نمرات بازی Need For Speed

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Embargo (for outlets that care, anyway) is 11/3 at 1:00am EST.

gadgets 360


  • Police encounters add variety
  • Amusing albeit cringe-worthy dialogue
  • Entertaining story


  • Poor handling
  • Limited customisation
  • Unfair AI
Rating (out of 10):6

اوه اوه عجب افتضاحی

خدا رو صد مرتبه شکر این بازی های همیشه آنلاین اینجوری متای پایین بگیرن که دیگه شاهد کم کاری شرکتهای پول پرست نباشیم
همه میدونن ساخت کمپین و بخش داستانی هزینه ای زیادی رو داره و این شرکتها قصد دارن با حذف کردن این بخش پول به جیب بزنن هم خرج کمتری روی بازی میکنن هم کسانی که انلایم بازی میکنن آیتم ها و مُد های بیشتر رو خریداری میکنن و سودشون دو چندان میشه
It's a good starting point to build on. Celebrating 20 years for the NFS brand, Ghost Games delivers an experience filled with content. There's room for improvements in the online and in the AI, but the foundations for a new interesting direction for the saga are all there

Vandal Online
Need for Speed returns with a title that lacks innovation and content, but it still is very fun and engaging. Also, if you've missed tuning your cars, you'll love this episode

Quotation forthcoming

PSX Extreme
Need for Speed is a fun, accessible racer that’s both aesthetically impressive and technically stable. The always-online requirement means server problems can affect your game and oh yeah, you can’t pause, either. I’m sorry but it just wasn’t necessary

A worthy successor to the both Underground games doesn’t reach their quality though. Arcade riding feels fresh and if you are up to an easy fun you have just arrived to your destination

Need for Speed is a one-night stand but it's definitely not the love of your life. A depressing open-world, some uninterested cops, an empty scenario : this reboot is not what you've been waiting for, except for the very impressive visuals

This reboot feels like a slick sports car with loads of custom tuning, but with a big engine failure and a story that is nothing but embarrassing. The driving feels okay most of the time but overall the fascination fades faster than a nitro boost

The live action cutscenes make Need for Speed painful to witness and the bland events and dull tracks mean you'll soon tire of hanging out in Ventura Bay. It's a shame, as the graphics are fantastic and the customisation options are top quality. If EA continue with the Need for Speed brand, they need to focus more on what's under the hood

Metro GameCentral
A tragically misjudged series reboot that gets all of the fundamentals wrong, while adding absolutely nothing new to the franchise except flashier graphics

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