Killzone 2

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برای دیدن تصاویر بیشتر با کیفیت تر:biggrin1: اینجا
Killzone 2 beta now hitting U.S

به گفته ی اعضای PlayStation Underground, دعوت نامه های نسخه بتای Killzone 2 (آمریکای شمالی) در حال توزیع شدن به میل باکس های کاربران PSN میباشد.
و به دنبال آن بر اساس یک آپدیت خبری, تعدادی از کاربران فروم PSU, پس از در یافت beta invites در حال انجام بازی میباشند...
فکر میکنم این بازیها نشون میدن که ps3 برتریهایی نسبت به 360 داره چون ندیدم تو 360 بازی در این حد باشه
خواهشا کسی متهم به جانبداری نکنه ( فن بوی و ... )
چون من تا الان قط تو اختصاصی هایه ps3 اینطور قدرت رو دیدم
360 هم خیلی بازیهایه خوبی داره ولی وقتی به MGS4 و حتی HS نگاه میکنم میبینم یه فرقی هست
و فکر میکنم بازیسازها مجبورن به خاطره 360 یه مقدار کوتاه بیان و این اختلاف بین اختصاصیهایه ps3 و
مولتیها نشون دهنده همین باشه
شاید خیلی ها با من مخالف باشن ولی همین جا دارم میگم این نظره کاملا شخصیه من هست
و بازم میگم من هم 360 و هم ps3 رو دارم هر دو رو هم دوست دارم:love:
Killzone 2 uses the SIXAXIS while you snipert

نکته ای در مورد سیستم هدف گیری تک تیر انداز در Killzone 2 :
حتما به یاد دارید در بازی Call of Duty در هنگام Snip کردن , برای ثابت ماندن تصویر باید دکمه ای رو نگه میداشتید...
حالا در Killzone 2 , در حالت تک تیرانداز بجای نگه داشتن دکمه باید دسته SIXAXIS را ثابت نگه داشت! و هرچه میزان تکان دادن دسته SIXAXIS بیشتر شود به همان میزان تصویر تکان میخورد:)
ببخشید اگه بد ترجمه کردم...
In games such as Call of Duty when you have to snip your breath (by pressing a button) you want to get a steady aim. In Killzone 2 has been otherwise resolved, the more you move the controller, the more you sniper as it were, goes to "shake". When you keep quiet so the controller and it will not move your aim is many times better. Incidentally, this is another very well and it works surprisingly well. This is the first time that something be done in an FPS.
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Killzone 2 Videos

این ویدیو Multiplayer Beta رو به نمایش میزاره... (اگه اینترنت پرسرعت دارین حتما ببینید):

"نقل قول های زیر همگی توسط یک EXPERT نوشته شده! قابل توجه بعضی ها که تو تاپیکی اومدن بازی رو که هنوز ریلیز نشده بود رو مورد بررسی گرافیکی! اونم از نوع کارشناسانه انجام داده بودند!!!"

Digital Foundry, a company that makes video capture hardware, has had their experts look at the graphics in the Killzone 2 multiplayer beta and has declared them an "undisputed winner

Although they point to some slowdowns in busy firefights, the "overall impact [of framerate drops] is limited though; it’s not a gamebreaker, in most cases the game is very smooth indeed

Graphically, Killzone 2 is an undisputed winner. Initially it does look rather blurry. Yes, this is in part down to the quincunx anti-aliasing, but it’s mostly due to the motion blur. I’m not a fan of blurring in video games, but the entire range of techniques used in Killzone 2 combines to create a look and feel that is entirely its own, deeply immersive, and - in the heat of battle - brutal, visceral and quite unlike any other game
This certainly mirrors our experiences with the game as it is definitely one of the finest looking titles in development
The motion blur, the post-processing, the lighting, the shadows, the animation of your player’s movements… all of it is geared towards a closer emulation of reality. That, combined with the absolutely brutal action, bodes well for the final game and I have really high hopes for the single-player campaign where the full power of this engine can really be unleashed." It remains to be seen if the gameplay will catch everyone as the graphics undoubtedly will, but great graphics can only help sell a game

این ویدیوها هم به ترتیب Multiplayer Beta و میزان تخریب پذیری زیبا رو به نمایش میزاره...

Digital Foundry has written an analysis of the graphics seen in the Killzone 2 multiplayer beta. They say that the game runs at native 720p and that the frame rate takes a hit when things get busy. "Overall impact is limited though; it’s not a gamebreaker, in most cases the game is very smooth indeed
Technical details then: Killzone 2 runs at native 720p with 2x quincunx anti-aliasing. It’s v-locked at 30fps, and when things get busy, frame rate takes a hit (in busy multiplayer games it can fluctuate between 20fps and30fps) and response suffers as a result. Overall impact is limited though; it’s not a gamebreaker, in most cases the game is very smooth indeed. There is support for 1080i/p, but it’s upscaled and does nothing to improve the blurring
Graphically, Killzone 2 is an undisputed winner. Initially it does look rather blurry. Yes, this is in part down to the quincunx anti-aliasing, but it’s mostly due to the motion blur. I’m not a fan of blurring in video games, but the entire range of techniques used in Killzone 2 combines to create a look and feel that is entirely its own, deeply immersive, and - in the heat of battle - brutal, visceral and quite unlike any other game
مثل اینکه در محیط های شلوغ گاهی افت فریم نیز دیده شده ولی با این حال "Killzone 2 graphics an undisputed winner"​

یک ویدیو دیگه: Multiplayer

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