |
Starfield | 100% |
Avowed | 90% |
The Outer Worlds 2 | 80% |
Indiana Jones | 70% |
Battlefield | 60% |
Wolfenstein 3 | 50% |
Fable | 40% |
Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 | 40% |
State of Decay 3 | 40% |
Everwild | 30% |
Project Dragonfall | 30% |
Project Indus | 30% |
Contraband | 30% |
Minecraft Legends | 20% |
Redfall | 20% |
Perfect Dark: Reloaded | 20% |
Perfect Dark: Zero | 20% |
Project Cobalt | 10% |
Project Typhoon | 10% |
Project Wight | 10% |
Everwild 2 | 10% |
Fable: The Journey 2 | 10% |
State of Decay 4 | 10% |
Project Indus 2 | 10% |
Contraband 2 | 10% |
Minecraft Legends 2 | 10% |
Redfall 2 | 10% |
Game Name | Percentage |
Perfect Dark | 100% |
Starfield | 100% |
Avowed | 90% |
The Outer Worlds 2 | 80% |
Indiana Jones | 70% |
Battlefield | 60% |
Wolfenstein 3 | 50% |
Fable | 40% |
Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 | 40% |
State of Decay 3 | 40% |
Everwild | 30% |
Project Dragonfall | 30% |
Contraband | 30% |
The Initiative's unannounced game | 30% |
Undead Labs' unannounced game | 30% |
Playground Games' unannounced game | 30% |
The Coalition's unannounced game | 30% |
Ninja Theory's unannounced game | 30% |
Compulsion Games' unannounced game | 30% |
Obsidian's unannounced game | 30% |
InXile's unannounced game | 30% |
Double Fine's unannounced game | 30% |
2K's unannounced game | 20% |
Bandai Namco's unannounced game | 20% |
Ubisoft's unannounced game | 20% |
EA's unannounced game | 20% |
Take-Two Interactive's unannounced game | 20% |
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment's unannounced game | 20% |
Game Name | Percentage |
Perfect Dark | 100% |
Starfield | 100% |
Avowed | 90% |
The Outer Worlds 2 | 80% |
Indiana Jones | 70% |
Battlefield | 60% |
Wolfenstein 3 | 50% |
Fable | 40% |
Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 | 40% |
State of Decay 3 | 40% |
Everwild | 30% |
Project Dragonfall | 30% |
Contraband | 30% |
Playground Games' new IP | 30% |
Undead Labs' new IP | 30% |
The Coalition's new IP | 30% |
Compulsion Games' new IP | 30% |
Ninja Theory's new IP | 30% |
InXile Entertainment's new IP | 30% |
Obsidian Entertainment's new IP | 30% |
Double Fine Productions' new IP | 30% |
Undead Labs' new project | 20% |
The Initiative's new IP | 20% |
Splash Damage's new IP | 20% |
Certain Affinity's new IP | 20% |
Roundhouse Studios' new IP | 20% |
World's Edge's new IP | 20% |
Undead Labs' second new project | 10% |
The Initiative's second new IP | 10% |
هوش مصنوعیت با Forza مشکل شخصی یا خانوادگی داره فکر کنمبعد از سر و کله زدن ها با خوش مصنوعی گوگل و دریافت پاسخ های ناقص با اینکه به اینترنت هم وصله . بالاخره یه لیست ازش گرفتم که دیگه گفتم همینو بذارم انتظارات عوض مصنوعی گوگل از شوکیس امشب.
البته یه لیست خیلی تر و تمیز و عقلانی تولید کرد که اشتباهی خواستم کپی کنمش زدم پاکش کردم و هر کار کردم دیگه اون لیست رو تولید نکرد
Here is a list of games that may be shown at the 2023 Xbox Games Showcase, along with their estimates chances of appearing:
Sure, here is a table of 30 games that may be shown at the 2023 Xbox Games Showcase, along with their estimated chances of appearing:
- Perfect Dark (100%): This game has been in development for several years and is finally nearing completion. A recent trailer confirmed that it will be released in 2023, so it is a safe bet that it will be featured at the showcase.
- Starfield (100%): This game is one of the most anticipated titles of 2023 and is expected to be a major showcase for Xbox. It is likely that we will see more gameplay and a release date during the event.
- Avowed (90%): This game is Obsidian's take on the first-person RPG genre and is set in the world of Pillars of Eternity. It has been in development for a few years now and is rumored to be nearing completion. A reveal at the showcase seems likely.
- The Outer Worlds 2 (80%): This game was announced at The Game Awards 2021 and is currently in development at Obsidian. It is a sequel to the popular 2019 game and is expected to
This is just a prediction, of course, and the actual lineup of games could be different. However, this list includes the games that are most likely to be shown at the showcase.
Game Name Percentage Perfect Dark 100% Starfield 100% Avowed 90% The Outer Worlds 2 80% Indiana Jones 70% Battlefield 60% Wolfenstein 3 50% Fable 40% Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 40% State of Decay 3 40% Everwild 30% Project Dragonfall 30% Contraband 30% Playground Games' new IP 30% Undead Labs' new IP 30% The Coalition's new IP 30% Compulsion Games' new IP 30% Ninja Theory's new IP 30% InXile Entertainment's new IP 30% Obsidian Entertainment's new IP 30% Double Fine Productions' new IP 30% Undead Labs' new project 20% The Initiative's new IP 20% Splash Damage's new IP 20% Certain Affinity's new IP 20% Roundhouse Studios' new IP 20% World's Edge's new IP 20% Undead Labs' second new project 10% The Initiative's second new IP 10%
Draft 2
Sure, here is a table of 30 games that may be shown at the 2023 Xbox Games Showcase, along with their estimated chances of appearing:
This is just a prediction, of course, and the actual lineup of games could be different. However, this list includes the games that are most likely to be shown at the showcase.
