Is your country of residence included on
this list?
If so, and you continue to have sign-on problems after you have engaged in troubleshooting (power-cycling the console, then reinstalling your profile if the power-cycle did not work), then you may need to contact
Xbox Live Support to see if there is indeed an ongoing issue. When you go to that site, it will redirect to one specific to your nation.
However, if your country is NOT on that list, Xbox Live is not supported there. While it may actually work sometimes, it is not intended to work at all, and the service may become unavailable at any time.
خلاصه این کامنت این میشه ماکرو هیچ اهمیتی به کشورایی که جز ساپورت لیست نیستن نمیده و بهتره خودمونو اماده کنیم چون شاید دیگه نتونیم از سرویس ایکس باکس لایو و سرویس های مشابه استفاده کنیم...چون از همون اول هم قرار نبوده ما بتونیم از ایم سرویس ها استفاده کنیم.