بالاخره بعد از کلی انتظار(!) منم نسخه PS4 رو تجربه کردم. تازه فهمیدم نسخه PS3 تا چه اندازه بی در و پیکر هستش!!!
*گرافیک بازی (با توجه به عظیم بودن نقشه ها) نسبت به نسخه PS3 فوق العاده بالاتر و تر تمیزتره هستش.
*موتور صدای نسخه PS4 نسبت به نسخه PS3 خیلی بهتر شده، مخصوصا روی حالت War Tapes... با هدست های 7.1 تفاوت رو میتونین خیلی بهتر حس کنید.
*انیمیشن ها روی نسخه PS4 عالی کار شده و دیگه از اون حالت مسخره و عروسک مانند نسخه PS3 خبری نیست.
*به لطف فریم ریت بالاتر، گیم پلی نسخه PS4 فوق العاده روان تر شده. بعضی از مپ ها کمی افت فریم دارند ولی در مقایسه با افت فریم نسخه PS3 ناچیزه.
*دسته DS4 خیلی بهتر تو دست جا میگیره، Trigger های L2 و R2، آنالوگ ها عالی طراحی شدند و در کل نسبت به دسته DS3 بسیار خوش دست تره.
برای منتقل کردن Stats های بازی از نسخه PS3 به نسخه PS4:
همون اول در بخش منوی بازی، از شما برای تایید دو بار سوال میکنه... وقتی که انتقال رو تایید بکنید دیگه قابل برگشت نیست و فقط برای یک بار قابل انجام هست پس خوب فکراتون رو بکنید!!
لیست آپدیت جدید BF4: (مربوط به شش روز پیش)
We’ve rolled out a new PS4 game update and will continue to make improvements based on your feedback
The update includes fixes with the aim to increase the general stability of the game, and eliminates bugs that you may have experienced
Dec 17 PS4 Game Update Notes
Reduced the probability of the “Kill trade” issue see below for details
Fixed a common crash that could occur during round transition
Fixed a crash that could happen for players that had lots of friends
Fixed a problem where the “end of round” screen was adding up scores several times in the rank bar, resulting in the rank bar showing a higher value or rank than players really had
Fix for the game mode specific ribbons being counted twice in the multiplayer progression
Fix for a graphical glitch that could appear on terrain
Fixed an engine audio dropout that could happen when driving IFV’s
Fix for a camera glitch that could occur when players were switching weapons while moving in crouched stance
Fixed an animation bug for passengers on the China Rising dirt bike to make sure that the character is pointing in the direction where the player is actually aiming
Fix for an issue where 4x the damage from a vehicle's minigun would be applied to the chest when a player had the Defense specialization equipped
Tweaked the War Tape audio setting to remove distortion
Fix for the SUAV (introduced in the China Rising expansion pack) not exploding when hitting enemy soldiers. While these indeed should be deadly, they were never designed for “roadkilling” opponents
Servers with users playing on them are now by default placed on the top in the Server Browser
Servers that friends are playing on have a higher priority in the server list
Server Browser is no longer showing empty or full servers by default
Servers that are completely empty will be shown only when the “Empty” option is checked in the Server Browser ******
Server Browser ****** will count a server as full if all “Soldier” slots are occupied, unless the “Free Commander” slot is checked
Balancing jet handling across all stealth and attack jet classes
Fixed a bug in Defuse mode where defenders could win a round by killing all the attackers without disarming the bomb. If the attackers arm the bomb, the defenders need to disarm it to win, even if they have killed all the attackers
Fix for players getting stuck in the revive screen
Fix for players getting stuck in the kill camera after being revived. Note that you might see a graphical bug on-screen after being revived when accepting a revive within 1 second. This graphical bug will be removed in the next patch
Fix for a Defuse bug where none of the teams would win a round by letting the timer run out
Fixed the instance where players suddenly would transition into Spectator Mode while playing the Defuse game mode
Fix for the death camera/screen being displayed too early
Raised the first-person camera slightly for walking in crouch to more accurately reflect the actual position of the character
Lowered IED explosion sound to not bottom out the HDR
General stability improvements
Kill trading issue
We’ve addressed the so-called “Kill trading”. This refers to when two players fire at each other and, seemingly, both die at the same time. The time window where a bullet could cause damage from an already dead player is now calculated as intended, decreasing the time frame when players with high latency could get a kill, even though they should be dead according to the server. This should reduce the probability of kill trading