Game Name Percentage Perfect Dark 100% Starfield 100% Avowed 90% The Outer Worlds 2 80% Indiana Jones 70% Battlefield 60% Wolfenstein 3 50% Fable 40% Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 40% State of Decay 3 40% Everwild 30% Project Dragonfall 30% Project Indus 30% Contraband 30% Minecraft Legends 20% Redfall 20% Perfect Dark: Reloaded 20% Perfect Dark: Zero 20% Project Cobalt 10% Project Typhoon 10% Project Wight 10% Everwild 2 10% Fable: The Journey 2 10% State of Decay 4 10% Project Indus 2 10% Contraband 2 10% Minecraft Legends 2 10% Redfall 2 10%
Draft 3
Sure, here is a table of 30 games that may be shown at the 2023 Xbox Games Showcase, along with their estimated chances of appearing:
This is just a prediction, of course, and the actual lineup of games could be different. However, this list includes the games that are most likely to be shown at the showcase.
Game Name Percentage Perfect Dark 100% Starfield 100% Avowed 90% The Outer Worlds 2 80% Indiana Jones 70% Battlefield 60% Wolfenstein 3 50% Fable 40% Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 40% State of Decay 3 40% Everwild 30% Project Dragonfall 30% Contraband 30% The Initiative's unannounced game 30% Undead Labs' unannounced game 30% Playground Games' unannounced game 30% The Coalition's unannounced game 30% Ninja Theory's unannounced game 30% Compulsion Games' unannounced game 30% Obsidian's unannounced game 30% InXile's unannounced game 30% Double Fine's unannounced game 30% 2K's unannounced game 20% Bandai Namco's unannounced game 20% Ubisoft's unannounced game 20% EA's unannounced game 20% Take-Two Interactive's unannounced game 20% Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment's unannounced game 20%
refreshRegenerate drafts
Sure, here is a table of 30 games that may be shown at the 2023 Xbox Games Showcase, along with their estimated chances of appearing:
Game Name Percentage Perfect Dark 100% Starfield 100% Avowed 90% The Outer Worlds 2 80% Indiana Jones 70% Battlefield 60% Wolfenstein 3 50% Fable 40% Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 40% State of Decay 3 40% Everwild 30% Project Dragonfall 30% Contraband 30% Playground Games' new IP 30% Undead Labs' new IP 30% The Coalition's new IP 30% Compulsion Games' new IP 30% Ninja Theory's new IP 30% InXile Entertainment's new IP 30% Obsidian Entertainment's new IP 30% Double Fine Productions' new IP 30% Undead Labs' new project 20% The Initiative's new IP 20% Splash Damage's new IP 20% Certain Affinity's new IP 20% Roundhouse Studios' new IP 20% World's Edge's new IP 20% Undead Labs' second new project 10% The Initiative's second new IP 10%
خی دوستان سر کپی پیست کردن هم من با موبایل هستم داره اذیت میکنه و پدرم رو درآورد واقعا گذاشتن تو اسپویلر همش چند تا جدول پیست میشه و بهترینشون که فکر کنم اولین باشه (اگه ترتیب به هم نخوره) هست.
حالا من خواستم خلاقیت یه خرج بدم از هوش مصنوعی بپرسم ولی شما نکنید پدرم دراومد.
از هوش مصنوعی بینگ هم خواستم بپرسم ولی دیگه پشیمون شدم نمیکشم.
تا امشب ببینیم چی میشه
View attachment doc_2019-11-12_19-45-15.mp4یعنی پیامای تورو میخونم ادرنالینم هزار برابر میشه
به خدا قسم اگر شوکیس امشب خوب نباشه خودت میدونی![]()
مشکل همین که تو پاییین شرح دادم. اون جدول اول که با توضیحات کاملی هم همراه بود قشنگ بر مبنای اون چیزی که بهش گفته بودم (اینکه بره بر اساس شایعات، گزارشات، اخبار) بگرده و نتیجه نشون بده واقعا چیز خوب و منطقی تحویل داده بود ولی اشتباهی زدم پاکش کردم و خوب هوش مصنوعی گوگل هم برعکس چت جی پ تی و بینگ تارریخچه رو ذخیره نمیکنه تا دوباره برش داری. بعد اون چند تا پرامپت دادم تا دوباره مثل اون بار جدول بسازه ولی نساخت و همینا هم من یکی از منطقی هاشو کپی کردم که هر سه تا درفت رو باز چپوند توش با موبایل هم ادیت و پاک کردن سخت بود وسطاش همه رو چپوندم تو اسپویلرهوش مصنوعیت با Forza مشکل شخصی یا خانوادگی داره فکر کنم![]()
اینقدر رو avowed مانور ندیم بهتره.اصلا صحبتش نبود چیشد یک دفعه الان همه میگن هست تو مراسم؟HB2 , Fable , Avowed هر سه تاشون باید تاریخ 100% بخورن دیگه.
بشخصه ایندی هارو دوست دارم و هل بلید به چپم نیستتریلر هلبلید چنان میخکوب کننده ظاهر بشه که هیچکس ایندی ها به چپش هم نباشه