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وای!عجب چیزیه....بالاخره یه بازی تو این سبک پیدا کردم که اصلا شبیه آشغال GTA نیست و فکر کنم دقیقا به همین خاطر نمره کم گرفته ولی خداییش تا الان GOYT رو شاخشه!من تا چپتر 5 رفتم.راستی مگه نگفته بودند مرحله ی دمو تو بازی نیست,این که بود که...
ببخشید من دمورو بازی نکردم میشه بگید کدوم مرحله س؟
من با این مافیا 1 زندگی کردم یادم سیستمم نمیگشید صحنه آهسته بود ولی بازیم تا تش رفتم ....100 مرحله داشت این مافیا 2 هم باید تحمل کنم تا ارزون شه چون من ps3 دارم 360 من به رحمت خدا رفت راستی بازی چنتا مرحله داره
یه سوال آخر چپتر 6
دوستان دستم خورد ویدو رو اسکیپ کردم و یهو دیدم اومدم تو شهر
چی شد؟؟
10 سال گذشت ؟؟ یا با پارتی اوردنمون بیرون از زندان
لطفا کات سین آخر چپتر 6 رو بگید
خودش که می گه 6 سال شده
وای!عجب چیزیه....بالاخره یه بازی تو این سبک پیدا کردم که اصلا شبیه آشغال GTA نیست و فکر کنم دقیقا به همین خاطر نمره کم گرفته ولی خداییش تا الان GOYT رو شاخشه!من تا چپتر 5 رفتم.راستی مگه نگفته بودند مرحله ی دمو تو بازی نیست,این که بود که...
قسمت اول مرحلش که فرق داره.
15 تا Chapter ....

خب بنده به کمک لینک یکی از دوستان جاهایی که PB Magazine هست رو پیدا کردم ...
چیزی که معلومه تو هر چپتر یه سری مجله هست !

چه کنیم که اسلام دست و پای مارو بسته :دی ( البت که تو ماه رمضون هم باشی ) :)

Chapter 1 has 0 Playboy Magazines.
Chapter 2 has 2 Playboy Magazines:
Playmate 1 – You will find this magazine on the edge of Joe’s coffee table.
Playmate 3 – You will find this magazine on top of a shelf inside the three-car garage adjacent to Mike’s main shop.
Chapter 3 has 5 Playboy Magazines:
Playmate 18 – You will find this magazine on the floor just outside of Derek Papalardo’s Office. You will spot this as you follow Steve down to the first floor to start your manual labor job.
Playmate 4 – You will find this magazine behind the entry doorway of Maria Angello’s apartment. It is to the left of a small shelf.
Playmate 5 – You will find this magazine on the windowsill closest to the doorway in the Industrial Specialist Office. This is just across the hallway from the Director’s Office where you get the key from.
Playmate 40 – You will find this magazine on the edge of the security guard desk in the main hall on the first floor.
Playmate 6 – You will find this magazine on the floor of the large basement storage room. It will be between the first two shelves in the room.

Chapter 4 has 4 Playboy Magazines:
Playmate 9 – You will find this magazine in the box of playboy magazines on the first stairwell landing leading from the bookstore.
Playmate 2 – You will find this magazine on the floor in the second stairwell from the bookstore. It is just under the stairwell near the mall’s locked front doors where you see the cops scrambling on the street.
Playmate 8 – You will find this magazine on the floor inside the small rooftop shelter. It is to the left of the shelf on the right wall as you round the interior corner.
Playmate 7 – You will find this magazine at the very end of Chapter 4. It is right next to the gate by going down to Joe’s apartment’s basement, which you can find after going to a dark area with a locked gate at his place. — Thanks for the tip to John. Chapter 5 has 3 Playboy Magazines:
Playmate 11 – You will find this magazine at the top of the stairs lying between two doors. Make sure to head upstairs first before following Henry and Joe downstairs.
Playmate 10 – You will find this magazine on the 4th shelf inside the first floor distillery office. You will need to get this magazine quickly before the entire place goes up in flames and you will not be able to re-enter this room.
Playmate 12 – You will find this magazine on the floor on the right side of the room behind two small wooden chairs and a gated storage area. This will also just be as you start to escort injured Henry.
Chapter 6 has 3 Playboy Magazines:
Playmate 13 – You will find this magazine under the legs of a sleeping prisoner behind a set of small bleachers. This is close to where you begin this chapter.
Playmate 14 – You will find this magazine on the floor behind the small, gray shed beside the basketball court.
Playmate 15 – You will find this magazine on the top of one of the large industrial clothes dryers.
Chapter 7 has 4 Playboy Magazines:
Playmate 16 – You will find this magazine on the floor at Harry’s Army/Navy gun shop next to a set of stairs.
Playmate 50 – You will find this magazine on the floor at the end of the top floor hallway in Joe’s apartment building.
Playmate 17 – You will find this magazine on top of a table on the second floor of your new apartment building.
Playmate 46 – You will find this magazine on top of your kitchen table in your new apartment.
Chapter 8 has 3 Playboy Magazines:
Playmate 19 – You will find this magazine on top of an old oil drum in the back of the shack. This shack is around the first foundry corner.
Playmate 21 – You will find this magazine on the ground next to a couple oil drums.
Playmate 20 – You will find this magazine under an old cot in the shelter to the left of the mob at the end of the foundry. This cot and playboy magazine will be right near a fire.
Chapter 9 has 4 Playboy Magazines:
Playmate 41 – You will find this magazine on the bar counter near the beer taps.
Playmate 23 – You will find this magazine lying in the side tunnel which is to the left of where you get sewage dumped on you from above.
Playmate 22 – You will find this magazine on the floor beside the second metal bin on the left as you head for the first hallway. This is inside the first slaughterhouse room you enter.
Playmate 24 – You will find this magazine on the corner shelf along the entry wall.
Chapter 10 has 4 Playboy Magazines:
Playmate 25 – You will find this magazine on top of the office desk in the back of the laundry section. There will be a worker sitting to the left of the magazine at the desk.
Playmate 27 – You will find this magazine on the ground on floor 16. There is a gate blocking you from going down any further right in front of it too. You will head downstairs instead of following Joe upstairs to acquire this playboy.
Playmate 26 – You will find this magazine on the ground near the lift generator. You will need to get this right as and before the hotel work lies down in front of it, making it impossible to obtain it.
Playmate 48 – You will find this magazine on the white tile floor of your bathroom at your apartment. If you miss it during this chapter, you will still be able to obtain it next chapter.
Chapter 11 has 5 Playboy Magazines:
Playmate 47 – You will find this magazine on the windowsill on the second floor hallway. The window is at the front of the house.
Playmate 29 – You will find this magazine lying on top of a wicker hamper in the back bathroom on the second floor.
Playmate 28 – You will find this magazine lying on the floor in the bedroom directly across the hallway from the open front door. It is under a guy’s leg that is passed out.
Playmate 49 – You will find this magazine lying on the floor next to Joe’s bed.
Playmate 30 – You will find this magazine on the floor partially covered by a box at a dead-end hallway in the Pub Tara.
Chapter 12 has 3 Playboy Magazines:
Playmate 32 – You will find this magazine on the ground southwest of the spot where you meet the Chinese guide between a delivery truck and some crates.
Playmate 31 – You will find this magazine on the ground in the corner at the end of the narrow dead-end alley. It is right behind the dumpster.
Playmate 33 – You will find this magazine on the floor near the green power unit along the right wall.
Chapter 13 has 3 Playboy Magazines:
Playmate 34 – You will find this magazine in the back left or southwest corner of the main dining hall.
Playmate 36 – You will find this magazine on top of a wood crate stack inside one of the small opium rooms.
Playmate 35 – You will find this magazine on top of the small file box in the armory.
Chapter 14 has 3 Playboy Magazines:
Playmate 44 – You will find this magazine on the ground in a narrow nook on the east edge of the building.
Playmate 37 – You will find this magazine on top of a small stack of pallets at the base of the stairs on the floor that is on fire.
Playmate 38 – You will find this magazine on the floor in the back corner of the room near some crates and bricks.
Chapter 15 has 4 Playboy Magazines:
Playmate 45 – You will find this magazine on the floor in a corner on the first floor in the stairwell room.
Playmate 39 – You will find this magazine on the ground in a nook on the west edge of the observatory rooftop.
Playmate 43 – You will find this magazine on the floor behind the telescope in a little nook by the lower staircase.
Playmate 42 – You will find this magazine on the floor at the base of the star projector behind the short wall.

شرمنده دوستان
آخرین ویرایش:
15 تا Chapter ....

خب بنده به کمک لینک یکی از دوستان جاهایی که PB Magazine هست رو پیدا کردم ...
چیزی که معلومه تو هر چپتر یه سری مجله هست !

