نمرات Spider Man

K I 1 1 E R

ناظم انجمن

Initial release date: September 7, 2018
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
Developer: Insomniac Games
Platform: PlayStation 4


آخرین ویرایش:
Playstation Official Magazine UK 90
A brilliant main story and swing mechanic anchor the many Arkham influences, and ensure Marvel’s Spider-Man is yet another blockbuster exclusive release from Sony. The best Spider-Man game yet? Absolutely

GameSpew 80
It’s not perfect, but Marvel’s Spider-Man is the best that a Spider-Man game has ever been, knocking even the long-lauded Spider-Man 2 off its perch. Fast, fluid and webtastically fun, Spider-Man will appeal to Spider-fans and newcomers alike.
PlayStation Country 80
Spider-Man is very much a blockbuster on PS4 as Homecoming was on the big screen. The game captures the web-head brilliantly and services fans with by far the best example of Spidey related shenanigans yet.

LaPS4 90
There's no doubt that Insomniac Games has brought us one of the best games in the PlayStation 4 catalog, bringing back to the videogame scene one of the most famous superheroes of all time in the epic and glorious way it deserves. Although, the game has some flaws in certain aspects, this only leaves us wanting to see how they manage to overcome this result in a possible sequel, which will surely improve the experience of this great game, in which Spidey showed off like never before.
GameCritics 85
It’s more than enough that Spider-Man’s mechanics are so smooth and exhilarating that I was actively seeking out new excuses to partake in them, even when there was repetition in the actual tasks. In so thoroughly capturing what it’s like to be this character, Insomniac hasn’t simply made a great Spider-Man game, but the great Spider-Man game. I’m glad that Activision lost the license.

Games Master UK 84
A gorgeous, superbly slick sandbox that's always a delight to swing through. Pity about the script. [Nov 2018, p.62]

games(TM) 80
Everything you can do here is positioned to celebrate Spider-Man's abilities, and that means everything you can do makes you feel like Spider-Man. [Issue#205, p.69]

Riot Pixels 68
Spider-Man is a stark example of an outdated "sandbox game” whose goal is not to entertain but rather preoccupy players, and it uses every cliche in the book to do that.

The Digital Fix 90
Despite lacklustre side activities, Marvel's Spider-Man's story and core gameplay mechanics represents a new benchmark for all superhero titles, and is a must play for all PS4 owners.

نمرات بسته الحاقی THE HEIST

Playstation Universe 90
Though its vision might be restrained somewhat, The Heist nonetheless makes a compelling case for itself as a hugely satisfying and essential continuation of Marvel's Spider-Man.

Everyeye.it 75
If the future DLC will be held to the same standards as La Rapina, in fact, the city that never sleeps could prove to be an expansion worthy of the basic game.

Destructoid 75
Black Cat's DNA was already spliced into side activities in Spider-Man so her appearance makes sense, even if the "to be continued" ending is a bummer.

PlayStation LifeStyle 65
While The Heist has a strong story—or at least the start of one—it doesn’t fill out the world or give Peter any additional gameplay growth.
The Heist (DLC)

Digital Chumps : 9
The ending of this first installment of the DLC certainly ends on a cliffhanger, leaving us excited for November’s content. Whether you play it now or wait until all three DLCs are out, The Heist is definitely worth the price of admission and the four hours it takes to complete.

Game Revolution : 8
Spider-Man’s first episode is fantastic in almost all the same ways that the main game is. It has a great script with well-realized characters and a combat and traversal gameplay loop that is almost endlessly satisfying.

IGN :7.8
Black Cat's intro is great, but the first DLC episode feels more like a first act than satisfying, standalone content.

LaPS4 : 7.7
The Heist is a good reason to sway in the skyscrapers of New York again, despite its lack of innovation, because it has a well-argued story that presents a very interesting character like Black Cat, showing another side of Peter Parker and his relationship with MJ, accompanied by the excellent gameplay that made this game of Insomniac were considered one of the best in the catalog of the PlayStation 4.

IGN Spain : 7.5
A fun DLC that doesn't make anything new, but still entertain during the 3 hours that it lasts.

Spaziogames : 7.4
A sort of little spin-off with a great Black Cat character and a list of activities similar to secondary mission, fun but not particularly original.

GamingTrend : 7
More than anything, The Heist leaves you begging for more, and I guess that’s what the idea was. It’s just enough more Spider-Man to get you back into the swing of things, but it leaves you hanging with an abrupt ending and minimal new side content. But at only $10, it’s worth it to get back into Insomniac’s lovingly created New York.
اینو تو لیست گوگل دیدم یه لحظه گرخیدم :D

مثکه پورت بدی نیست، ببینیم پرفورمنس رو سیستم های معمولی چطوره
رو سیستم 5600xt تنظیمات High صد فریم میده. (رو 2060 هم باید همین حدود باشه)
و البته که انقدر جا داره تنظیماتشو ببری بالا ( ری تریسینگ و اینها) که حال 3080 هم جا بیاره!!
آخرین ویرایش:
هر 2 سال یکبار به اسپایدرمن امتیاز میدن! :))
سال 2018 = نسخه ps4 = متا 87
سال 2020 = نسخه ps5 = متا 85
سال 2022 = نسخه pc = متا 88


بررسی و مقایسه نسخه پی سی با ps5 هم منتشر شده دوستانی که به "کیفیت اجرای بازی ها" :x علاقه دارن میتونن مقایسه رو ببینن

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