اقا توی این متن مشخصه دقیقا جریان چیه :
While the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 launches started off with
Microsoft and
Sony trading congratulatory tweets, Microsoft has stepped up its marketing recently. In promotional emails, the software giant is offering $100 towards an Xbox One when people "ditch" Sony’s PlayStation 3. The trade-in deal is only available at Microsoft’s retail stores in the US, and it applies to the PS3, Xbox 360 S, or Xbox 360 E.
The promotion reduces the $100 gap, and brings the Xbox One price down to the same $399 as the PlayStation 4. Given a base model PS3 retails for around $200 right now, it’s not a bad offer if you have a slightly aging PlayStation 3. However, if Microsoft is hoping this latest promotion will tempt PlayStation 3 owners by reducing the Xbox One cost, it might find that Sony console owners simply keep their old PS3 and pay $399 for a PlayStation 4.
اول اینکه فقط مخصوص امریکاست ، دوم اینکه کنسول حتما باید سالم و با لوازم ارجینالش باشه ( اینو از یه منبع دیگه دیدم )
توی متن گفته که اگر از PS3 خسته شدید پیشنهاد خوبیه ، الان یه PS3 Retail رو میشه با 200 دلار خرید
البته توی خط آخر هم حرف بچه های BC رو زده که گفته ممکنه دارنده گان کنسول PS3 های خود را نگه دارند و با 399دلار یک PS4 بخرند