چه کنیم که اسلام دست و پای مارو بسته :دی ( البت که تو ماه رمضون هم باشی ) :)

Chapter 1 has 0 Playboy Magazines.
Chapter 2 has 2 Playboy Magazines:
Playmate 1 – You will find this magazine on the edge of Joe’s coffee table.
Playmate 3 – You will find this magazine on top of a shelf inside the three-car garage adjacent to Mike’s main shop.
Chapter 3 has 5 Playboy Magazines:
Playmate 18 – You will find this magazine on the floor just outside of Derek Papalardo’s Office. You will spot this as you follow Steve down to the first floor to start your manual labor job.
Playmate 4 – You will find this magazine behind the entry doorway of Maria Angello’s apartment. It is to the left of a small shelf.
Playmate 5 – You will find this magazine on the windowsill closest to the doorway in the Industrial Specialist Office. This is just across the hallway from the Director’s Office where you get the key from.
Playmate 40 – You will find this magazine on the edge of the security guard desk in the main hall on the first floor.
Playmate 6 – You will find this magazine on the floor of the large basement storage room. It will be between the first two shelves in the room.

Chapter 4 has 4 Playboy Magazines:
Playmate 9 – You will find this magazine in the box of playboy magazines on the first stairwell landing leading from the bookstore.
Playmate 2 – You will find this magazine on the floor in the second stairwell from the bookstore. It is just under the stairwell near the mall’s locked front doors where you see the cops scrambling on the street.
Playmate 8 – You will find this magazine on the floor inside the small rooftop shelter. It is to the left of the shelf on the right wall as you round the interior corner.
Playmate 7 – You will find this magazine at the very end of Chapter 4. It is right next to the gate by going down to Joe’s apartment’s basement, which you can find after going to a dark area with a locked gate at his place. — Thanks for the tip to John. Chapter 5 has 3 Playboy Magazines:
Playmate 11 – You will find this magazine at the top of the stairs lying between two doors. Make sure to head upstairs first before following Henry and Joe downstairs.
Playmate 10 – You will find this magazine on the 4th shelf inside the first floor distillery office. You will need to get this magazine quickly before the entire place goes up in flames and you will not be able to re-enter this room.
Playmate 12 – You will find this magazine on the floor on the right side of the room behind two small wooden chairs and a gated storage area. This will also just be as you start to escort injured Henry.
Chapter 6 has 3 Playboy Magazines:
Playmate 13 – You will find this magazine under the legs of a sleeping prisoner behind a set of small bleachers. This is close to where you begin this chapter.
Playmate 14 – You will find this magazine on the floor behind the small, gray shed beside the basketball court.
Playmate 15 – You will find this magazine on the top of one of the large industrial clothes dryers.
Chapter 7 has 4 Playboy Magazines:
Playmate 16 – You will find this magazine on the floor at Harry’s Army/Navy gun shop next to a set of stairs.
Playmate 50 – You will find this magazine on the floor at the end of the top floor hallway in Joe’s apartment building.
Playmate 17 – You will find this magazine on top of a table on the second floor of your new apartment building.
Playmate 46 – You will find this magazine on top of your kitchen table in your new apartment.
Chapter 8 has 3 Playboy Magazines:
Playmate 19 – You will find this magazine on top of an old oil drum in the back of the shack. This shack is around the first foundry corner.
Playmate 21 – You will find this magazine on the ground next to a couple oil drums.
Playmate 20 – You will find this magazine under an old cot in the shelter to the left of the mob at the end of the foundry. This cot and playboy magazine will be right near a fire.
Chapter 9 has 4 Playboy Magazines:
Playmate 41 – You will find this magazine on the bar counter near the beer taps.
Playmate 23 – You will find this magazine lying in the side tunnel which is to the left of where you get sewage dumped on you from above.
Playmate 22 – You will find this magazine on the floor beside the second metal bin on the left as you head for the first hallway. This is inside the first slaughterhouse room you enter.
Playmate 24 – You will find this magazine on the corner shelf along the entry wall.
Chapter 10 has 4 Playboy Magazines:
Playmate 25 – You will find this magazine on top of the office desk in the back of the laundry section. There will be a worker sitting to the left of the magazine at the desk.
Playmate 27 – You will find this magazine on the ground on floor 16. There is a gate blocking you from going down any further right in front of it too. You will head downstairs instead of following Joe upstairs to acquire this playboy.
Playmate 26 – You will find this magazine on the ground near the lift generator. You will need to get this right as and before the hotel work lies down in front of it, making it impossible to obtain it.
Playmate 48 – You will find this magazine on the white tile floor of your bathroom at your apartment. If you miss it during this chapter, you will still be able to obtain it next chapter.
Chapter 11 has 5 Playboy Magazines:
Playmate 47 – You will find this magazine on the windowsill on the second floor hallway. The window is at the front of the house.
Playmate 29 – You will find this magazine lying on top of a wicker hamper in the back bathroom on the second floor.
Playmate 28 – You will find this magazine lying on the floor in the bedroom directly across the hallway from the open front door. It is under a guy’s leg that is passed out.
Playmate 49 – You will find this magazine lying on the floor next to Joe’s bed.
Playmate 30 – You will find this magazine on the floor partially covered by a box at a dead-end hallway in the Pub Tara.
Chapter 12 has 3 Playboy Magazines:
Playmate 32 – You will find this magazine on the ground southwest of the spot where you meet the Chinese guide between a delivery truck and some crates.
Playmate 31 – You will find this magazine on the ground in the corner at the end of the narrow dead-end alley. It is right behind the dumpster.
Playmate 33 – You will find this magazine on the floor near the green power unit along the right wall.
Chapter 13 has 3 Playboy Magazines:
Playmate 34 – You will find this magazine in the back left or southwest corner of the main dining hall.
Playmate 36 – You will find this magazine on top of a wood crate stack inside one of the small opium rooms.
Playmate 35 – You will find this magazine on top of the small file box in the armory.
Chapter 14 has 3 Playboy Magazines:
Playmate 44 – You will find this magazine on the ground in a narrow nook on the east edge of the building.
Playmate 37 – You will find this magazine on top of a small stack of pallets at the base of the stairs on the floor that is on fire.
Playmate 38 – You will find this magazine on the floor in the back corner of the room near some crates and bricks.
Chapter 15 has 4 Playboy Magazines:
Playmate 45 – You will find this magazine on the floor in a corner on the first floor in the stairwell room.
Playmate 39 – You will find this magazine on the ground in a nook on the west edge of the observatory rooftop.
Playmate 43 – You will find this magazine on the floor behind the telescope in a little nook by the lower staircase.
Playmate 42 – You will find this magazine on the floor at the base of the star projector behind the short wall.

