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خودشون گفته بودن میشه از طریق usb و هارد اکسترنال وصل شد؟آیا باید ب اینترنت متصل بود؟
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امروز سونی 12هومین آپدیت 2.00 به روز رسانی دستگاه PS4 را برای دانلود کردن پخش کرد
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PS4 Recovery v X.XX
ریکاوری است حجم ۷۳۶ مگا بایت
برای فرمت کردن هارد دیسک و یا تعویض آن به کار میره

آموزش تعویض هارد دیسک و مسایل مربوط به آن

PS4 Firmware v X.XX Update
یا 208 مگا بایت آپ دیت معمولی است
و ما با این بیشتر با این کار داریم

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PS4 Recovery v2.00


PS4 Firmware v2.00 Update


PS4 Recovery v2.00
PS4 Firmware v2.00 Update



System software version 2.002014 years 10 month 28 days

[FONT=メイリオ]The main function that is updated in version 2.00

  • In participating in the party, I can now share play.
    When you share play, two players who are participating in the same party can share the game screen. Host or a game together while watching (start the share play user) and visitors (users who participate in the share play) is the same screen, visitors and you can manipulate the game screen of the host on behalf of the host.
    To begin the share play, at a party of the screen
    to select the (share play). In order to use some of the features, you must subscribe to PlayStation®Plus.
  • I can now upload a video clip to YouTube ™.
  • I can now set the Home screen or function screen of the theme on a per-user basis. Theme I can download from the PlayStation®Store.
    (Settings)> you can choose and set the [theme].
  • It is now possible to play the music stored on USB storage devices. Music file (MP3 or AAC) a USB storage device that has been saved is connected to the PS4 ™, from the content area
    and select the (USB music player).


[FONT=メイリオ]Other features that are updated in version 2.00


  • icons_LivefromPS.png
    The following features have been added to the (Live from PlayStation).
    • I can now watch the broadcast that has been delivered in the past. *
    • It is now possible to display the broadcast by specifying the language. Press the OPTIONS button in the list of broadcast to select [Language].
    • The favorite channel and distributor I can now follow. *
    • Featured.png
      (Recommended) has been added. broadcast and the PlayStation® is recommended, broadcast that friend has been delivered, you are such a display broadcast that follow.
    • Game.png
      (List of games) has been added. I can view the broadcast for each game.
    • I can now view the comments icon at Twitch ™.
    • * Is not supported in some of the online service.
  • The following settings have been added to the broadcast. Press the OPTIONS button while viewing the share menu, you can choose and set the [share Settings> Broadcast Settings]> [Advanced Settings].
    • I can now display a message to the spectators.
    • I now include the party of voice chat to broadcast. Only player of the sound at the party settings have enabled the sound of your voice is allowed to be shared] are included.
    • Video of the size and background of PlayStation®Camera, I can now set the like effect.
  • When you select the [upload the screen shot] in the share menu, you can now attach a screen shot by creating a message.
  • capture_gallery.png
    I can now trim the video clips in the (capture gallery).

  • icon_settings.png
    (Settings)> [Power Saving Settings> with [Set the function in standby mode]> [to power the USB terminal], it is now possible to set the time when charging the controller in standby mode.
  • icon_settings.png
    (Settings)> [System]> in the setting for operating on voice] [View guide] and
    [list of commands that operate in voice] has been added. And tips when working with PS4 ™ by voice, you can see a list of content that can be manipulated.
  • icon_settings.png
    (Settings)> [peripheral]> to [Audio Equipment] and [Input Device] [output device] has been added. In addition,
    (Settings)> [Sound and screen]> [output to headphones] of [Audio Output Settings] has
    been moved to (Settings)> [peripherals]> [Audio Equipment].
  • icon_settings.png
    (Settings)> [mouse] has been added to the peripheral equipment].

  • Such as the friends list or What's New, players that might know are now displayed.
    (Settings)> [PSN℠]> [Privacy Settings]> [ties with friends]> in the player that might acquaintance], you can either display to other players their real name and profile photo as a player that might know I can set how.
  • Friends.png
    (Friends), etc., it is now possible to search for a player to enter the real name.
    (Settings)> [PSN℠]> [Privacy Settings> connection with Friend]> [Search], you can set whether to display your real name and profile photo to other players in the search results.
  • Messages.png
    In exchange of the screen (message)
    It is now possible to record a voice message by pressing the button.
  • Party.png
    I improved the screen layout of the (party).
  • The number of content that is displayed in the content area has been changed. Content that is not listed,
    you can check the (library). In addition,
    (Settings)> When [System]> uncheck to limit the number of contents of the home screen, you can view all of the content in the content area.
  • The part of the notification message
    (PS button) are now displayed. If you press the PS button in while Announcement message is displayed in the upper left corner of the screen, you can check the details of the announcement.
  • When you connect a new peripheral devices, you can now check the remaining battery in the system message that is displayed in the upper left corner of the screen.
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آخرین ویرایش:
بچه ها چرا دعوتم میکنید پارتی چت بعد آف میشید:-/ :| . آقا SHARE نمیشه . اصلا گیریم که میشه . میدونید برای استریم کردن چه اینترنتی با چه حجمی میخواد ؟ .

دوستان یه چیز جالب . میتونید کیفیت بازی استریم شده رو تنظیم کنید !! . HIGH داره تا میاد به LOW . جالبه !!!
لا به لای اسپماتون جواب منم بدید .
برای منم دقیقاً همون ارور رو میداد شروین آپدیتم هرکاری کردم میگفت آخرین ورژن نصبه حتی از تو ستینگ. تو دستگاه رو به فلش آپدیت کن بعد از آپدیت من وصل شدم اگر باز برای تو وصل نشد DNS رو و بده باید درست شه:d برای گوش دادن موزیک هم توی فلشتون فایل MUSIC رو بسازید و آهنگ ها رو بریزید توش.

پ.ن: فقط یه چیزی بگم اینجا تاپیک آپدیت کنسول هستش بقیه مباحثتون رو توی پروفایل همدیگه یا توی تاپیک مربوطش بیان کنید:d

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