Xbox Ryse: Son of Rome



در سایت کرایتک شمارش معکوس نمایش بازی Ryse که انحصاری XBOX ONE نشان داده شروع شده است.
از ویژگی های این بازی پشتیبانی از کینک در کنار کنترولر است.
زمان نمایش 10 ژوئن ... (در کنفراس خبری مایکروسافت).

Developer: Crytek Frankfurt

Publisher: Microsoft Studios


Gener: Hack and slash, action-adventure

Modes: Single-player, Multiplayer

Release dates: November 22, 2013
آخرین ویرایش:
خاک به سرم این خانمه چقدر بد حجاب بود x_x :دی
بازی با اختلاف زیادی بهترین گرافیک لانچ هست به نظرم، طراحی چهره و نورپردازی که اصلا تو یه فاز دیگه به سر می بره :دی گیم پلی هم سلیقه ای هست بیشتر، یکی مثل من که با Shadow of Rome حال کرده قطعا از اینم خوشش میاد، متا هم به نظرم 70 اینجاها :دی
از نقد Xbox One سایت engadget
Ryse might be the most graphically impressive game on any next-gen game console. More excitingly, it's got engaging combat and uses the Kinect effectively (the occasional shouted troop command). Graphical prowess is used for acting, combat animation and showing off the glory of (fake) Ancient Rome. It's an easy game to get caught up looking around at how gorgeous everything is visually, and it's right there with Forza (and beyond) as a showcase for graphics on the Xbox One.
البته اون قسمت Ryse might be the most graphically impressive game on any next-gen game console مهمتره:دی

اینم چیزی که سایت Techcrunch نوشته:-"
Often visually stunning, but remarkably repetitive. Go down hallway. Punch dudes, then stab one in slow-motion. Go down another hallway. Punch another dude. Repeat for 6 or 7 hours, till you reach the end of the confusing-*** plot. Sadly, the dude-punching part isn’t even very fun.
اینم the verge :

However, Microsoft exclusives like Forza Motorsport 5 and Ryse: Son of Rome are true cinematic spectacles. They’re gorgeous games that really look next-gen, and which won’t take a lot of training for someone to jump in and play. Forza, especially, doesn’t feel like a launch game built for an unproven console — the attention to detail is phenomenal, and there aren’t really any performance issues we saw. Ryse, meanwhile, is essentially the movie Gladiator with simple controls and a focus on narration and dismemberment

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