Multi Platform Diablo III


و بهشت ها دوباره به لرزه در خواهند آمد...
دو دهه از پا گذاشتن لرد های جهنمی DIABLO ، Ba'al و Mephisto به Sancatury میگذرد ،
بیست سال از حمله ی وحشیانه ی سپاه اهریمنان به انسان ها و کشتاری که هیچ کس وسعت آن را نمیداند ،
اما برای آنان که سال ها با سرکردگان شیاطین جنگیده اند خاطرات خیلی دیر محو می شوند ...

هنگامی که Deckard Cain به کلیسای مخوف Tristam پای نهاد تا اسراری را برای مبارزه با شیاطین بیاموزد ناگهان گلوله ای عظیم و آتشین از آسمان به زمین برخورد کرد و این ورود دوباره ی پادشاه تاریکی و وحشت Lord Diablo به Sancatury بود ، با بازگشت او شایطین باستانی از نیستی برخواستند و قهرمانان Sancatury آماده شدند تا بار دیگر از دنیای فانیشان در برابر Burning Hells دفاع کنند ...

شروعی دوباره بر ترس ، کشتار و البته شجاعت و ایثار ...

پس از سال ها انتظار 15 May سال جاری برابر با 26 اردیبهشت زمان شروع حماسه ی سوم بلیزارد خواهد بود ، به طور جد به همه ی دوستان پیشنهاد می کنم بازی رو پیش خرید کنند و این اتفاق نادر رو از دست ندهند.
در ضمن هر کس دستش به نسخه ی CE رسید جای ما رو هم خالی کنه:دی



  1. Battle Tag کسانی که بازی رو تهیه کرده اند :

    Kourosh : Archangel#2222

    GlaDOS : Pain#2810

    Quantic Dream : XtraMedical#2362

    saeid64 : Lync#2992

    Jim_raynor : Conan#2978

    douchebag : zigorat#2876

    slipkboy : Slipkboy#2598

    Hellgate:london : Mashmammad#2523

    Sweet Jesus : Dagnir#2171

    AghaReza : Reza#2935

    DEVIL_Hamit : hamit#2921

    RezaRazeR : Akami#2922

    Maniac Gamer : FallenAngel#2696

    Isildur : ISILDUR#2930

    RattleSnake : sawanti#2317

    bardi ya : Bardia#2766

    The Phenom : ragnarok#2690


    Emo_boy : Salar#1568

    nimah32 : Nima#1429

    Death King : DevilKing#2782

    T.M.D.B.B : thefury2009#2405

    Amirmahdi_92 : Amirmahdi#2347

    Herduss: Herduss#1739
    FPS Doug : amir#2974

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کسایی که نصب کردند و بازی می‌کنند (:دی) من رو اد کنن کواپ کنیم خب :دی
43% دانلود کردم بزار بشه 100% بعدش هم از 7 خان باتل نت بگزرم و بعدش هم سرور جواب بده Add تا حالشو ببریم ! اتفاقا منم دنبال یه نفر میگردم تا Co-op بزنم.
این سایتی که من خریدم هنوز cd key ام رو نداده!!
در مورد پینگم من wow رو به راحتی و با پینگ 300 بازی می کردم،فکر نکنم مشکل خاصی تو این بازی داشته باشم.ولی همون طور که گفتم شد سرور های بلیزارد قاطی کرده
من بشکر خدا بازیم بالاخره نصب شد و راحت اجرا میشه ولی هنوز CD-Key بدستم نرسیده!
کسی هست که از g*** خریده باشه و CD-Keyــش رو فرستاده باشن براش؟

نه دوستان توی اون سایت میگن بازی ریلیز نشده هر وقت ریلیز شد میدیم =))
مثل اینکه مشکل در ارتباط با سرور باعث شده یوزرهای متا امتیازهای خیلی پایین رو روانه بازی کنن، الان میانگین امتیاز یوزرها از 93 رای 3.5 هست. به نظرم متا کلا امتیاز یوزرها رو ببنده بهتره :دی

ویرایش: مسئول های متا مثل جریان ME3 دارن یه سری از امتیازات پایین رو پاک میکنن.
Diablo 3 رو با اون MW3 لجن مقایسه نکن:| ملتا از بس کف بر شدن اینطوری شده هر بازی ای تو روز اول اینجوری بریزن روش این بلا سرش میاد،تازه این که بلیزارده ببین بقیه چه بلایی سرشون میاد در این شرایط:دی

May 15, 2012


I've waited years beyond the four you've been teasing for this title to release. You, Blizzard and Activision have had a decade to make it, you've had years of beta, you had open beta, you've had experience with large game launches, and you knew the pre-order numbers; and yet you ignored all this data. You've opted to not secure enough server capacity to serve those that have paid you for your product and have denied them access to it. You enticed everyone with pre-order installs to boost sales on the promise of being able to play immediately, and now we are left with no recourse with an nontransferable digital copy.. I thought better of you. You have proven me wrong.

May 15, 2012


Got to play it for about 5 minutes before connection errors. If a game fails at being fun, it should fail any review. I hope Torchlight II is better than this crap.

May 15, 2012


This game is just bad. You can't log in due to **** servers. It is only 2-6 hours long. Real money auction house Graphics that are just appalling. Retcons its own ending. No Pokemon like in WoW.

May 15, 2012


This game deserves a 37 out of 100 or a 3.7 out of 10, The game fails to connect wont let people join or play because of it, and Metacritic keeps deleting bad reviews.

May 15, 2012


I give this game a solid 1. And thats being fairly generous. From a long legacy of brilliant games which truly defined RPG games, D3 has reduced the series to something else, its not the game it should be. Its overly simplified to the point where you could most likely teach a chimpanzee to play it. On the opening day, its riddled with errors, which normally would be expected but not from blizzard who run the biggest MMOs in the world. SC2 and WoW. This is a game which was developed for 10 years, I feel I could have gotten a degree in software writing, rendering, modelling and texturing and made a better game in the same timeframe. The lack of single player feels stingy and irritating, as the previous 2 games were primarily based on single player. The cash shop allows players to pay to win, the annoying thing is of course that you cannot choose to not play with these people as there is no singleplayer, playing the game requires you remain online. Similarly, the feel of the game, that is, the music, the texturing etc isn't in a unique style. Personally it feels cartoonish and unrealistic, so much so that the 128 colour graphics of d2 are more realistic. The music feels like they were trying to improve on a masterpiece by rewriting Tristram's theme. If you have played Diablo 1 or 2. DO NOT BUY THIS GAME. If you haven't and this is your first game ever, there's a good chance you may enjoy it. Overall, all of the changes have been for

May 15, 2012


12:01 AM PST was the official start of my licensed time to play the game. Despite the fact that things will undoubtedly get better with time, I am unable to play the game because Blizzard has failed to uphold their end of the contract. Not only have I wasted my money tonight on an unplayable product, I have also wasted my time.

May 15, 2012


See here, kids? This is what happens when you add unnecessary, ludicrous DRM to a game that doesn't need it. But let's put that aside and suppose that it was just an anti-piracy measure. Do Blizzard honestly want us to believe that they are too poor to afford servers able to handle launch loads? Didn't they run an open beta and didn't they know the amount of copies sold? Cause to me it just feels their strategy was to frustrate the people, who are most excited for the game, to the point where they give up and the servers finally get functional.

May 15, 2012


-unable to play on launch -requires constant connection (no offline single-player) -dumbed down and simplified -terrible story, mass effect 3-tier ending -it's like im really playing world of casualcraft

May 15, 2012


the worst first person shooter I've ever played cant even log in, and i even stood in line for at least two hours to pay for this dont waste your money BLIZZARD IS FINISHED

May 15, 2012


This game really sucks the doodle. Blizzard have rooted our buttholes once again. I fear I am to become the most hated editor in the history of gaming news and reviews. But before you go ahead and judge me on my shortcomings as a human being and write thousands of pieces of hate mail and death threats to me, read the review. I have my reasons for not giving Diablo III a perfect score. Plenty of them. But hark! What's this? Yes there are plenty of good things to go along with the bad. It is Blizzard after all, and they aren't known for making horrible products. So blaze on intrepid readers, I promise I'll be fair. So first of all, I have to begin this article with a few words about the state of affairs with and all of the bugs that are popping up in the game. I really am surprised about all of the complaints that are flowing into our mailboxes about problems that people are having with the game. We aren't even Blizzard, and we're getting a ton, so there are sure to be quite a few very unhappy gamers out there. The first thing that blares in my mind, and made me a bit wary of problems in the game was that the first day that the game was released, there was a patch out for the game. Ummm... yeah. You shouldn't need to download a patch right off the bat. And there is already another patch on the way. For the most part, I haven't experienced most of the problems that people are talking about, but one of my characters (a 17th level sorceress) did disappear after I logged onto for the first time. I had already downloaded the patch and installed it before I started playing the game at all. Downloading the patch was what was supposed to be causing that glitch, but I guess it might just be logging onto that was the problem. And has been a big problem. After severely underestimating the amount of people that would want to play their game online (guh? Count the preorders maybe?), the servers crashed, burned and then bundled up in the corner weeping like Tal after being slapped around by Vincent on one of his "bitchy" days. To their credit, Blizzard has been working on the problem trying to fix it, and has managed to stabilize it quite a bit. But after people are paying anywhere from 55-70 dollars for the game, you would imagine that it would be a bug free, finished product. Oops. Now that I've gotten that out of my system, I can continue on to the actual game. If I repeat myself a bit during the review, please excuse me, I've been battling the same monsters over and over for the last 2 hours straight and it's kinda gotten to me. ( the game only lasted 2 hours some **** finished it )

May 15, 2012


Completely unacceptable. You do not as a professional company promise consumers a product on a due time, fail to then deliver it on time, and not even allow the consumer to use their product they have legally purchased. All this does once again is drum up support for piracy over DRM since we find once again those who haven't paid are somehow granted more accessibility then those who paid. This entire issue could have been easily avoided were competency and logic applied to this release. Sadly they have shown more value for making revenue then supporting their loyal customers on this day. Do not be fooled by the promises these large gaming companies will make you. They will not ever deliver anything more then a product stripped of as much artistic integrity as possible in favor of appealing to the majority. tl;dr save your money and play Torchlight 2 or PoE. Both are cheaper and better planned out then what has become another brick in the growing wall of incompetent game companies

May 15, 2012


Thanks for the DRM blizzard. Really. But of course the 'real' reviewers will overlook this fiasco, being bought off and all. Online single player, they said. Would be flawless, they said.

May 15, 2012


The storyline of Diablo 3 isn't very well done and it's very sub-par compared to Diablo 2. The graphics are not modern and are on the same level as PS2 game. The gameplay is not great either. It's been very simplified compared to Diablo 2 and the Real Money Auction House is a let down. Overall, I'm not happy with Diablo 3.

حقیقت تلخه ( مخصوصا برای من که دیابلوی قبلی رو در زمان خودش بازی کردم) ولی باید قبول کرد. پاک کردن این ریویو ها از متاکریتیک هم دردی رو دوا نمیکنه. نسبت نظرات منفی(حتی با وجود پاک شدن) به مثبت حتی از دو برابر هم بیشتره. بلیزارد از هر لحاظ خراب کرد.
فراموش نکنیم اینها طرفداران COD نیستن که بخوان BF3 رو خراب کنند یا برعکس طرفداران BF3 نیستن که بخوان COD رو بی اعتبار کنن. اینها طرفداران دیابلوی بدون رقیب هستن . واقعا یکی از بدترین روزها در تاریخ گیم بود. دوستانی هم که هنوز نخریدن ( فارغ از اینکه نت خوب دارین یا نه) اگه از من میشنوید نخرید.
اگر هم مشکل از کندی سیستم من باشه بازهم مشکل بلیزارده مثل همون مساله ای که کارتهای گرافیک 8800GT با NWN داشتن و با اینکه خیلی قویتر از سیستم مورد نیاز بازی بودن ولی بخاطر افتضاح برنامه نویسی bioware بازی بشدت کند اجرا میشد. الانم سیستم من رو تو پروفایلم چک کن دیگه از این قویتر که نمیشه.

میانگین پینگم 268 . خب من دارم میگم با بازی دیگه این مشکل رو نداشتم در صورتی که اونجا قضیه حساس تر بود اینطرف همه چیز روی خود سیستم نصب شده و فقط دیتای کمی نیازه که انتقال پیدا کنه. اگه قرار بود با این پینگ در محیط های نسبتا شلوغ دیابلو بازی منفجر بشه در محیطهای شلوغ drakensang خود سیستم باید منفجر میشد.

با همین پینگ الان رسما غیر قابل بازی شده و فعلا ولش کردم.


من اصلا قبول نمی کنم بازی کند باشه. البته امروز عصر سورس درست دستم می رسه.
توی فروش روز اول هنوز به پای Cata نرسیده. این کجا و اون کجا. Cata به مراتب درگیر تر بود سیستم و نت. من توی WoW و SC2 هیچ ،"اصلا" مشکلی نداشتم. مگر ساعت 1 بامداد به بعد که به خاطر دانلودهای Free مشکل داشتم.

من تا الان مشکل نداشتم.
الان از یکی دیگه از دوستام توی مشهد پرسیدم. اونم داره بازی می کنه. اصلا مشکلی نداره. فقط یکم توی Log in شدن معطل میشه. اونم در حد 10-20 ثانیه.

کوروش الان فکر کنم فقط تویی که مشکل داری ؟

Cata توی 24 ساعت اول بالای 2.5 میلیون فروخت.

البته بزار کوروش این موضوع رو بابت اینکه روز اول بازیه. همیشه این اتفاق ها روی پچ های سنگین WoW هم می یوفتاد تا این حد که بلیزارد ول خرجی کرد و یه بار 1 روز به همه یوزرهاش Free داد برای بازی.

شما تا فردا صبر کن. من بهت قول میدم مشکلت حل بشه.


May 15, 2012


I've waited years beyond the four you've been teasing for this title to release. You, Blizzard and Activision have had a decade to make it, you've had years of beta, you had open beta, you've had experience with large game launches, and you knew the pre-order numbers; and yet you ignored all this data. You've opted to not secure enough server capacity to serve those that have paid you for your product and have denied them access to it. You enticed everyone with pre-order installs to boost sales on the promise of being able to play immediately, and now we are left with no recourse with an nontransferable digital copy.. I thought better of you. You have proven me wrong.

May 15, 2012


Got to play it for about 5 minutes before connection errors. If a game fails at being fun, it should fail any review. I hope Torchlight II is better than this crap.

May 15, 2012


This game is just bad. You can't log in due to **** servers. It is only 2-6 hours long. Real money auction house Graphics that are just appalling. Retcons its own ending. No Pokemon like in WoW.

May 15, 2012


This game deserves a 37 out of 100 or a 3.7 out of 10, The game fails to connect wont let people join or play because of it, and Metacritic keeps deleting bad reviews.

May 15, 2012


I give this game a solid 1. And thats being fairly generous. From a long legacy of brilliant games which truly defined RPG games, D3 has reduced the series to something else, its not the game it should be. Its overly simplified to the point where you could most likely teach a chimpanzee to play it. On the opening day, its riddled with errors, which normally would be expected but not from blizzard who run the biggest MMOs in the world. SC2 and WoW. This is a game which was developed for 10 years, I feel I could have gotten a degree in software writing, rendering, modelling and texturing and made a better game in the same timeframe. The lack of single player feels stingy and irritating, as the previous 2 games were primarily based on single player. The cash shop allows players to pay to win, the annoying thing is of course that you cannot choose to not play with these people as there is no singleplayer, playing the game requires you remain online. Similarly, the feel of the game, that is, the music, the texturing etc isn't in a unique style. Personally it feels cartoonish and unrealistic, so much so that the 128 colour graphics of d2 are more realistic. The music feels like they were trying to improve on a masterpiece by rewriting Tristram's theme. If you have played Diablo 1 or 2. DO NOT BUY THIS GAME. If you haven't and this is your first game ever, there's a good chance you may enjoy it. Overall, all of the changes have been for

May 15, 2012


12:01 AM PST was the official start of my licensed time to play the game. Despite the fact that things will undoubtedly get better with time, I am unable to play the game because Blizzard has failed to uphold their end of the contract. Not only have I wasted my money tonight on an unplayable product, I have also wasted my time.

May 15, 2012


See here, kids? This is what happens when you add unnecessary, ludicrous DRM to a game that doesn't need it. But let's put that aside and suppose that it was just an anti-piracy measure. Do Blizzard honestly want us to believe that they are too poor to afford servers able to handle launch loads? Didn't they run an open beta and didn't they know the amount of copies sold? Cause to me it just feels their strategy was to frustrate the people, who are most excited for the game, to the point where they give up and the servers finally get functional.

May 15, 2012


-unable to play on launch -requires constant connection (no offline single-player) -dumbed down and simplified -terrible story, mass effect 3-tier ending -it's like im really playing world of casualcraft

May 15, 2012


the worst first person shooter I've ever played cant even log in, and i even stood in line for at least two hours to pay for this dont waste your money BLIZZARD IS FINISHED

May 15, 2012


This game really sucks the doodle. Blizzard have rooted our buttholes once again. I fear I am to become the most hated editor in the history of gaming news and reviews. But before you go ahead and judge me on my shortcomings as a human being and write thousands of pieces of hate mail and death threats to me, read the review. I have my reasons for not giving Diablo III a perfect score. Plenty of them. But hark! What's this? Yes there are plenty of good things to go along with the bad. It is Blizzard after all, and they aren't known for making horrible products. So blaze on intrepid readers, I promise I'll be fair. So first of all, I have to begin this article with a few words about the state of affairs with and all of the bugs that are popping up in the game. I really am surprised about all of the complaints that are flowing into our mailboxes about problems that people are having with the game. We aren't even Blizzard, and we're getting a ton, so there are sure to be quite a few very unhappy gamers out there. The first thing that blares in my mind, and made me a bit wary of problems in the game was that the first day that the game was released, there was a patch out for the game. Ummm... yeah. You shouldn't need to download a patch right off the bat. And there is already another patch on the way. For the most part, I haven't experienced most of the problems that people are talking about, but one of my characters (a 17th level sorceress) did disappear after I logged onto for the first time. I had already downloaded the patch and installed it before I started playing the game at all. Downloading the patch was what was supposed to be causing that glitch, but I guess it might just be logging onto that was the problem. And has been a big problem. After severely underestimating the amount of people that would want to play their game online (guh? Count the preorders maybe?), the servers crashed, burned and then bundled up in the corner weeping like Tal after being slapped around by Vincent on one of his "bitchy" days. To their credit, Blizzard has been working on the problem trying to fix it, and has managed to stabilize it quite a bit. But after people are paying anywhere from 55-70 dollars for the game, you would imagine that it would be a bug free, finished product. Oops. Now that I've gotten that out of my system, I can continue on to the actual game. If I repeat myself a bit during the review, please excuse me, I've been battling the same monsters over and over for the last 2 hours straight and it's kinda gotten to me. ( the game only lasted 2 hours some **** finished it )

May 15, 2012


Completely unacceptable. You do not as a professional company promise consumers a product on a due time, fail to then deliver it on time, and not even allow the consumer to use their product they have legally purchased. All this does once again is drum up support for piracy over DRM since we find once again those who haven't paid are somehow granted more accessibility then those who paid. This entire issue could have been easily avoided were competency and logic applied to this release. Sadly they have shown more value for making revenue then supporting their loyal customers on this day. Do not be fooled by the promises these large gaming companies will make you. They will not ever deliver anything more then a product stripped of as much artistic integrity as possible in favor of appealing to the majority. tl;dr save your money and play Torchlight 2 or PoE. Both are cheaper and better planned out then what has become another brick in the growing wall of incompetent game companies

May 15, 2012


Thanks for the DRM blizzard. Really. But of course the 'real' reviewers will overlook this fiasco, being bought off and all. Online single player, they said. Would be flawless, they said.

May 15, 2012


The storyline of Diablo 3 isn't very well done and it's very sub-par compared to Diablo 2. The graphics are not modern and are on the same level as PS2 game. The gameplay is not great either. It's been very simplified compared to Diablo 2 and the Real Money Auction House is a let down. Overall, I'm not happy with Diablo 3.

حقیقت تلخه ( مخصوصا برای من که دیابلوی قبلی رو در زمان خودش بازی کردم) ولی باید قبول کرد. پاک کردن این ریویو ها از متاکریتیک هم دردی رو دوا نمیکنه. نسبت نظرات منفی(حتی با وجود پاک شدن) به مثبت حتی از دو برابر هم بیشتره. بلیزارد از هر لحاظ خراب کرد.
فراموش نکنیم اینها طرفداران COD نیستن که بخوان BF3 رو خراب کنند یا برعکس طرفداران BF3 نیستن که بخوان COD رو بی اعتبار کنن. اینها طرفداران دیابلوی بدون رقیب هستن . واقعا یکی از بدترین روزها در تاریخ گیم بود. دوستانی هم که هنوز نخریدن ( فارغ از اینکه نت خوب دارین یا نه) اگه از من میشنوید نخرید.
آقا جان چرا بازی رو تخریب می کنی.همه اینا مشکل وصل شدن به سرور رو دارن.خود بازی که مشکلی نداره که.روز اول هست و پلیر ها هم به شدت زیاد هست.اونایی که تونستن بازی رو تجربه کنن گفتن بهترین قسمت دیابلو هست
اینقدر بد بینانه و عجولانه نباید به قضیه نگاه کرد ، همچین استقبال عجیبی نه در زمان SC II WoL سابقه داشته نه cataclysm همینطور میزان فروش نسخه های دیجیتالی نسبت به Retail هیچوقت اینقدر نبوده دانلود میلیونی از سرورها شوخی نیست تازه خیلی ها هنوز بازی رو نخریدند و دارند با Client دانلود می کنند من تخمین می زنم بالای 3-4 میلیون در حال دانلود بازی هستند شاید بلیزارد اگر دانلود رو فقط محدود به کسانی می کرد که بازی رو کامل Purchase کردند این مشکل پیش نمیومد این امتیازی بود که بلیزارد به همه داده، اصلا نه برای خود بلیزارد و نه هیچ شرکت دیگه ای تا به حال مشابه این موقعیت ایجاد نشده که بخوایم با مقایسه بلیزارد رو به کم کاری محکوم کنیم، این امر وقتی یه لکه ننگ و ... محسوب میشه که تا 2-3 روز دیگه ادامه پیدا کنه، الان فقط چندساعت از لانچ بازی گذشته اینقدر بی انصاف نباشید.

کاملا مشخصه امثال این دارن چرت و پرت می گن :

May 15, 2012


The storyline of Diablo 3 isn't very well done and it's very sub-par compared to Diablo 2. The graphics are not modern and are on the same level as PS2 game. The gameplay is not great either. It's been very simplified compared to Diablo 2 and the Real Money Auction House is a let down. Overall, I'm not happy with Diablo 3

May 15, 2012


the worst first person shooter I've ever played cant even log in, and i even stood in line for at least two hours to pay for this dont waste your money BLIZZARD IS FINISHED
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