Free Discussion About Games

Great topic ... But 70% of conversations is b*llshit (Sorry :blushing: ) Please talk about somthing useful​

ببخشید فارسی تایپ میکنم ، دوستانی که انگلیسیشون فول هست لطفا بگن از چه راهی یاد گرفتن شاید به درد بقیه دوستان بخوره

دوستانی که از مرورگر FIREFOX استفاده میکنن و مثل من نمیفهمن تو این تاپیک چی به چیه این افزونه رو دانلود کنن (Maryamsoft Online Dictionary)
آخرین ویرایش:
god imma loves dis style D​

I'd say lets make this a Caturday

As a former senior retro gamer, obviously the only true, dedicated retro gamer in this wicked, twisted forums, I'm happy to say that "screw all games, go play with your Johnoson". and I firmly believe that, Gaming industry is cursed by a bunch of incompetent assholes, formerly named "incompetent", now entitled "cool" (e.g. Cliffy B) and the real cool, adept ones, turned their franchises into cash machines. So as I was saying, the last 7th generation game that I've finished was my own, precious "Zombula Strike". Hence, as I'm exposed to diabetes, and I hope all of you will some day, I prefer to spend my time on physical activities, rather than sitting on my **** all day twirling a joystick like it's a hot girl's nipple.

Ps: Some people don't know the difference between "Drank" and "Drunk" but they write screenplays. how's that possible?


?i is catz, i can has retro gaming​
did you actually used "endorsement" to ask me about my signature? D:
the pic is simply about The Wall, pink floyd's wall, my wall.
the "please lift the hand" part is a part of Syd Barret's Dark Globe <3
the HamidoOs part (the best part) is a quote from the living legend himself.
and the last part ,its a drunk guy, drunk dialing some other guy
I'd say lets make this a Caturday
Oh god I hate this day. just got a new VPN heading back to my old peeps at 4chan.


?i is catz, i can has retro gaming​

Gosh darn it you're so funny. now please get back to your valuable "Markhor" which, I deeply despise and leave the "real gaming society", that is me, solely, alone for a while until I take all of my narcotics. I can't really tolerate these Markhor-related avatars any more.
Ps: this post is aimed to be sarcastic not offensive

?thanx ... but i dont understand "living legend himself" ! what is your meaning
and one thing more ... you was a bazinama's member ; :biggrin1: right​

He means the MaMMad Clan guy, Hamidoos.
Also, "Meaning" is not a noun. you can't predicate your sentence on it.
And yet again, with pronoun "you" we must use the verb "were" not was
Lord Anubis, was not a part of Bazinama Society per se, but his soul always participated in that fora..
آخرین ویرایش:
did you actually used "endorsement" to ask me about my signature? D:
the pic is simply about The Wall, pink floyd's wall, my wall.
the "please lift the hand" part is a part of Syd Barret's Dark Globe <3
the HamidoOs part (the best part) is a quote from the living legend himself.
and the last part ,its a drunk guy, drunk dialing some other guy

actually I love the pink floyd's the wall
which song do you like more ?
I love good bye blue sky.

and I think this topic is going to be useful if we wisely use all of it's potential

Gosh darn it you're so funny. now please get back to your valuable "Markhor" which, I deeply despise and leave the "real gaming society", that is me, solely, alone for a while until I take all of my narcotics. I can't really tolerate these Markhor-related avatars any more.​

.Oh, I sure am happy you do, after all The Great Big Boss doesn't need a third grade fan​

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