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آخه از kboot دستور ps3videomode رو قبول نمی کنه، از ubuntu هم وقتی وارد Display میشم رزولوشنی غیر از همون استاندارد قبل از نصب نداره، ممنون
اینو بخون
The first thing you should do is set up your monitor to initiate the correct resolution at boot. To determine the correct video mode for your screen, use a tool called
ps3videomode. It can be run from a terminal window ([Applications] > [Accessories] > [Terminal]) by typing:
ps3videomode -h
ps3videomode will return a list of supported resolutions, with a number in front to represent the mode:
YUV 60Hz 1:480i 2:480p 3:720p 4:1080i 5:1080p
YUV 50Hz 6:576i 7:576p 8:720p 9:1080i 10:1080p
RGB 60Hz 33:480i 34:480p 35:720p 36:1080i 37:1080p
RGB 50Hz 38:576i 39:576p 40:720p 41:1080i 42:1080p
If you have a “Full HD” monitor with 1920×1080 resolution, use a 1080i or 1080p mode. If your TV is “HD Ready”, use one of the 720p modes (3, 8, 35 or 40).
Testing video modes
To check how a resolution works on your system you need to stop and start the Gnome desktop manager (gdm) between each test. Pressing Alt + F1 will give you a text console in which you enter your username and password.
Now stop gdm:
sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop
Set a temporary video using ps3videomode -v and a number, for instance:
ps3videomode -v 5
ps3videomode -v 42 -f
(both commands represent various 1080p modes. You need to check with the table above which number corresponds with your monitor).
Start gdm using the new videomode with
sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start
Make the resolution permanent
When you have found a decent videomode, make the setting permanent by having Ubuntu load this mode on each startup. In a terminal window, type:
sudo nano /etc/event.d/ps3videomode
This will start the console text editor
nano with an empty file called ps3videomode in the event.d folder. In this file, type:
start on runlevel 2
exec /usr/bin/ps3videomode -v 0
Replace the 0 with the number key for your videomode.
In nano, save the file with Ctrl + o. Hit enter to confirm. Then Ctrl + x to exit nano.
You should now be able to reboot your system with your resolution of choice.
PSUbuntu forum:
Audio & Video