Need for Speed Rivals در هر دو کنسول 1080p و 30 فریم اجرا میشود

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با توجه به خبر سایت eurogamer توسط سازنده بازی Ghost تائید شد که هر دو نسخه به صورت رزولوشن 1080p native و در 30 فریم اجرا میشود این در حالیست که Need for Speed Rivals از انجین bf4 که Frostbite 3 نام دارد استفاه میکند .

سایت eurogamer تصاویر مقایسه هر دونسخه را که از دموی ان تهیه شده در سایت قرار داده :

Need for Speed Rivals runs at 1080p on Xbox One and PS4 • News • Xbox One •
With that being said, two key differences between the PS4 and Xbox One versions do bear mention. The first is that Sony's platform makes use of a bokeh depth-of-field effect to distinguish the foreground from a backdrop, noticed mainly during pre-race camera angles. It's a pleasant effect that recreates the results of real-life photograpy when a camera's aperture is reduced, causing distant lights to appear as enlarged luminous specs - a look that's entirely absent on Xbox One. In its place, Microsoft's platform applies a less refined haze ****** that slightly impacts the clarity of car details in the foreground. Thankfully this only applies for these fleeting moments, and once the race gets started both platforms remove their chosen depth-of-field effects to unleash like-for-like images.
The second difference is in the Xbox One's utilisation of ambient occlusion. This is a self-shadowing calculation usually handled by the GPU, forming light patches of shading beneath a car's spoiler or wheels - though seemingly axed from the PS4 version at present. Even in shots taken from the very start of the game, where lighting conditions are principally as close as possible, the Xbox One's extra shading shows up around roadblocks and traffic cones, while other shadows play across the floor in the same way. It's an odd omission that reverses the scenario seen at Battlefield 4's review event, where the PS4 turned up with horizon-based ambient occlusion (HBAO) while Microsoft's console did not - a state of affairs that's set to be corrected in that case via a patch.

به جز اون DoF تفاوت خاصی وجود نداره که اونم فقط توی Pre - Race Camera Angles قابل مشاهده هست و توی گیم پلی عملاً تفاوتی وجود نداره. عکس‌ها هم نشون می‌دن که دو نسخه خیلی به هم نزدیک هستن.
واسه وان ao باعث شده self shadowing درست کرده که تو ps4 نیست aa بعضی جاها مثل فاصله های دور روی one بهتره ps4 تو فاصله های خیلی دور dd بهتری داره قبل شروع ریس یه افکت dof توی ps4 هست که تو xo نیست به جاش تو همون قسمتا یه بلور روی خود ماشنین زدن ولی عجیبه که ao که افکت سنگینیه روی xo هست ولی روی ps4 نیست برعکس bf4 که روی xo افکت ao نبود اینجا روی ps4 نیست.
به جز اون DoF تفاوت خاصی وجود نداره که اونم فقط توی Pre - Race Camera Angles قابل مشاهده هست و توی گیم پلی عملاً تفاوتی وجود نداره. عکس‌ها هم نشون می‌دن که دو نسخه خیلی به هم نزدیک هستن.

به DD هم اشاره شده توی متن اگه دقت کنی پیداش میکنی
Sony's platform makes use of a bokeh depth-of-field effect to distinguish the foreground from a
The second difference is in the Xbox One's utilisation of ambient occlusion

PS4 turned up with horizon-based ambient occlusion (HBAO) while Microsoft's console did not
Microsoft's platform applies a less refined haze ****** that slightly impacts the clarity of car details in the foreground
آخرین ویرایش:
آقا خدایی تفاوت خیلی کمه دیگه. بی‌خود دنبال دعوا نباشید. واسه یه بارم که شده قبول کنید دو نسخه خوب کار شدن :d
خب DF اشتباه کرده بود ، PS4 هم HBAO داره و در این زمینه تفاوتی ندارن ، انتهای مقاله اش رو آپدیت کرده . در حال حاضر نسخه برتر PS4 هست بخاطر DOF و Draw Distance بهتر .

پس هیچ ایرادی به نسخه PS4 وارد نیست ؟

NO .......
آخرین ویرایش:
پس هیچ ایرادی به نسخه PS4 وارد نیست ؟
نه :d
Update: Wow, that was quick. We've just had feedback to this article from Ghost Games' Andreas Brinck, rendering lead on Need for Speed: Rivals - "I wanted to thank you for the excellent technical analysis of our game, but also ask for a small correction. The article states that the PS4 version of the game is missing ambient occlusion, but the fact is that the PS4 version actually is using it in the form of HBAO. Here are two screenshots from the PS4 demonstrating the difference between having it enabled (this is what's shipped and looking at the screenshots from the article it seems like this was in the build you played as well) and disabled."

اینکه نسخه ی 4 برتر بود که از قبل مشخص بود مثل بتل و کال , ولی اینجا اختلاف خیلی زیاد نیست
Draw Distance بهتر در PS4 به وضوح دیده میشه


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