نمرات بازی Need For Speed

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gadgets 360


  • Police encounters add variety
  • Amusing albeit cringe-worthy dialogue
  • Entertaining story


  • Poor handling
  • Limited customisation
  • Unfair AI
Rating (out of 10):6

Need for Speed returns to its urban car culture roots with a gorgeous-looking, very well designed game that offers five different racing styles to tackle - and a bevy of interesting cars to modify and make your own. Its story is a lot of fun, and it's set in an impressively large environment that is very enjoyable to drive around. A great arcade racer that's both challenging and addictive.

Need for Speed PS4 Review: Back to its Roots | USgamer
Need for Speed returns to its urban car culture roots with a gorgeous-looking, very well designed game that offers five different racing styles to tackle - and a bevy of interesting cars to modify and make your own. Its story is a lot of fun, and it's set in an impressively large environment that is very enjoyable to drive around. A great arcade racer that's both challenging and addictive.

4.5 از 5

(Post Arcade (National Post
The Xbox One edition I tested stuttered noticeably about once or twice per race, sometimes more. Even the slightest frame rate hiccups in racing games can result in collisions with potential to send you from first place to last in a blink – especially if they happen on a corner versus a straightaway. Frame hitching cost me a number of races in Need for Speed, and each was a maddening experience

The Need for Speed reboot improves upon several of the more recent installments in the game, which were plagued with problems more serious than these. But I was disappointed when my pure joy in the look and driving feel of NFS drained away over time, sucked out by boring treks across the city and one too many encounters with unfair A.I

We Got This Covered
Ghost Games' Need for Speed reboot came with lofty promises, but fails to achieve greatness in any category, be it racing, building or customization. The core gameplay experience is half-decent, but it's marred by frustrating AI, technical imperfections, handling hiccups and constantly wet roads

Attack of the Fanboy
The Need For Speed franchise has certainly had its ups and downs over the years and the Need For Speed reboot has certainly not gotten out to a fast start. The customization and racing itself is fantastic, along with an over the top story that is genuinely fun, but frame rate issues and the insistence to be always online really hold Need For Speed back from a first place finish

Game Rant
It’s a solid driving game, but it’s non-essential. Anyone thirsting for a brisk trip around the block in some souped-up motors will likely come away satisfied, but for the unconvinced, there’s little here that contradicts waiting for a bigger, better installment next year

Gaming Age
Need for Speed is pretty disappointing. There [are] elements of the presentation that work, and it’s clear they were trying to evoke the feel and look of NFS Underground. But the actual execution is lacking, with performance issues, lackluster events, an empty map with useless sub-events, and a forced online mode that certainly doesn’t feel necessary and lacks almost all of the bells and whistles found in other online enabled racing games

A gorgeous-looking, very well designed game that offers five different racing styles to tackle - and a bevy of interesting cars to modify and make your own. Its story is a lot of fun, and it's set in an impressively large environment that is very enjoyable to drive around. A great arcade racer that's both challenging and addictive

The live-action scenes are a great idea and work well at times, but I also felt they were just put there to move me from race to race. I never fully found myself connecting to any characters or the story

Ghost Games brings us a Need for Speed game with many fan-favourite features such as customization, impossible skids and arcade driving. Although being always online could have been optional and some of the game aspects could have been taken from another perspective, the game is great and most fans won't be disappointed

Eurogamer Italy
Need for Speed is a compelling driving experience that needs to be beefed up to stand with its competitors

You’d be hard pressed to find an automaker willing to take an extra year to reset their car line much like Ghost Games did here with their second run on Need for Speed. What we get is a more focused and competent racer but one seemingly unwilling to risk standing out from the crowd

God is a Geek
A perfectly serviceable racer with great looks, plenty of customisation options, and passable driving, but it’s a real shame that latest reboot of this franchise had the hallmarks of the greats in the series’ past and could have been truly special

It does exactly what it sets out to do. But what it sets out to do is boring, bland, unimaginative and thoroughly dull
آخرین ویرایش:
Hardcore Gamer

The Need for Speed franchise has been around for many years dating back to the days of the 3DO. To keep things fresh, Electronic Arts has offered multiple times of racing games from exotic car showdowns and police chases to street racing. One of the more successful portions of the series was the Need for Speed Underground games two generations ago. Taking to the streets at night, the game seemed to pull from the street racing scene on the west coast as well as the Fast & Furious movies. EA has decided to do a reboot of that series with the new Need for Speed

Gaming Target
Rip up the streets of Ventura Bay on your quest to become an icon, but does the game fire on all cylinders

Twenty-one years ago, the first Need for Speed game hit retail and started to engrain itself in pop culture. Now, after numerous iterations, all bearing different subtitles and driving styles, the venerable racing series is back with a rebooted effort. Though, while the effort was made to create a game that would appeal to all arcade racing fanatics, the end result is a merely decent experience that is marred by one dimensional storytelling, technical problems and occasionally frustrating gameplay
آخرین ویرایش:
One of the most important racing franchises of all time is back. The new Need For Speed takes the greatest elements of the series and combines them into a single game. The lack of innovation may be a down point, but in general, this is a pretty good video game


While Ventura Bay looks good and the game has plenty of missions and side missions to complete, the constant distractions I felt while playing it kept me away from enjoying it as much as I have previous iterations of the franchise

Game Rant
It’s a solid driving game, but it’s non-essential. Anyone thirsting for a brisk trip around the block in some souped-up motors will likely come away satisfied, but for the unconvinced, there’s little here that contradicts waiting for a bigger, better installment next year

Need For Speed is rebooting the series with style: the graphics are fantastic and the cars completely customisable. But for the rest of the experience, fans will be disappointed by this quite boring open world racing game
از چیزی که تو ریسینگ ها متنفرم که اینجا هم وجود داره :| این Rubber-Banding AI بدترین چیزی هست که میشه تو ریسینگ استفاده کرد و نمی دونم چرا یه سری از سازنده ها دست از سر این بر نمیدارن. تو Most Wanted آخری هم با این قضیه مشکل داشتم، 2 کیلومتر می افتادی جلو بعد یه تصادف میکردی میدیدی عزیزان همشون ازت سبقت گرفتن :دی نمرات این بازی که یه چیزی فراتر از ناامید کننده هست، ولی بازم امیدوارم پچ آفلاین براش بزارن که بشه تستش کرد، البته احتمال اینکه چند وقت دیگه به EA Access اضافه بشه هم وجود داره که استقبال میشه از این حرکت :دی
توضیح میدی این Rubber-banding AI چی هست دقیقا چون خیلیا بهش اشاره کردن و اینکه این مشکل دیگه تو چه بازی هایی هست؟؟؟
توضیح دادم که :دی شما در حالت عادی که در حال مسابقه باشید، وقتی با رقیب فاصله می گیرید این فاصله همیشه حفظ میشه و مثلا اگه به اندازه 1 دقیقه ازش جلو باشید و با یه تصادف 20 ثانیه معطل بشید، بازم به اندازه 40 ثانیه از رقیبتون جلو هستید. وقتی بازی مشکل Rubber-banding AI داشته باشه، وقتی شما 1 دقیقه جلوتر از رقیب باشید و با یه تصادف 20 ثانیه معطل بشید، یهو می بینید که رقیب با سرعت جت ازتون رد میشه! البته این قضیه فقط برای تصادف نیست و در حالت عادی هم وقتی از رقبا جلو می افتید، اونا به صورت تخیلی همیشه نزدیک شما هستند و هیچ وقت اون فاصله واقعی رو نمی تونید باهاشون داشته باشید.
آخرین ویرایش:
از چیزی که تو ریسینگ ها متنفرم که اینجا هم وجود داره :| این Rubber-Banding AI بدترین چیزی هست که میشه تو ریسینگ استفاده کرد و نمی دونم چرا یه سری از سازنده ها دست از سر این بر نمیدارن. تو Most Wanted آخری هم با این قضیه مشکل داشتم، 2 کیلومتر می افتادی جلو بعد یه تصادف میکردی میدیدی عزیزان همشون ازت سبقت گرفتن :دی نمرات این بازی که یه چیزی فراتر از ناامید کننده هست، ولی بازم امیدوارم پچ آفلاین براش بزارن که بشه تستش کرد، البته احتمال اینکه چند وقت دیگه به EA Access اضافه بشه هم وجود داره که استقبال میشه از این حرکت :دی

توضیح میدی این Rubber-banding AI چی هست دقیقا چون خیلیا بهش اشاره کردن و اینکه این مشکل دیگه تو چه بازی هایی هست؟؟؟

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