SPOILER: The MGS V TPP Spoiler Thread

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این تاپیک واقعا نیازه؛ یعنی واسه هر بازی ای واقعا نیازه که یه تاپیک باشه در مورد داستان یک بازی بحث بشه بدون اینکه تو تاپیک اصلی چیز بزرگی اسپویل بشه.


1- اسم تاپیک مشخصه؛ همه چی در مورد داستان بازی و بحث در موردش، حتی نکات غیر داستانی مثلا یه سری از ویژگی های گیم پلی و امکانات که شاید کسی نخواد بدونه و خودش میخواد کشفش کنه، این جا بحث میشه کلا.

2- از تگ اسپویلر لازم نیست استفاده کنید.

این آخرین هشدار بود. اگه هنوز بازی رو تموم نکردید این جا وارد نشید.
با این نظریه هایی که من میدم خر نوب به حساب میام:d

کلا ما یه طرف بقیه سایت هم یه طرف. همه دارن به بازی فحش میدن ما هنوز اندر خم یافتن چپتر 3 ایم. :d

- - -ویرایش - - -

اگه با یه عکس که معلوم نیست از کجاس! کسی منتقد میشه! منم خاستم بگم منتقد هستم!
اتفاقاً بازی متالگیر ۵ هم نسخه نقدش رو بازی کردم!

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تشریف ببر دفتر بازینما، ریویو کپی ها را ببین.
یا نه..
تو خود مجله عکس ریویو کپی های bloodborne . وtlou را زده. تو نقدشون. حالا شما قبول نداری بماند.
کلا ما یه طرف بقیه سایت هم یه طرف. همه دارن به بازی فحش میدن ما هنوز اندر خم یافتن چپتر 3 ایم. :d

- - -ویرایش - - -

تشریف ببر دفتر بازینما، ریویو کپی ها را ببین.
یا نه..
تو خود مجله عکس ریویو کپی های bloodborn. وtlou را زده. تو نقدشون. حالا شما قبول نداری بماند.

داداش من میرم بخوابم راستی آدرس دفتر بازی نما رو هم برام بفرست منم یه سر بزنم:d فعلا یا علی ع
خیلی بدفرم گیردادی که چیزی هستا!
یعنی توی limited Guid گفته نشده! ولی شما میدونی؟
چه جالب! خوب بگو ما هم بدونیم! بگو ملتی رو از گمراهی برهان!
تویه گاید اصلی بازی هیچ چیز اضافه ای از کانتنتهای مثلاً حذف شده وجود نداره! بازی واقعاً همینی بود که بازی کردی!
بازی تقلید اشتباهی از متالگیرسالید ۲ بود!
جایگزین کردن رایدن جای سالیداسنیک! دقیقاً کپی پیست اون هستش!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

برادر من کپی رایت رو رعایت کن. من همون اوایل ریلیز بازی اینو گفتم! ولی خوبه خوشحالم که خیلیا همچین نظری دارن :) ^-^
داداش من میرم بخوابم راستی آدرس دفتر بازی نما رو هم برام بفرست منم یه سر بزنم:d فعلا یا علی ع

مجله را بگیری آدرس را نوشته :d
علی یارت رفیق.
من هم برم به درس و مشقم برسم. :d
آخرین ویرایش:
مجله را بگیری آدرس را نوشته :d
علی یارت رفیق.
من هم برم به درس و مشقم برسم. :d

یه تئوری جالب از کاربرای ردیت:
Edit: It's TPP not TTP. But I'm keeping it for comment context. Thanks u/Neveren.

Edit:Rose not Naomi

Bear with me, I had this thought about a month or so ago but couldn't work it out. Last night a comment made by u/DecoyKid made me revisit it. I believe we're playing as either Frank Jeager or Raiden, or at the very least one or both of their storylines is deeply involved in this game. Fair warning, gold tin foil recommended.

