0.30 Edits By phpgeek:
Revision 4
-fixed SDHC support (more compatible)
-few minor changes
Revision 3
-fixed issue with the boot state that could
cause the wii to power down during boot
Revision 2
-fixed temperamental issue with autobooting
-fixed issue with shutdown to preloader
-fixed issue causing unpredictable behavior when reading settings
-disabled mounting sd when launching installed dol (can cause stack dump)
Revision 1
-added missing event handling from the official source
-fixed a number of bugs that was preventing preloader from working
-built installation and removal utility for compiled binary
-added modifications supplied by DacoTaco (see below)
0.30 Edits By DacoTaco:
-added autoboot Bootmii IOS
-added Bootmii IOS booting option
-let preload remount sd
-try and boot the HAXX Homebrew channel Title ID if JODI isn't found
0.30 Edits by Crediar
-added SDHC support
-added a new option to the "return to" setting; "return to: autoboot"
-fixed a bug where enabled autoboot overwrote the "return to preloader" setting
-removed netcode, online update check, online update code.