Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist | Xbox 360 [پست اول تاپیک خوانده شود]

بهترین مرحله Blacklist از نظر شما کدام مرحله است؟

  • Blacklist Zero - Andersen Airforce Base, Guam

    رای‌ها: 1 1.4%
  • Safehouse - Benghazi, Libya

    رای‌ها: 1 1.4%
  • Insurgent Stronghold - Mirawa, Iraq

    رای‌ها: 6 8.3%
  • American Consumption - Chicago, Illinois

    رای‌ها: 9 12.5%
  • Private Estate - Cuidad Del Este, Paraguay

    رای‌ها: 5 6.9%
  • Abandoned Mill - London, England

    رای‌ها: 8 11.1%
  • Special Missions HQ - Tehran, Iran

    رای‌ها: 20 27.8%
  • Transit Yards - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    رای‌ها: 1 1.4%
  • Detention Facility - Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

    رای‌ها: 4 5.6%
  • Airstrip - Yucatan Province, Mexico

    رای‌ها: 2 2.8%
  • American Fuel - Gulf Of Mexico

    رای‌ها: 3 4.2%
  • LNG Terminal - Sabine Pass, Loisiana

    رای‌ها: 0 0.0%
  • Site F - Denver, Colorado

    رای‌ها: 12 16.7%

  • مجموع رای دهنده‌ها
دقت کردین همیشه وقتی‌ می‌خواد یه بازی درست حسابی‌ بیاد یه سری از بچهای سایت میریزن سر بازی باهم بحث می‌کنن؟بابا صب کنید بیاد بعد با هم کل‌ كل کنید.ندیده و بازی نکرده دارید کل کل می‌کنید.به جایی‌ نمی‌رسید خوب
Video Review سایت IGN رو حتما ببینین:x
می‌گه دیگه بازی مثل CoViction اکشن خالص نیست و شبیه به نسخه 2005 یعنی Chaos Theory شده!
تنها مشکل اصلی بازی رو گرافیک می‌دونه و از مشکلات ریز هم به صدای گذاری سم گیر می‌ده و در توصیفش فقط می‌گه "بد نیست"
از داستان هم تعریف می‌کنه و همون اولش می‌گه با یه داستان قوی طرفیم.
لیک شد تو 2 تا dvd
گویا دیسک یک پارت اول کمپین +مولتی دیسک دو پارت دو کمپین+ hd pack
پس به هر دو نیازه
dvd 1
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\\//\\//\\//\\// _ |_ _ \ \/ /_ _ _ \\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\
//\\//\\//\\//\\ (_||_)(_|/ /\ \_||_ | | //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//

Checking for updates to abgx360.dat...
Server file abgx360.dat no newer than local file - not retrieving

Z:\Splinter.Cell.Blacklist.XBOX360.RF-GPX.dvd is valid

Checking Game
ISO: "Z:\Splinter.Cell.Blacklist.XBOX360.RF-GPX.iso"
Size: 8738846720 bytes
Game partition offset: 0x2080000
Root sector: 228803 (0x1DF61800), 2048 bytes
default.xex sector: 3416188 (0x1A30BE000), 32919552 bytes
Files in ISO: 1392, Folders in ISO: 409
Total bytes used: 7292604207 (84.19%)
Game appears to have random padding

Checking default.xex
Module Flags: Title Module
Image Flags: Original Media Only
64 KB Pages
System Flags: Uses Game Voice Channel
Accesses Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
Multidisc Swap
Supports Insecure Multidisc Media
Disc Profile ID: 0C3DF524599094E6CB87ECC8-F87A804E
Title ID: 555308B6 (US-2230)
Ver / Base Ver: v0.0.0.5 / v0.0.0.5
Disc Number: 1 of 2
Original PE Filename: default.exe
Original PE Timestamp: 2013/07/14 21:03:51
Min Kernel Required: v2.0.16202.0
Allowed Media Types: Xbox 360 Original Disc
Game Ratings: ESRB: M (Mature 17+)
PEGI: 18+
PEGI-FI: 18+
PEGI-PT: 18+
BBFC: 18+
Compression Info: Uncompressed and Encrypted
Title Type: Full Game Title
Dashboard Languages: English (default)
Traditional Chinese
Game Name: SplinterCell Blacklist
No Avatar Awards
Achievements: 47 Achievements totaling 1000 Gamerscore
XEX Media ID: 769AFA164C303B023A1B201B-054F5A57

Region Code: 0xFFFFFFFF
Region Free!

Checking topology data
Topology data is blank!
Topology data SHA-1 = 809AD7DADBFC46988DD8138A81FCBA4F652E3B20
Querying the online database to find the appropriate verified data to use...
Topology information was downloaded successfully

Looking for TOP_XGD3-DID-F87A804E_v1.sha1 in the online verified database
Server file TOP_XGD3-DID-F87A804E_v1.sha1 no newer than local file - not retrieving
Your topology data doesn't match the file in the database!
Attempting to fix the topology data
Looking for TOP_XGD3-DID-F87A804E_v1.bin in the online verified database
Server file TOP_XGD3-DID-F87A804E_v1.bin no newer than local file - not retrieving
Topology data SHA-1 = 574E341AEB614D602E4C0DE70681EDA4D75D0C98

Writing fixed topology data to this ISO
Topology data was successfully fixed!

Checking SS
034100h ------- PSN ------> 238E0Fh DC71F0h ------- PSN ------> FCAEFFh
| L0 Data Area = 2116880 sectors | L1 Data Area = 2112784 sectors |
0x0002080000 --------> 0x0104707FFF 0x0104708000 --------> 0x020658FFFF
<----------------- 4229664 sectors (8662351872 bytes) ---------------->

Timestamp of Authoring: 2013/07/19 00:00:00
Timestamp of Mastering: 2013/07/27 02:46:08
SS Version: 2 (trusted)
CT RT CID Tol Mod Typ Data CD Response Angle Deviation
-- -- -- -- -- -- ------------- -------- ---------- ----- ------------
15 76 00 00 A260CA0B 9734BEFC
01 76 00 033100 0340FF A260CA0B 9734BEFC00
14 4E 00 00 0D17B2DD A9FD4D49
03 4E 00 244530 24552F 0D17B2DD A9FD4D4900
15 33 00 00 710E3E42 D5293583
01 33 00 DBBAD0 DBCACF 710E3E42 D529358300
14 F5 00 00 EF711651 6AEAA0FB
03 F5 00 FCAF00 FCBEFF EF711651 6AEAA0FB00
25 0A 0F 00 0A8AF85F 0A8A0001 1
05 0A 00 033100 033E7F 0A8AF85F 0200000200
v1 deviation from CCRT 2 +1 (00.6%)
v2 deviation from CCRT 2 +1 (00.6%)
v1 deviation from v2 0 (00.0%)
24 5D 0F 00 711BBDE2 711B005B 91
07 5D 00 244530 2452AF 711BBDE2 5B00005B00
v1 deviation from CCRT 91 0 (00.0%)
v2 deviation from CCRT 91 0 (00.0%)
v1 deviation from v2 0 (00.0%)
25 0E 0F 00 D4DFDF3D D4DF00B5 181
05 0E 00 DBBAD0 DBC84F D4DFDF3D B50000B500
v1 deviation from CCRT 181 0 (00.0%)
v2 deviation from CCRT 181 0 (00.0%)
v1 deviation from v2 0 (00.0%)
24 51 0F 00 4589E3E0 4589010F 271
07 51 00 FCAF00 FCBC7F 4589E3E0 0D01000D01
v1 deviation from CCRT 269 -2 (01.1%)
v2 deviation from CCRT 269 -2 (01.1%)
v1 deviation from v2 0 (00.0%)
01 5E 00 00 F8D638CD F91B909F
00 5E 00 60F91B 63909F 00000000 0000000000
E0 BE 00 00 3B158753 F20DB0E4
E0 BE 00 1CF20D 94B0E4 00000000 0000000000
SS CRC = C9760718 (RawSS = B0EDB4D3)
SS Media ID: 769AFA164C303B023A1B201B-054F5A57 (matches game)
SS looks valid

Checking DMI
Timestamp of Authoring: 2013/07/19 00:00:00 (matches SS)
Catalog Number: US-2230-04-W0-5F1
DMI CRC = 3C8D86E0
DMI Media ID: 769AFA164C303B023A1B201B-054F5A57 (matches game)
DMI looks valid

Checking PFI
030000h ------- PSN ------> 0330FFh FCCF00h ------- PSN ------> FCFFE6h
| L0 Data Area = 0012544 sectors | L1 Data Area = 0012519 sectors |
0x0000000000 --------> 0x000187FFFF 0x0207590000 --------> 0x0208E037FF
<----------------- 0025063 sectors (0051329024 bytes) ---------------->

PFI CRC = 26AF4C58
PFI matches known data (XGD3)

Video partition found
Volume ID: "CD_ROM"
Volume space size: 25062 sectors (51326976 bytes)
Volume creation date & time: 2013/07/18 17:00:00 (GMT-07:00)
Video CRC = A366B7DE (V0 = 3DBAF20A, V1 = D1722B69)

Basic Stealth check passed!

Starting Verification
Looking for C9760718DF2C16AD.ini in the online verified database
There is no verified rip of this Xex/SS combination in the online database
Failed to find a verified ini file for this Xex/SS combination
Verification failed

Starting AutoFix
Looking for Xex_DF2C16AD.ini in the online verified database
There is no verified rip of Xex CRC DF2C16AD in the online database
Failed to find a verified ini file for this Xex
AutoFix Failed, Stealth is still unverified

Checking for AnyDVD style game data corruption while running CRC check...
AnyDVD style corruption was not detected Game CRC = 1D2B1A2F
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\\//\\//\\//\\// _ |_ _ \ \/ /_ _ _ \\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\
//\\//\\//\\//\\ (_||_)(_|/ /\ \_||_ | | //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//

Checking for updates to abgx360.dat...
Server file abgx360.dat no newer than local file - not retrieving

Z:\Splinter.Cell.Blacklist.XBOX360.RF.DISC2-GPX.dvd is valid

Checking Game
ISO: "Z:\Splinter.Cell.Blacklist.XBOX360.RF.DISC2-GPX.iso"
Size: 8738846720 bytes
Game partition offset: 0x2080000
Root sector: 77868 (0xB896000), 2048 bytes
default.xex sector: 3597784 (0x1B936C000), 32919552 bytes
Files in ISO: 1033, Folders in ISO: 374
Total bytes used: 7422000703 (85.68%)
Game appears to have random padding

Checking default.xex
Module Flags: Title Module
Image Flags: Original Media Only
64 KB Pages
System Flags: Uses Game Voice Channel
Accesses Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
Multidisc Swap
Supports Insecure Multidisc Media
Disc Profile ID: 0C3DF524599094E6CB87ECC8-F87A804E
Title ID: 555308B6 (US-2230)
Ver / Base Ver: v0.0.0.5 / v0.0.0.5
Disc Number: 2 of 2
Original PE Filename: default.exe
Original PE Timestamp: 2013/07/14 21:03:51
Min Kernel Required: v2.0.16202.0
Allowed Media Types: Xbox 360 Original Disc
Game Ratings: ESRB: M (Mature 17+)
PEGI: 18+
PEGI-FI: 18+
PEGI-PT: 18+
BBFC: 18+
Compression Info: Uncompressed and Encrypted
Title Type: Full Game Title
Dashboard Languages: English (default)
Traditional Chinese
Game Name: SplinterCell Blacklist
No Avatar Awards
Achievements: 47 Achievements totaling 1000 Gamerscore
XEX CRC = 5E36F06E
XEX Media ID: 3E9908F0DC0F3F6539192B8A-5E86F600

Region Code: 0xFFFFFFFF
Region Free!

Checking topology data
Topology data is blank!
Topology data SHA-1 = 809AD7DADBFC46988DD8138A81FCBA4F652E3B20
Querying the online database to find the appropriate verified data to use...
Topology information was downloaded successfully

Looking for TOP_XGD3-DID-F87A804E_v1.sha1 in the online verified database
Server file TOP_XGD3-DID-F87A804E_v1.sha1 no newer than local file - not retrieving
Your topology data doesn't match the file in the database!
Attempting to fix the topology data
Looking for TOP_XGD3-DID-F87A804E_v1.bin in the online verified database
Server file TOP_XGD3-DID-F87A804E_v1.bin no newer than local file - not retrieving
Topology data SHA-1 = 574E341AEB614D602E4C0DE70681EDA4D75D0C98

Writing fixed topology data to this ISO
Topology data was successfully fixed!

Checking SS
034100h ------- PSN ------> 238E0Fh DC71F0h ------- PSN ------> FCAEFFh
| L0 Data Area = 2116880 sectors | L1 Data Area = 2112784 sectors |
0x0002080000 --------> 0x0104707FFF 0x0104708000 --------> 0x020658FFFF
<----------------- 4229664 sectors (8662351872 bytes) ---------------->

Timestamp of Authoring: 2013/07/19 00:00:00
Timestamp of Mastering: 2013/07/24 16:40:57
SS Version: 2 (trusted)
CT RT CID Tol Mod Typ Data CD Response Angle Deviation
-- -- -- -- -- -- ------------- -------- ---------- ----- ------------
15 E7 00 00 17D7B493 EA03A371
01 E7 00 033100 0340FF 17D7B493 EA03A37100
14 16 00 00 E969CB2D 71F3378F
03 16 00 244530 24552F E969CB2D 71F3378F00
15 46 00 00 B03711D0 7841CC1E
01 46 00 DBBAD0 DBCACF B03711D0 7841CC1E00
14 C6 00 00 D17BC3FA E03BF906
03 C6 00 FCAF00 FCBEFF D17BC3FA E03BF90600
25 45 0F 00 E1281D55 E1280001 1
05 45 00 033100 033E7F E1281D55 0200000200
v1 deviation from CCRT 2 +1 (00.6%)
v2 deviation from CCRT 2 +1 (00.6%)
v1 deviation from v2 0 (00.0%)
24 90 0F 00 09391FC7 0939005B 91
07 90 00 244530 2452AF 09391FC7 5B00005B00
v1 deviation from CCRT 91 0 (00.0%)
v2 deviation from CCRT 91 0 (00.0%)
v1 deviation from v2 0 (00.0%)
25 0A 0F 00 A64C961C A64C00B5 181
05 0A 00 DBBAD0 DBC84F A64C961C B50000B500
v1 deviation from CCRT 181 0 (00.0%)
v2 deviation from CCRT 181 0 (00.0%)
v1 deviation from v2 0 (00.0%)
24 DD 0F 00 DAAE3C07 DAAE010F 271
07 DD 00 FCAF00 FCBC7F DAAE3C07 0E01000E01
v1 deviation from CCRT 270 -1 (00.6%)
v2 deviation from CCRT 270 -1 (00.6%)
v1 deviation from v2 0 (00.0%)
01 58 00 00 4B9EB0AA 9728D500
00 58 00 259728 D7D500 00000000 0000000000
E0 2A 00 00 688E0E01 F993D2D1
E0 2A 00 C4F993 CCD2D1 00000000 0000000000
SS CRC = 0E4279BC (RawSS = 033808E7)
SS Media ID: 3E9908F0DC0F3F6539192B8A-5E86F600 (matches game)
SS looks valid

Checking DMI
Timestamp of Authoring: 2013/07/19 00:00:00 (matches SS)
Catalog Number: US-2230-04-W0-5F2
DMI CRC = 532F0753
DMI Media ID: 3E9908F0DC0F3F6539192B8A-5E86F600 (matches game)
DMI looks valid

Checking PFI
030000h ------- PSN ------> 0330FFh FCCF00h ------- PSN ------> FCFFE6h
| L0 Data Area = 0012544 sectors | L1 Data Area = 0012519 sectors |
0x0000000000 --------> 0x000187FFFF 0x0207590000 --------> 0x0208E037FF
<----------------- 0025063 sectors (0051329024 bytes) ---------------->

PFI CRC = 26AF4C58
PFI matches known data (XGD3)

Video partition found
Volume ID: "CD_ROM"
Volume space size: 25062 sectors (51326976 bytes)
Volume creation date & time: 2013/07/18 17:00:00 (GMT-07:00)
Video CRC = C0537C90 (V0 = 1C63EB5F, V1 = D1722B69)

Basic Stealth check passed!

Starting Verification
Looking for 0E4279BC5E36F06E.ini in the online verified database
There is no verified rip of this Xex/SS combination in the online database
Failed to find a verified ini file for this Xex/SS combination
Verification failed

Starting AutoFix
Looking for Xex_5E36F06E.ini in the online verified database
There is no verified rip of Xex CRC 5E36F06E in the online database
Failed to find a verified ini file for this Xex
AutoFix Failed, Stealth is still unverified

Checking for AnyDVD style game data corruption while running CRC check...
AnyDVD style corruption was not detected Game CRC = A69773BC

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