PlayStation The Last of Us Remastered

Naughty Dog
تاریخ انتشار
July 2014
Sony Interactive Entertainment
  1. PlayStation 4

در این تاپیک بحث:
در مورد ریجن ممنوع!
در مورد قیمت بازی ممنوع!
در مورد کدام فروشگاه بازی رو آورده و کدام فروشگاه معتبره ممنوع!

فکر می‌کنم دیگه همه با بازی فوق العاده The Last of Us که نسل قبل به صورت انحصاری برای PS3 منتشر شد آشنا باشیم.
حالا نسخه بهبود یافته این بازی قرار است برای PS4 نیز منتشر شود.
یه پیام تبلیغاتی امروز در PSN آمریکا ظاهر شد و به طور رسمی از بازی با قیمت 59.99 دلار رو نمایی کرد . همچنین تایید شد که از روز اول به صورت دیجیتالی نیز قابل دانلود خواهد بود و این یعنی نسخه فیزیکی هم وجود دارد .
بعد از گفته ی رئیس شعبه ترکیه در مورد نسخه PS4 از این بازی ، تایید این خبر دور از انتظار نبود .
منتظر تاییدیه ی رسمی از طرف سونی در ساعات آینده باشید ...


منبع 2
The Last of Us on PS4 will run in 1080p, "with a list of upgrades including higher resolution character models, improved shadows and lighting, upgraded textures, along with even more improvements." TLoU Remastered will also include a director's commentary for every in-game cinematic.

همین الان از ign :
The Last Of Us به صورت 1080 روی ps4 اجرا خواهد شد . یه سری upgrade ها شامله کارکترها به جزییات بیشتر - بهبود نورپردازی - texture های بهبود یافته با تعداده بیشتری بهبودها که احتمالا بعدا اعلام میکنن . هنوز تاریخ انتشار معلوم نیست . director commentary هم گذاشتن. شامله left behind و dlc های multi هم میشه. پیش خریدش هم یه سری Bonus برای بخشه مولتی و یه سری امکانات مثل crafting سریعترو ... برای بخشه تک نفره.
طبق گفته بلاگ رسمی سونی، بازی تابستان 2014 منتشر خواهد شد.

با تشکر از Blood Brothers
The Last of Us Remastered Debut Trailer
720p - FireDrive / UPL - 15 MB​
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آقا من اعصابم خرد شد دیگه
این تروفی جوک های الی رو نمیده
یعنی الی جک رو میگه تو آخرین قسمتش ولی تروفی رو نمیده؟!!
مطمئن هستم که هر پنچ تا جوک رو هم شنیدم ازش
برای همه ما این مشکلات بوده دوباره یه دور از اول جک ها رو مرور کن میگیری

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

ایراد اصلی بازی اینه که من به جای خیره شدن به مکانهای بازی همش باید توی سه کنج ها دنبال وسایل بگردم
دور اول بگرد و قشنگ لذت ببر از محیط ها دور بعدی کالکتیبل ها رو جمع کن
من که تا پلات کردن 3 بار بازی کردم

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
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من این بازی رو تموم کردم فقط به همه ps4 دار ها توصیه میکنم این بازی رو انجام بدن چون تمام قواعد بازی ها رو شکسته بیشتر از نمیتونم توضیح بدم!
ناتی داگ اعلام کرده بود آپدیت میاد برای بازی ؟
الان ویدئوش رو دیدم یک سری سلاح و امکانات اضافه شده که بازی رو حس و حالش رو عوض می کنه.
این تیرکمون جدیده خیلی مزخرفه /:)
خیلی هم عالیه!:d اسلحه های جدید حرف ندارند! مخصوصا اون Tactical Shotgun :))

دوستانی که امروز آپدیت کردن چه تغییراتی رخ داده؟


Factions Multiplayer

:New DLC Executions
Rifle - Semi-Auto, Burst Rifle, Full Auto, Variable Rifle, Scoped Semi Auto, Scoped Full Auto
Automatic Rifle - Assault Rifle, Specter
Sniper - Hunting Rifle, Military Sniper
Revolver - Revolver, El Diablo
Pistol - 9mm, Enforcer
Ground Shiv - unarmed, pistol
Stealth Shiv - from-behind and smoke-stunned shiv executions
Shotgun - Shotgun, Double Barrel, Tactical Shotgun

:New DLC Weapons
Tactical Shotgun
Burst Pistol
Short Rifle

:New DLC Survival Skills
Lone Wolf Second Chance
Jack of All Trades
Lucky Break
Lethal Efficiency

:New DLC Headgear
Viking Hat
Plague Mask
Smiley Mask
Outlaw Mask
Ski Goggles
Broken Gas Mask
Urban Camo Helmet
Ballistic Helmet

:New DLC Gestures
Dust Myself Off
Evil Laugh
Game Over
You're Done
Combat Formation
I'm Watching You

Balance Changes

Agility footsteps are now as almost completely silent, like they are on PS3
Arrows now fly in the correct direction for players observing the firing player
Impact sounds from arrows are now audible
Fixed a bug where a player could not send invites
Fixed a bug that was kicking players who late-joined a game of Survivors
Shooting a downed player who is using Fortitude 2 now deals the proper amount of damage for all user
Scavenger 1 now gives the proper amount of ammo to a Variable Rifle user
Fixed a crash that can occur when spectating your teammates
Fixed several locations where graphics would drop out on High School and Hometown
Fixed location where spawning on a teammate could result in getting stuck inside geometry on University and High School
Fix for Late-Joiners possibly receiving more parts than intended when late-joining a game
Fix for center supply box on University not spawning a 2x4 when opening in Survivors
Fixed an issue with players being dropped from the lobby while searching for a matchmaking game
Fixed a bug for a player be awarded extra stats for defensive downs in Interrogation
Fixed a bug for a player be awarded extra stats for downing an attacker in Interrogations

:Weapon Balance
Silenced 9mm now costs one loadout point - was two
Full Auto Rifle now has a silencer option for two additional loadout points
Full Auto Rifle upgrades now costs 300 / 600 parts - was 400 / 800
Machete now costs two loadout points instead of three
Machete now gets one additional durability when modded

:Part rewards
Winning 4-0 in Survivors (Absolute Victory) now gives an additional 1500 parts
Winning 4-1 in Survivors (Decisive Victory) now gives an additional 500 parts
Executing an enemy who is on a streak now gives an additional 200 parts. Players are considered to be on a streak when they have a total of six combined downs + executions without dying e.g. downing and executing 3 players
Players late-joining into a game with unbalanced teams will receive additional 200 late-join parts for every missing player on their team

:Interrogation Spawning
Added logic to Interrogation spawning so players who are being spawn-camped around their lockbox should spawn further away from it
Updated Interrogation spawn points to provide more spawning options for players defending their lockbox on the following maps: Checkpoint, Lakeside, Bill’s Town, University, High School, Downtown, The Dam, Bookstore, Hometown, Bus Depot, Suburbs

:TDM / Interrogation Spawning
Adjusted some TDM / Interrogation spawns on certain maps that were causing players to spawn too far from the action

Bill's Town
Removed spawns behind garage

Removed spawns in back alley behind Theater building

High School
Removed most remote spawns in locker rooms
Removed most remote spawns in back of gymnasium
Added spawns inside gym closer to front doors
Removed most remote spawns in library
Removed most remote spawns above auto shop

Removed most remote spawns in administration buildings near upper start spawn
Removed duplicate set of spawns in upstairs sniper perch room above fountain
Removed most remote spawns in back of science building
Removed spawns on second floor walkway in science building - behind windows

Water Tower
Water Tower item caches (uphill & downhill) have been move to safer locations

:Cover additions
Added selective cover to certain map locations which needed additional protection or sightline blocking for balance
Checkpoint: low cover added to the ambulance outside the theater
Lakeside: low cover added next to the shed by the boat facing the gazebo
Lakeside: low cover added at the back of the building facing the supply box behind the general store
University: low cover added in both hallways where supply boxes are located
High School: low cover added behind the school bus facing the supply box outside next to the flagpole
High School: folded tables next to hallway supply box had the gaps at the bottom covered up; same with the folded table near the library spawn
Bill’s Town: truck at the bottom of the street had the open door and gaps below the truck blocked

:Supply Box Adjustments
Adjusted supply box locations closest to each team spawn on Water Tower to provide more cover / defensibility

این خون ریزی که بعد از اصابت تیر croosbow اتفاق می افته دیگه زیاد روی بود. یک جورایی به نظرم بالانس رو بهم میزنه البته من هنوز نخریدمش ولی تاثیرش یکم زیاد از حد هست.
من تازه بازيو خريدم و راستش اصلا حس خوبي براي ترسناك بودنش بهش نداشتم. ولي الان تقريبا٣ ساعتي بازي كردم... بازي چقدر عاليه!! خيلي عاليه!
ترسناكيش هم تا الان اصلن حس نشد برام و فقط يك مقدار هيجان سالم موقع مخفيكاريش هست!

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

تبلیغات متنی

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن