راهنمای مراحل Crysis

نه هنوز غول نکشتم اگه کشته بودم که بازی تمام شده بود رفقا هم که دارن با اسکاتها میجنگند منم همچنان دنبال راه که برم پایین کشتیحتی به آبم زدم نشد

چیزه دیگه ای نمیئونم فقط یادمه که من رفتم توی ازمایشگاه بعد یه اسلحه ی خاص رو گرفتم که کار نمیکرد بعد با اون اسلحه میام بیرون و میرفتم زیر شکم اون غوله رو نشونه میگرفتم و اسلحه فعال میشد و یه چیزی به داخل بدنش میفرستاد بعد از چند بار تکرار اون موجوده مرد!!!!حالا اینجا یه سوالی هست تو اصلا اون اسلحه رو داری؟(اگه در بازه که میتونی بری داخل دنبال اسلحه بگردی اما اگه در بسته اس باید یجوری بری داخل که اینجارو من دیگه شرمنده ام!)
اینجا رو ببينيد بدردتون ميخوره;)

< Proceed to the armory >


Follow the signs until you reach the armory. It also has a blue sign like
the CDC's one to inform you that you have reached your destination.

Enter and you will meet Prophet having his suit repaired. The scientist
marvels at how Propet managed to get the alien weapon working by himself.
He then leaves in a strange mood with his gun back to the island. Crazy

You are told to sit down in the chair to get your own armor repaired. As
you do this, Helena suggests an alternative to defeat the aliens. She has
identified a signal used by the aliens when they recharge. She believes that
she could use the nanosuit to transmit a scramble signal that will overload
the aliens and kill them. Before she can expound on this theory further,
Morrison summons her to the bridge.

While the scientist finishes up, an engineer brings in a TAC gun for storage.
This baby fires a mini nuke at a target, with a lot more bang than a
conventional rocket launcher. After you're done in the lab, go to the bridge
as well.

< Proceed to the bridge >


If the signs aren't enough to lead you there, you will see a soldier running
ahead of you, follow him. He'll lead you right to the bridge. As you move
to the bridge, Morrison briefs all his men over the PA that he has been
given clearance by the White House to nuke the island.

As you enter the bridge, you discover that Prophet has gone AWOL, stealing
a VTOL to get to the island. The crew onboard are primed and ready to
deliver the nuke. Helena begs Morrison to change his mind one last time,
but he refuses to listen. Launching the nuke, Helena watches helplessly
as the missile heads to target.

A loud explosion later, the crew discovers that the nuke has in fact,
strengthened the aliens, and the Ice Sphere expands quickly to cover the
entire island. Helena does a bit of "I told you so", and then the aliens
attack the carrier.

//Part 11.2 To Hell and Back // RECKONING // [11hel] \\

When you wake up, pick up the pistol on the table to the right of the door.

< Defend the flight deck >


Use strength mode to punch open the bridge door and head downwards. After
the first flight of stairs, go into the room on this floor and pick up
a Gauss Rifle. There is a minigun at the base of the stairwell, so you may
want to pick it up. I gave it a miss however.

Set your suit to strength again and punch through one final door to the
flight deck.

IMMEDIATELY change back to armor mode; the flight deck's gone to hell.

Search the area for Gauss ammo, and use the rifle to take down the aliens.

When enough aliens are killed, you are told to go and help out some engineers
trapped at the bottom levels of the ship to repair the core. Great. You've
been demoted from a US Special Forces operative to a ship engineer. Lovely.

Head southwest on the deck and stand in the area with 3 marines. The deck
elevator will go down slowly. As you move into the ship, find a smaller
elevator in the middle of the floor. Drop into it and go down.

Exit the broken elevator and walk further in. Pick up the shotgun and ammo.
Move carefully through this waterlogged section; an explosion will be
triggered somewhere along the path and you will need to hide.

You will encounter a pair of broken doors further on, punch through them
as usual. Meet the chief engineer on the small platform above the water in
the dark room. He will tell you the core is overloading and you have to
override it. He opens a door for you.

< Disable the circuit breakers >


Go through the door and follow the waterlogged area to the circuit breaker.
It has a red warning light glowing above it so you'll know where to find it.
Press F on the circuit breaker and go back down the stairs into the door
below the breaker.

< Shut down the reactor >


There is a patch of electrified water, just run through it as fast as
possible and you won't die. Soon, you'll reach a part of the ship with a
hole high in the wall and a dead engineer sitting below it. Use strength
mode to jump into the hole, then find a short ladder in the room and ascend.

Crawl through the vent and drop into a control room. Proceed through
the open door and find another control room with a big red button.

The engineer will tell you to press it, so go ahead and do so.

After the button is pressed, the rods start to bottom, but 3 are jammed.
Before you can do anything, four alien soldiers burst in and start to
suck power from the core. Helena butts in an transmits a signal through
your suit. It works! The aliens go crazy and die; one crashes through
the window and another through the door. Once the aliens are gone, the
engineer gives you another task:

< Lower control rods >


Let your sheilds recharge and switch to strength. rush into the room and
quickly press F while facing all 3 rods. You don't need to hold down F
to push the rods in. Once you have pressed all 3 down, run back to the
control room and switch to armor, letting your shields recharge. The engineer
then opens the locked doors for you to get out.

Move through the rooms back to the engineer. You will find one room with
electrocuted water in it, use the yellow generator in the center as a
bridge across.

Once across, use strength to punch through another pair of doors.

Backtrack through the area with the engineer. As you are heading back,
aliens burst in and attack! Go Gauss on them, then go into the next room.

Use the elevator on the west side of the room to get up to the next hangar.

Kill any aliens you see and go through the door on the far northwest side.

You will be in another hangar with aliens, just deal some smack to them and
find a broken door on the east side; just use strength to punch through them.

You decide you want to use the TAC gun, so make a small detour to the armory.

< Go to the armory >


Head in and kill any aliens you see. Grab the TAC gun from the locker and
restock your gauss ammo supply. Once you have got the gun, head out to the
flight deck again.

< Return to the flight deck >


Follow the ship's signs back to the deck. You will encounter more blocked
doors en route; you know what to do. Eventually you will come across a door
that the Admiral is behind, break through it to see him killed by the alien.

Avenge him by slaughtering that alien and he will tell you to save the rest
of the crew. Time to get out there and kick ***.

//Part 11.3 Last Stand // RECKONING // [11las] \\

The gigantic alien that killed Strickland is now advancing onto the deck.
You are given the honor to finish it off and avenge the good major.

==== Boss Fight: Alien Exosuit [exosu] ====

< Destroy the alien exosuit >


There are tons of gauss ammo and miniguns on the deck, you may choose to
use both. Or, save ammo and find some rocket launchers. There's plenty.

After a ton of rocket launcher hammering, the alien will soon get mad. It
will occasionally freeze you, shoot a huge plasma cannon at you or pick
you up and toss you. If you get frozen, quickly mash A and D to break free.
When it eats enough rockets, it'll die.

Enjoy a celebratory whoop as Psycho brings a VTOL in to extract you...
Run forward to the ocean in front of you.. but.. holy shit...

==== Final Boss Fight: The Warship [zomgs] ====

A huge cinematic BEHEMOTH will emerge from the ocean (complete with nifty
soundtrack) and you volunteer to follow Major Strickland and cover Psycho
and Helena's escape. They refuse, and insist on helping you bring down
the monstrosity.

< Defeat the alien warship >


Scramble for ammo quick, and find an unlimited rocket launcher dump near
the side of the ocean the monster appeared on. When Psycho asks you to,
start shooting down its turrets.

< Destroy the warship's turrets >


There's four of them, and they're marked on your map. This big guy has got
all the bells and whistles: a full blown freeze ray and two huge cannons,
in addition to four turrets. Remember to mash A and D if you get frozen.

Use the launcher to shoot at each of the turrets; they'll reveal their
location when they are priming to fire at you. Destroy all four and Helena
will try to lower the beast's sheilds so you can get a crack at it.

Cover them while they deactivate the shields; there will be some alien craft
flying around. Use the Gauss rifle to take them out.

When the shield is down, Helena will tell you so and you finally get to use
the TAC gun. Take it out and aim the big crosshair at the cannon. This will
lock the TAC gun onto the cannon. When the TAC gun gets a lock on, let loose
a nuke. It will blow up the cannon.

Psycho circles around to the other cannon so that Helena can get to work on
its shields. Cover them again from more alien craft. Use the Gauss and
scramble for ammo when you need to.

Once the second shield is down, lock on with the TAC gun and shoot it to pieces.

Now the thing's really mad. It starts to rise above the deck and releases four
elite alien soldiers to attack you. Kill two of them to lessen the heat;
as killing three or all four of them will prompt the alien warship to
release four more.

Helena tells you that there is a hatch on the underside of the ship. It's
the one with the fancy blue glowy lines on it. Locate a rocket launcher and
fire 4 rockets into the hatch. This should blow it open even on Delta.

When the hatch is open, take out the TAC gun and lock on. