As a former senior retro gamer, obviously the only true, dedicated retro gamer in this wicked, twisted forums, I'm happy to say that "screw all games, go play with your Johnoson". and I firmly believe that, Gaming industry is cursed by a bunch of incompetent assholes, formerly named "incompetent", now entitled "cool" (e.g. Cliffy B) and the real cool, adept ones, turned their franchises into cash machines. So as I was saying, the last 7th generation game that I've finished was my own, precious "Zombula Strike". Hence, as I'm exposed to diabetes, and I hope all of you will some day, I prefer to spend my time on physical activities, rather than sitting on my **** all day twirling a joystick like it's a hot girl's nipple.
Ps: Some people don't know the difference between "Drank" and "Drunk" but they write screenplays. how's that possible?