...someone close to [Kojima] says the Phantom Pain concept wasn't originally a MGS story...
He admits that he can't find the source, but I knew as soon as I read it that I had deduced that myself previously, so I replied.

About a month ago I donned my tinfoil hat late one night and realized that throughout all of the discussion about MG/MGS no one ever mentions MGR:Revengeance. Kojima only supervised the directing but it was written by PW writer Etsu Tamari and Kojima said that it is a "parallel continuation" 4 years after MGS4 although " Metal Gear Rising is not part of the Metal Gear Solid series" but I figured it's worth a shot. I poked around for a bit saw some things that raised a few eyebrows but nothing concrete I could nail down. This theory isn't fully developed but give me a chance here.

I started looking around and went to the Revengeance wiki The first thing I noticed was that it points out that each MG has a theme. This isn't major but it's the first step:

Kojima revealed that the theme for Metal Gear Rising is "REVENGE." Previous themes were "GENE" (Metal Gear Solid), "MEME" (Metal Gear Solid 2), "SCENE" (Metal Gear Solid 3), "SENSE" (Metal Gear Solid 4), and "PEACE" (Peace Walker)
As we already know and as the wiki also points out is that Revenge is also the major theme for TTP.

A lesser theme throughout the game also related to the use of child soldiers.
Which is a given seeing as Raiden was a child soldier but again it's also a major theme in TTP and Raiden was a child soldier in Liberia.

Hideo Kojima officially announced Metal Gear Solid: Rising at Microsoft's E3 2009 press conference, after running various countdowns for the announcement on a Konami website. Originally set between the events of Metal Gear Solid 2 and Metal Gear Solid 4, Rising was going to explain how Raiden became the character that he did in Metal Gear Solid 4. Rising was actually not Kojima's idea, but rather his staff's
That project was then scrapped due to problems in production and the direction of the game was handed over to Platinum Games in which Kojima wasn't that involved. During a Q&A session:

They talked about the reason behind Kojima Productions' absence in the development of the game. According to Kojima, by the time development started, he allowed his younger staff to develop the game by themselves and took a hands-off approach
The original trailer for Rising released at E3 2010 has a much more raw feel and what appears to be Russian Soldiers. Where as the released Revengeance has 0 human enemies.

Kojima says

"Besides, if I had created the game and directed it, it wouldn't have been this game. I am very happy to see the growth in my team and how they have developed such an incredible game."
This begs the question, what would the game have been then?

OK! So, I hope I haven't lost yet. Here's where it gets saucey.

I just today for the first time saw Metal Gear Raiden: Snake Eraser. Now, I know its a parody just take a moment to watch it.

Theres been talks that V is s3, or even Ocelot being a time traveler. This whole video involves Raiden trying to go back in time and Kill BB so that Solid never exists and he can have his starring role. Sure, "It's just a parody video theres nothing to it." Well it was developed by Kojipro and at 3:50 we see Raiden walking off in a drum barrel, a feature not used until MGS4 and again in Revengeance. Also, the terminator-like drop in animation is also recreated for Revengeance.

The shit that starts to get me going is the dialogue at the end:

Rose - Jack, you can't meddle with the past. We can only change the future. Take the future into your hands. Raiden - The future? but MGS4 is... Rose - There's going to be a 5, right?
I completely forgot his name was Jack!! The A.I. at MB saying "Jack, is that you" is most probably a throw back to PW but it is a definate possibility that it's speaking to Raiden. If V is actually 5 then yes, there is a 5. Albeit, he got his title role but thats interesting none the less.

At the end of the Jamais Vu mission in Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, if the player has an A ranking, Kazuhira Miller tells Raiden that "maybe we'll see you again".

Remember that shot of New York? Well guess where Rose and Raiden leave off at the end of MGS2. New Yorrrk! in my Alicia Keys voice

Everything I've previously said contradicts my title. "You said we play as Frank Jeager but you've been talkin' 'bout Raiden the whole damn time". I've only really focused on him because I know for a fact that the first iteration of MGR was completely scrapped. We never got to know how Raiden became RoboRaiden. What game would he have made? How much different would it have been? What would it have been about?

I could have probably Just posted this next part without all the other stuff, but I need to really lay the schiz on thick.

[Kojima]"Personally, I thought, why not just make a game with Frank Jaeger? I would have preferred it with Frank Jaeger. But the team preferred Raiden, and so I allowed them to proceed with that...So honestly, if we make a sequel to Rising, it should feature Frank Jaeger as a main character... fighting zombies! Nano-machine powered zombies [laughs]." Etsu Tamari, chief story writer for both Metal Gear Rising and the original Metal Gear Solid: Rising has expressed interest in reusing the original idea into the potential sequel
Wait, what? Stop the ****in presses!

Etsu Tamari!? Nano machine powered zombies?! Frank Jaeger!?!? How did I miss this!!?

Guess who wrote TTP and Rising? Etsu Tamari.

What if V is the Sequal to R? Originally Kojima had a cheesy tag line for MGS: Rising that went something like "Revenge with a Vengeance". I love it.

Later on it was stripped of the Solid, replaced with Rising and the tagline was smooshed into Revengeance. It was originally meant to be MGS sequal/spinoff. So what if MGR is the revenge and V is the vengeance. RV mirrored is VR. /s .. or is it?

"It’s very possible that some time in the future after Ground Zeroes is out, I may be called up by management who will say, 'Kojima! What are you doing? Ground Zeroes isn’t selling! What have you done?’ And at that point I’ll [hopefully be able to] say, ‘Don’t worry! [Metal Gear] Rising is selling well!"

*...my ulterior motive is that if Rising 2 came out, then guaranteed it would sell! Which means that I wouldn’t have to worry about that with Ground Zeroes. I can just do whatever I want [Laughs]!"
GZ sold a million in its first month so maybe he's just doing whatever the hell he wants anyway. They decided to revisit and make MGS:Rising their main title instead.

I know this isn't complete. I'm missing a few points of my own that I just can't formulate like the Gray Fox skin, Time Paradox's, Raidens storyline between 2 and 4 and a couple others. It's there and I think It's all s3 and it's all super complicated. It took me a month to get this far. Maybe i'll get it in ten years.

*[Kojima]"But I will reveal a funny fact. The Psycho Mantis battle [in Metal Gear Solid] is very famous now for doing something out of the box, but back when the game was originally released, >people thought it was a bug. They complained like hell about it!

I got a lot of flak for that [laughs]. It’s not until about ten years later, when people like you played the game, and came to an age where you were able to vocalise your thoughts about the game, where it became respected. So yeah, I think the next generation will offer opportunities to do new things, but it may well be met by resistance at first."
Edit: Formatting and stuff
و یه کامنت :
I'm following you on "MGSV : TPP is a whole VR".

I think TPP is getting rid of iconic characters, or what was making the characters iconic. Kaz isn't a good soldier anymore, he is just a crippled angry man. Ocelot isn't a good shooter anymore, he is a radio guy / horse rider / hound trainer. Big Boss isn't not anymore the greatest soldier, because he can easily being replaced with some facial chirurgy. That is destroying all the LET plot, why bother yourself with complicated genome things to have a new BB is you can easily transform any soldier in BB ?

I think everything is set to let the VR theory being believable. - The MGSV : TPP logo animation. The "Metal Gear Solid V" is appearing late, and disappearing first. In cinematic titling, the main title is what you want to keep much in the audience. Then, the title of the episode name last less, or is less emphasize. But, in TPP, "The Phantom Pain" is emphasized. Not MGSV.

