To get 20,000,000 Cr. no cheats you just have to do a little work. Try this guide I watched a video of over at ign.
01: First Install 1.01 update.
02: Go to "Vision GT" in Cars Section.
03: Accept the Mercedez Benz Gift Car. It's the first one.
04: Exit the game.
05: Delete the 1.01 Update from your Game Data.
06: Run the Game and Ignore the update message.
07: Go to you garage and sell the Mercedez Benz it will be renamed "[2055]" it's a glitch of some sort. It will sell for like 333,993,856 Cr. But since you can only carry 20,000,000. That is how much you will get.
08: Quit the game, Install the update again, enjoy the credits.
Note: You can repaeat this glitch as many times as you want. You just have to spend 1,000,000 Cr. every time you buy Mercedez Benz from Vision GT. First time it is
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