اولین ModChipاین کنسول هم گویا ساخته شده.که اسمش هستUndiluted Platinum.این مدچیپ گویا یه چیزیه که میره جای فلش مموری و اجازه میده که بازیهای کپی رو(از رو UMD یا اینکه بریزن تو حافظه پی اس پی)روی آخرین ورزنهای نرم افزاری بازی کنید.
The U.P. contains 32MB NAND flash which is programmable from the PC via a high speed USB connection, using our user friendly software. You may boot the PSP from either its onboard flash or the flash contained on the U.P; the flash which is used is determined by a button press as the PSP is powered on (U.P. flash is used by default, hold L1 to use the PSP onboard flash). Since U.P. provides a secondary flash which the PSP can boot from, it can even be used to restore a PSP which has been "bricked".