That's a resume of the review without spoilers
Nathan Drake returns with his most dramatic and intense adventure.
It is one of the best Ps3 games
Uncharted 3 is an adventure that makes us feel the agony of being lost in the desert, chasing a convoy on horseback, fleeing an army of spiders and other times of the Hollywood style.
It is a visual display that will take much to be overcome tiemop and no other console can.
The game is a visual spectacle: it’s a game that enters your eyes, you have not seen anything like this on the PS3 or other consoles
The recreation of water in the game is second to none
From an artistic point of view, Uncharted 3 is a marvel; you’ve never seen such terrific scenes
One of the reasons things are so spectacular is becuase of the contextual animations
The reviewer says that the single-player mode will take about 10 hours
Development very similar to the previous Uncharted: shootings (where faltal Typical options, such as covering fire to the
environment or blind), zones of platforms and reach depths beyond switches and levers, puzzles of all kinds (more complicated than in previous games, etc.).
Uncharted 3 will tell us the "genesis of Drake" and Sullivan
There will be persecution on foot in Yemen, riding in the desert ...
Uncharted 3 is a total adventure, a great game that will not find on any other console
Negative Details: no bosses (just different types of soldier, being the toughest armor) and the feeling of "deja vu".
The cooperative campaign mode includes 5 levels (one of Borneo Uncharted 2)
There will be 101 treasures
U3 is the best of us live the adventure of PS3 more tense, beautiful, exciting and fun. It will leave our screens in a visual spectacle hard to beat. Very hard to beat.