شرمنده دوستان
منم دارم از رو اون کم کم پیدا می کنم.اما حیف اون لینک رو از چپتر 9 به بعد پیدا کردم .
باید بعدا یه بارم بعدا
بعد ماه رمضون البته :d
خب من امروز ظهر بازی رو تموم کردم
جمعا71درصد رفتم
10ساعت و13 دقیقه
اگه به سایت گیم اسپات مراجعه کنین تو نکات منفی شکلکی گذاشته که به معنی پایانی بحث برانگیز ومخ تیلیت کنیه.....
و من کاملا موافقم چون بازی خیلی آبکی تموم میشه خیلی...
یه چیزه جالب:
پایان مافیا 1 بود که اومدن گفتن از طرف آقا سالیری مزاحمتون میشیم....توی چپتر 13بازی وجود داره...جو و ویتو میرن سراغش و بنگ...
یه سوال آخر چپتر 6
دوستان دستم خورد ویدو رو اسکیپ کردم و یهو دیدم اومدم تو شهر
چی شد؟؟
10 سال گذشت ؟؟ یا با پارتی اوردنمون بیرون از زندان
لطفا کات سین آخر چپتر 6 رو بگید

لیو همون پیرمرد مو سفیده که تو زندان هواتا داشت تو هم براش می جنگیدی 4 ماه بعد از زندان آزاد میشه بعد میره دنبال کارای تو و ترتیبی میده که بهت عفو بخوره به این ترتیب تو زود تر از زندان آزاد می شی
بازیه نسبتا خوبی بود. ولی بزرگترین ضعف بازی کوتاه بودن بازی بود.
من الان تمومش کردم. ولی اصلا تصور نمی کردم به این زودی تموم یشه.
ولی من خودم به mafia 1 امتیاز بیشتری میدم و به نظرم روی قسمت یک(تو اون زمان) بیشتر کار شده بود.

به امید مافیای 3 ...
دوستان من هم بازی تمام کردم.به نظر من یکی از مهمترین نقاط قوت بازی ماشین هاش بودند.
دوستان مگه بازی Open World نیست؟پس چرا بازی که تمام شد تو شهر نمیشه ول بچرخی؟:d
لیو همون پیرمرد مو سفیده که تو زندان هواتا داشت تو هم براش می جنگیدی 4 ماه بعد از زندان آزاد میشه بعد میره دنبال کارای تو و ترتیبی میده که بهت عفو بخوره به این ترتیب تو زود تر از زندان آزاد می شی
واقعا ممنون
دمش گرم :d

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

تبلیغات متنی

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن