System Firmware Update | PS4 >> آموزش نصب ، سوالات و مشکلات

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چرا دارید اشتباه اطلاعات میدید بابا. قراره با این آپدیت بازی هایی که روی هارد دارید رو ازشون Back Up یا پشتیبان بگیرید روی یه هارد اکسترنال. قرار نیست اجازه نصب بازی و اجرا از روی هارد اکسترنال داده بشه. در ضمن اونطور که از متن پیداست ظاهرا بک آپ هایی که گرفته میشه مخصوص اون پروفایل خواهد بود. یعنی نمیشه من بک آپم رو بدم به نفر دیگه. حالا باز آپدیت بیاد ببینیم روش کاریش به چه صورت هست.
از من به دوستان نصیحت که به محض اومدن آپدیت سراغش نرین و بذارین یه کم بگذره و اگه خبر ناگواری پخش نشد دانلود کنین! :دی تجربه نشون داده که بعضی وقت ها آپدیت های سونی مشکل ساز میشه و حالا این یکی که چیز عظیم و بزرگی هم هست، پتانسیل خفنی برای ایرادات احتمالی داره. :دی
از من به دوستان نصیحت که به محض اومدن آپدیت سراغش نرین و بذارین یه کم بگذره و اگه خبر ناگواری پخش نشد دانلود کنین! :دی تجربه نشون داده که بعضی وقت ها آپدیت های سونی مشکل ساز میشه و حالا این یکی که چیز عظیم و بزرگی هم هست، پتانسیل خفنی برای ایرادات احتمالی داره. :دی

کسی که بخواد مولتی پلیر بازی کنه باید اپدیت باشه یا نه:d

[FONT=メイリオ]Sony Computer Entertainment Japan Asia (SCEJA) [SUP]※ 1[/SUP] tomorrow March 26, 2015 from (Thursday), start towards the delivery of PlayStation®4 (PS4 ™) system software version 2.50 "Yukimura (Yukimura)" in Japan We will.[/FONT]
[FONT=メイリオ]In the system software version 2.50, go into standby mode while preserving the progress of the game and apps, will be added when you return from standby mode enjoy from continuation that was interrupted games and apps "suspend and resume" function. In addition, the data stored in the PS4 ™, back up to a USB mass storage device, the data can be restored in addition to corresponding to the "System Backup and Restore" feature, various functions are added, the gaming experience in the PS4 ™ even more fun, I will be comfortable.[/FONT]
[FONT=メイリオ]The main features that are updated in this update are as follows.[/FONT]
[TABLE="width: 100%"]
& resume *[/TD]
  • I will be able to standby mode without exiting the game and apps. When you return from standby mode, you can start from the temporary interruption was followed by a game or app.
[TD]System Backup & Restore[/TD]
  • [Settings]> from [System]> [Backup / Restore, you can back up the data that is stored in the PS4 ™ to USB mass storage devices, now is allowed to restore the backed up data. I will back up all user data that is stored on the console.
    [Backed up are items]
    and set value (including sign-in ID)
    -save data
    screen shot / video clip
    game package
    game patch
    download data of game
[TD]Video upload response to Dailymotion ™[/TD]
  • I will be able to upload the video clip to Dailymotion ™. PS4 videos that have been shared on Dailymotion ™ from ™, I can play from the What's New and friend of activities.
[TD]Improvement of accessibility[/TD]
  • [Settings]> will be able to set the accessibility features from [accessibility].
    The [Setting items]
    -visual support
    zoom: expanding the screen with zoom function
    to invert the colors: Reversing the color of the screen
    large letters: to increase the character to be displayed on the screen
    thick character: the thick characters that appear on the screen to
    high contrast: to change the contrast of the screen
    and physical function support
    assignment of buttons: DUALSHOCK®4 to change the allocation of various buttons of ※ It is only a valid part of the function and screen. Also, screen shots and video clips were taken, there are times when it is not reflected such as video being broadcast.
[TD]Update of the sub-account[/TD]
  • PS4 from ™, I will be more than 18 years of the sub-account to be able to update to the master account.
  • Other users that have become friends with Facebook® is, you will be able to view each other as "players that might know."
    ※ You need to have cooperation the account of accounts and Facebook® of Sony Entertainment Network.
    ※ (Settings)> [PlayStation ™ Network / Account Management> Privacy Settings> must be set from "players that might acquaintance" in the connection with the friend] or [the protection of personal information.
[TD]Share Play
Remote Play[/TD]
  • I will share play to play with 60fps. The host, [party Settings> from the video quality of the share play], you can change the frame rate and resolution.
  • I will be the Remote Play with PlayStation®Vita / PlayStation®Vita TV to play with 60fps.
    ※ in share playing in 60fps, it can not be broadcast. Automatic recording of the game will also be stopped.
    ※ PS Vita / PS Vita To do remote play 60fps in TV, March 26日年2015 (Thursday) is required delivery PS Vita / PS Vita TV system software version 3.50 or more.
  • Screen shot of when you won the trophy will now be saved automatically.
  • I will be the screen shot at the time of trophy information and acquire to be able to share.
  • [Acquisition dates for the sort of trophy, Not acquisition], will be added [grade].
  • From the Options menu of [trophy], I will be able to find the trophy of detail in the Internet.
  • I will be able to remove the trophy of achievement 0%.