iDroid voice / Score / Comments about player score. This is something you can find in the spin off MGS 1 : VR-Missions. In MGS4, it's making sense that there is a "score tracking", because of the omnipresence of data collected by nanomachines on battlefield. In "1984", it doesn't make sense to collect data on Venom performance. But..., good score give you other emblems. Fox Hound's ones. (Octopus, Mantis, Wolf, etc.)
Visual glitch / geometrical non-sense, etc., explained in better posts than mine. The Bar code thing is strange. The Paz's room grid is strange too. The full moon.
The soldiers's outposts are here to only slow down Venom's progression. If you standing away, and observe, the open-world is dead without your actions.
Burned Villages and corpses. Who the **** did that infamy ?
The absence of difficulty settings. You are not able to choose the difficulty, the AI is adapting itself according to your gameplay.
Everything from prologue makes me feel that this whole simulation is to prepare someone to "paranormals soldiers" like Mantis, the Cobra Units, Volgin, Octopus, Raven, etc.

And for reminder, who is the greatest soldier from Fox Hound that hasn't any special power beside Big Boss ? Frank Jaeger.

You can add other little things that are being odd. Absence of main theme in the soundtrack. You much watch HGW saying why in Legacy. TPP is not about Big Boss, or Solid, so there is not the Metal Gear Solid theme.
شاید خیلی تخیلی باشه ولی جالبه
پ.ن:دوستان ببخشید که ترجمه نکردم و بازم ببخشید اگه اینجور کامنت دادن مخالف قوانین فروم هست. من اطلاعی ندارم.
یه تئوری جالب از کاربرای ردیت:
Edit: It's TPP not TTP. But I'm keeping it for comment context. Thanks u/Neveren.

Edit:Rose not Naomi

Bear with me, I had this thought about a month or so ago but couldn't work it out. Last night a comment made by u/DecoyKid made me revisit it. I believe we're playing as either Frank Jeager or Raiden, or at the very least one or both of their storylines is deeply involved in this game. Fair warning, gold tin foil recommended.

...someone close to [Kojima] says the Phantom Pain concept wasn't originally a MGS story...
He admits that he can't find the source, but I knew as soon as I read it that I had deduced that myself previously, so I replied.

About a month ago I donned my tinfoil hat late one night and realized that throughout all of the discussion about MG/MGS no one ever mentions MGR:Revengeance. Kojima only supervised the directing but it was written by PW writer Etsu Tamari and Kojima said that it is a "parallel continuation" 4 years after MGS4 although " Metal Gear Rising is not part of the Metal Gear Solid series" but I figured it's worth a shot. I poked around for a bit saw some things that raised a few eyebrows but nothing concrete I could nail down. This theory isn't fully developed but give me a chance here.

I started looking around and went to the Revengeance wiki The first thing I noticed was that it points out that each MG has a theme. This isn't major but it's the first step:

Kojima revealed that the theme for Metal Gear Rising is "REVENGE." Previous themes were "GENE" (Metal Gear Solid), "MEME" (Metal Gear Solid 2), "SCENE" (Metal Gear Solid 3), "SENSE" (Metal Gear Solid 4), and "PEACE" (Peace Walker)
As we already know and as the wiki also points out is that Revenge is also the major theme for TTP.

A lesser theme throughout the game also related to the use of child soldiers.
Which is a given seeing as Raiden was a child soldier but again it's also a major theme in TTP and Raiden was a child soldier in Liberia.

Hideo Kojima officially announced Metal Gear Solid: Rising at Microsoft's E3 2009 press conference, after running various countdowns for the announcement on a Konami website. Originally set between the events of Metal Gear Solid 2 and Metal Gear Solid 4, Rising was going to explain how Raiden became the character that he did in Metal Gear Solid 4. Rising was actually not Kojima's idea, but rather his staff's
That project was then scrapped due to problems in production and the direction of the game was handed over to Platinum Games in which Kojima wasn't that involved. During a Q&A session:

They talked about the reason behind Kojima Productions' absence in the development of the game. According to Kojima, by the time development started, he allowed his younger staff to develop the game by themselves and took a hands-off approach
The original trailer for Rising released at E3 2010 has a much more raw feel and what appears to be Russian Soldiers. Where as the released Revengeance has 0 human enemies.

Kojima says

"Besides, if I had created the game and directed it, it wouldn't have been this game. I am very happy to see the growth in my team and how they have developed such an incredible game."
This begs the question, what would the game have been then?

OK! So, I hope I haven't lost yet. Here's where it gets saucey.

I just today for the first time saw Metal Gear Raiden: Snake Eraser. Now, I know its a parody just take a moment to watch it.

Theres been talks that V is s3, or even Ocelot being a time traveler. This whole video involves Raiden trying to go back in time and Kill BB so that Solid never exists and he can have his starring role. Sure, "It's just a parody video theres nothing to it." Well it was developed by Kojipro and at 3:50 we see Raiden walking off in a drum barrel, a feature not used until MGS4 and again in Revengeance. Also, the terminator-like drop in animation is also recreated for Revengeance.

The shit that starts to get me going is the dialogue at the end:

Rose - Jack, you can't meddle with the past. We can only change the future. Take the future into your hands. Raiden - The future? but MGS4 is... Rose - There's going to be a 5, right?
I completely forgot his name was Jack!! The A.I. at MB saying "Jack, is that you" is most probably a throw back to PW but it is a definate possibility that it's speaking to Raiden. If V is actually 5 then yes, there is a 5. Albeit, he got his title role but thats interesting none the less.

At the end of the Jamais Vu mission in Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, if the player has an A ranking, Kazuhira Miller tells Raiden that "maybe we'll see you again".

Remember that shot of New York? Well guess where Rose and Raiden leave off at the end of MGS2. New Yorrrk! in my Alicia Keys voice

Everything I've previously said contradicts my title. "You said we play as Frank Jeager but you've been talkin' 'bout Raiden the whole damn time". I've only really focused on him because I know for a fact that the first iteration of MGR was completely scrapped. We never got to know how Raiden became RoboRaiden. What game would he have made? How much different would it have been? What would it have been about?

I could have probably Just posted this next part without all the other stuff, but I need to really lay the schiz on thick.

[Kojima]"Personally, I thought, why not just make a game with Frank Jaeger? I would have preferred it with Frank Jaeger. But the team preferred Raiden, and so I allowed them to proceed with that...So honestly, if we make a sequel to Rising, it should feature Frank Jaeger as a main character... fighting zombies! Nano-machine powered zombies [laughs]." Etsu Tamari, chief story writer for both Metal Gear Rising and the original Metal Gear Solid: Rising has expressed interest in reusing the original idea into the potential sequel
Wait, what? Stop the ****in presses!

Etsu Tamari!? Nano machine powered zombies?! Frank Jaeger!?!? How did I miss this!!?

Guess who wrote TTP and Rising? Etsu Tamari.

What if V is the Sequal to R? Originally Kojima had a cheesy tag line for MGS: Rising that went something like "Revenge with a Vengeance". I love it.

Later on it was stripped of the Solid, replaced with Rising and the tagline was smooshed into Revengeance. It was originally meant to be MGS sequal/spinoff. So what if MGR is the revenge and V is the vengeance. RV mirrored is VR. /s .. or is it?

"It’s very possible that some time in the future after Ground Zeroes is out, I may be called up by management who will say, 'Kojima! What are you doing? Ground Zeroes isn’t selling! What have you done?’ And at that point I’ll [hopefully be able to] say, ‘Don’t worry! [Metal Gear] Rising is selling well!"

*...my ulterior motive is that if Rising 2 came out, then guaranteed it would sell! Which means that I wouldn’t have to worry about that with Ground Zeroes. I can just do whatever I want [Laughs]!"
GZ sold a million in its first month so maybe he's just doing whatever the hell he wants anyway. They decided to revisit and make MGS:Rising their main title instead.

I know this isn't complete. I'm missing a few points of my own that I just can't formulate like the Gray Fox skin, Time Paradox's, Raidens storyline between 2 and 4 and a couple others. It's there and I think It's all s3 and it's all super complicated. It took me a month to get this far. Maybe i'll get it in ten years.

*[Kojima]"But I will reveal a funny fact. The Psycho Mantis battle [in Metal Gear Solid] is very famous now for doing something out of the box, but back when the game was originally released, >people thought it was a bug. They complained like hell about it!

I got a lot of flak for that [laughs]. It’s not until about ten years later, when people like you played the game, and came to an age where you were able to vocalise your thoughts about the game, where it became respected. So yeah, I think the next generation will offer opportunities to do new things, but it may well be met by resistance at first."
Edit: Formatting and stuff
و یه کامنت :
I'm following you on "MGSV : TPP is a whole VR".

I think TPP is getting rid of iconic characters, or what was making the characters iconic. Kaz isn't a good soldier anymore, he is just a crippled angry man. Ocelot isn't a good shooter anymore, he is a radio guy / horse rider / hound trainer. Big Boss isn't not anymore the greatest soldier, because he can easily being replaced with some facial chirurgy. That is destroying all the LET plot, why bother yourself with complicated genome things to have a new BB is you can easily transform any soldier in BB ?

I think everything is set to let the VR theory being believable. - The MGSV : TPP logo animation. The "Metal Gear Solid V" is appearing late, and disappearing first. In cinematic titling, the main title is what you want to keep much in the audience. Then, the title of the episode name last less, or is less emphasize. But, in TPP, "The Phantom Pain" is emphasized. Not MGSV.

iDroid voice / Score / Comments about player score. This is something you can find in the spin off MGS 1 : VR-Missions. In MGS4, it's making sense that there is a "score tracking", because of the omnipresence of data collected by nanomachines on battlefield. In "1984", it doesn't make sense to collect data on Venom performance. But..., good score give you other emblems. Fox Hound's ones. (Octopus, Mantis, Wolf, etc.)
Visual glitch / geometrical non-sense, etc., explained in better posts than mine. The Bar code thing is strange. The Paz's room grid is strange too. The full moon.
The soldiers's outposts are here to only slow down Venom's progression. If you standing away, and observe, the open-world is dead without your actions.
Burned Villages and corpses. Who the **** did that infamy ?
The absence of difficulty settings. You are not able to choose the difficulty, the AI is adapting itself according to your gameplay.
Everything from prologue makes me feel that this whole simulation is to prepare someone to "paranormals soldiers" like Mantis, the Cobra Units, Volgin, Octopus, Raven, etc.

And for reminder, who is the greatest soldier from Fox Hound that hasn't any special power beside Big Boss ? Frank Jaeger.

You can add other little things that are being odd. Absence of main theme in the soundtrack. You much watch HGW saying why in Legacy. TPP is not about Big Boss, or Solid, so there is not the Metal Gear Solid theme.
شاید خیلی تخیلی باشه ولی جالبه
پ.ن:دوستان ببخشید که ترجمه نکردم و بازم ببخشید اگه اینجور کامنت دادن مخالف قوانین فروم هست. من اطلاعی ندارم.

یعنی داداش فوق تخیلی هر چی به ذهنش رسیده در کرده اگه رایدن جای ونوم باشه اصلا چی شده رایدن بیهوش شده چی شده حافظه ی بیگ باس رو داره و چی شده میلر با اسالت باهاش همکاری میکنن.حالا واقعا میفهمم چرا دوستان میگن تو فروم ردیت چه قدر مسخره نظریه میدن.خدایی همون نظریه بیگ باس و ونوم یکین درسترینه من همش دارم اتفاقاتی تو بازی میبینم که نظریه رو تایید میکنه
یعنی داداش فوق تخیلی هر چی به ذهنش رسیده در کرده اگه رایدن جای ونوم باشه اصلا چی شده رایدن بیهوش شده چی شده حافظه ی بیگ باس رو داره و چی شده میلر با اسالت باهاش همکاری میکنن.حالا واقعا میفهمم چرا دوستان میگن تو فروم ردیت چه قدر مسخره نظریه میدن.خدایی همون نظریه بیگ باس و ونوم یکین درسترینه من همش دارم اتفاقاتی تو بازی میبینم که نظریه رو تایید میکنه

یکی از دیتا ماینر های ردیت بلاخره تونست کشف کنه که بازی واقعا محتوای اضافه داره.
OP, thanks for the emphasized support, i really appreciate it :)


If you read the code thoroughly, you'll find that by the end of the nuclear elimination ceremony, specifically when the ending telop [Cast of a mission, including the development team.] function starts

it says [TppSequence.SetNextSequence("Seq_Demo_Ending_OnlineUser")]

Which means the following sequence is the ending intended for the online user.

It starts with some sort of telop cast, most likely the players who contributed the most to nuclear weapon reduction


Then the sequence itself starts.


Notice "TppEnding.Start" ( "Nuke_OnlineUser" ) and "Nuclear_for_all_dd".

Then, an event / demo starts playing. It is most likely a cutscene or a demo, and note that it is named 20050. The nuclear elimination ceremony is named 20040 [Scrap that, i'm mistaken. It's named 20010]. So this scene / demo is different.

After it all ends, a UI Message appears. It links Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain's endings to one ending, the nuclear elimination ceremony.

After that, the game announces that the amount of Nuclear Weapons has reached Cipher, Null, or Zero. Finally, you return to home sweet home, the ACC.


الان یه سری از دوستان برن تو افق محو شن. :d
یکم حال و هوای تاپیک عوض بشه.
یکی از دیتا ماینر های ردیت بلاخره تونست کشف کنه که بازی واقعا محتوای اضافه داره.
OP, thanks for the emphasized support, i really appreciate it :)


If you read the code thoroughly, you'll find that by the end of the nuclear elimination ceremony, specifically when the ending telop [Cast of a mission, including the development team.] function starts

it says [TppSequence.SetNextSequence("Seq_Demo_Ending_OnlineUser")]

Which means the following sequence is the ending intended for the online user.

It starts with some sort of telop cast, most likely the players who contributed the most to nuclear weapon reduction


Then the sequence itself starts.


Notice "TppEnding.Start" ( "Nuke_OnlineUser" ) and "Nuclear_for_all_dd".

Then, an event / demo starts playing. It is most likely a cutscene or a demo, and note that it is named 20050. The nuclear elimination ceremony is named 20040 [Scrap that, i'm mistaken. It's named 20010]. So this scene / demo is different.

After it all ends, a UI Message appears. It links Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain's endings to one ending, the nuclear elimination ceremony.

After that, the game announces that the amount of Nuclear Weapons has reached Cipher, Null, or Zero. Finally, you return to home sweet home, the ACC.


الان یه سری از دوستان برن تو افق محو شن. :d

الان من درست نفهمیدم
تمام بمب اتم ها که جمع بشن یه کات سین میاد بعدش بازی ادامه پیدا میکنه؟؟؟
خب فکر کنم تا چند روز دیگه رو چند تا پلتفرم کات سینش باز بشه
الان رو 360 حدود 85 تا بمب اتم مونده و فکر کنم اولین پلتفرم باشه که كاتسين براش پلی میشه
ولی استیم فکر نکنم به صفر برسه
داخل ردیت هم یه تیم 5000 نفره تشکیل دادن، دارن تمام بمب اتم ها رو تو سرور های آنلاین از بین میبرن دمشون گرم واقعا
Ps4دار ها هم دستی بالا بزنن که ما هم ببینیم ادامه بازی رو
اینم آمار دقیق تا دو روز پیش(۲۵ نوامبر):
PlayStation 4: 352
PlayStation 3: 250
Xbox One: 96
Xbox 360: 85
منبع.سایت کونامی
یه cd توسط کونامی برای پیش فروش قرار داده شده است به نام "MGS V LOST TAPES "
گفتگو بسته شده و امکان ارسال پاسخ وجود ندارد.

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تبلیغات متنی

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن