Free Games with Plus | PS4

بازی های آگوست معرفی شدن:

crappy indie game
not crappy but otherwise pretty mediocre indie game
good indie game that i already have on PC (cross-buy with vita)

full price retail game when it launched three years ago; the only thing the gamers under 16 will say is worth playing
crappy indie game (cross-buy with vita)

gimmicky indie game that you don't want to admit to enjoying as much as you do

:bighug: :دی
بازی های آگوست معرفی شدن:

crappy indie game
not crappy but otherwise pretty mediocre indie game
good indie game that i already have on PC (cross-buy with vita)

full price retail game when it launched three years ago; the only thing the gamers under 16 will say is worth playing
crappy indie game (cross-buy with vita)

gimmicky indie game that you don't want to admit to enjoying as much as you do

:bighug: :دی

  1. نوشته شما بسیار اندک است. طول نوشته شما باید حداقل 5 کارکتر باشد.

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