Sony Santa Monica: Hi Thelesman! Tell us, how did you get into God of War?
Thelesman: It started back in 2006. My friend was playing God of War every night when I visited him after school and when he gave me the controller to let me play, I couldn't believe how good the gameplay was! I mean, every step I took was full of epic-ness. Two days later I got the game for myself and completed the story four times back-to-back. I hadn't been that impressed by a game since Donkey Kong Country. The game had everything I wished for. To this day I've completed God of War 14 or 15 times. I will love this game for the rest of my life.
SSM: What's your favorite part of God of War: Ascension?
TM: Definitely multiplayer. I’ll never get tired of the 4v4/ Trial of The Gods map Desert of Lost Souls. Every time Polyphemus gets killed with the Spear of Olympus I have to smile. It's just too awesome.
SSM: What Allegiance do you play and why? What are you current levels for all Champions?
TM: I play with all Allegiances but my favorite is Poseidon because you can have a good defense plus decent attack power. Good defense is needed playing against good players! All my Champions are level 40, except Hades. I have him at level 38.
SSM: Any favorite combos you'd like to share?
TM: Blade of Poseidon combo: jump circle, triangle, square square L1 triangle, R1. That'll do it.
SSM: It's obvious from our Power Rankings that you're not one to be trifled with! Any secrets you'd like to share for being badass at Multiplayer?
TM: The reason I’m good at this game is because I play a lot and have good teammates to play with. Losing doesn’t happen often. I’m always good at games I love. As far as tips go - Learn from your mistakes; do not randomly use your Special Attacks or Magic. The most important thing is to have fun, of course.
I'm always good at games I love.
SSM: Not revealing your secrets then? Smart Champion! Do you have a nemesis in Multiplayer? What would you say to them today?
TM: Almost everyone in my clan is my nemesis. But, to name one, I have to say AnDeRsOn_999. All I can say to him is I love you bro, and you will be the one to DIEEE MORTAL!