[FONT=メイリオ]PS4 ™, in addition to the high descriptive power and processing performance overwhelming gaming experience immersive by, and SHARE function, due to equipment cooperation with smart phones and tablets, provides a new entertainment never the user experience so far and will continue to.[/FONT]
[FONT=メイリオ]Or more[/FONT]

[FONT=メイリオ]* Some corresponding There is a title not.
※ in charge of domestic and Asian countries and regions for business as one Sony Computer Entertainment Division Company of.
※ "PlayStation" and "PlayStation" is a registered trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment. In addition, "PS4" is a trademark of the company.
※ "Facebook" is, Facebook, is a registered trademark of inc..
※ Dailymotion is a registered trademark of Dailymotion SA.[/FONT]


[LTR]The main features that are added in the PS4 ™ system software version 2.50

1. suspend & resume *

[FONT=メイリオ]While temporarily suspended the game or application, you will be able to in standby mode. It is possible to return to the continuation of the temporary interrupted games and applications.
※ When you want to standby mode, logged out all the users who are logged in, the state of the game / app in start-up will be suspended state. Only the user who in standby mode, it is possible to return to the continuation of the temporary interrupted games and applications. If the other user of the return from standby mode, suspend state of games and applications will be canceled.
※ has become a setting is ON "automatic update of system software", and if the system software update has been executed, even such as when the power is unplugged, suspended state is released, games and applications will be terminated.
* Some corresponding There is a title not.[/FONT]

2. System Backup & Restore

[FONT=メイリオ][Settings]> from [System]> [Backup / Restore, you can back up the data that is stored in the PS4 to USB mass storage devices, you can now you can not restore the backed-up data. I will back up all user data that is stored on the console.[/FONT]
[TABLE="width: 839"]
[TD="bgcolor: #EEEEEE"]Items to be backed up[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #EEEEEE"]Items that are not backed up[/TD]
[TD]· Setting value (including sign-in ID)
-save data
screen shot / video clip
game package
game patch
game download data[/TD]
[TD]Password information
Trophy information (must be synchronized to the PSN)[/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"]

[Settings]> [System]> from the Backup / Restore, you can back up all user data that is stored on the console.​
[TD="align: center"]

[Settings> from the System> Backup / Restore> Restore the PS4], select the backup data that is stored on the USB device you can restore the data.​

3. video upload support for Dailymotion ™

[FONT=メイリオ]I will be able to upload the video clip to Dailymotion ™. PS4 videos that have been shared on Dailymotion ™ from ™, I can play from the What's New and friend of activities.
※ Dailymotion ™ account is required.[/FONT]

4. improvement of accessibility

[FONT=メイリオ][Settings]> from [accessibility], you will be able to set that are related to accessibility, such as assignment of buttons of zoom and controllers. The setting items are as follows.[/FONT]
[TABLE="width: 840"]
[TD="align: center"]

Zoom : Grow the screen with zoom function
[TD="align: center"]

To invert the colors : I to invert the color of the screen
[TD="colspan: 2, align: center"]

Large letters : I to increase the character to be displayed on the screen
[TD="colspan: 2, align: center"]

Thick character : I thickened the characters that appear on the screen
[TD="align: center"]

High contrast : I want to change the contrast of the screen
[TD="align: center"]

Button of the assignment : I want to change the allocation of various buttons of DUALSHOCK®4
[FONT=メイリオ]※ It is valid only in the part of the function and screen. Also, screen shots and video clips were taken, there are times when it is not reflected such as video being broadcast.[/FONT]

5. sub-account update

[FONT=メイリオ]PS4 from ™, I will be more than 18 years of the sub-account to be able to update to the master account.[/FONT]

6. Friend

[FONT=メイリオ]Other users that have become friends with Facebook® is, you will be able to view each other as "players that might know." ※ You need to have cooperation the account of accounts and Facebook® of Sony Entertainment Network.
※ (Settings)> [PlayStation ™ Network / Account Management> Privacy Settings> must be set from "players that might acquaintance" in the connection with the friend] or [the protection of personal information.[/FONT]

7. Share Play Remote Play

[FONT=メイリオ]I will share play to play with 60fps. The host will be able to [party Settings> share play video quality]> Change the frame rate from the frame rate and resolution.
In addition, I will be the Remote Play with PS Vita / PS Vita TV to play with 60fps.
※ in share playing in 60fps, it can not be broadcast. Automatic recording of the game will also be stopped.
※ PS Vita / PS Vita To do remote play 60fps in TV, March 26-03-2015 (Thursday) is required delivery PS Vita / PS Vita TV system software version 3.50 or more.[/FONT]

8. trophy

[FONT=メイリオ]The following functions will be added to the options menu of trophy.[/FONT]

  • Screen shot of when you won the trophy will now be saved automatically.
  • You will be able to share the screen shot when you have won the trophy of information and trophies.
  • [Acquisition dates for the sort of trophy, Not acquisition], will be added [grade].
  • You will from the Options menu of [Trophy] as a trophy of detail can be searched on the Internet.
  • I will be able to remove the trophy of achievement 0%.
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چرا دارید اشتباه اطلاعات میدید بابا. قراره با این آپدیت بازی هایی که روی هارد دارید رو ازشون Back Up یا پشتیبان بگیرید روی یه هارد اکسترنال. قرار نیست اجازه نصب بازی و اجرا از روی هارد اکسترنال داده بشه. در ضمن اونطور که از متن پیداست ظاهرا بک آپ هایی که گرفته میشه مخصوص اون پروفایل خواهد بود. یعنی نمیشه من بک آپم رو بدم به نفر دیگه. حالا باز آپدیت بیاد ببینیم روش کاریش به چه صورت هست.

خوب دوست من وقتی بک اپ میگیریمم رو هارد برای زمانی هست که بشه دوباره بازی رو نصب کنیم از روی هارد به دستگاه حالااینجا بک اپ یه دستگاه روی یه دستگاه دیگه نصب بشه یا نه جای سوال هست که فکر نکنم بشه
جایی گفته حجمش اینقدره؟ بعیده اپدیت به این حجیمی
تو یکی از این سایتا ازش تو نوتیفکشن عکس گرفته بود که 590 مگ هست
و سایت معتبری بود

- - -ویرایش - - -

نمیدونم چرا، ولی احساس میکنم این بکاپ گرفتن از بازی ها، پیشرفت بزرگی تو زمینه هک کنسول هستش :d
فکر نمیکنم این موضوع بک اپ گرفتن باعث هک بشه(قدمی برای هک منظورمه)
چون کلا مسئله یه چیز دیگه هست در مورد بک اپ

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن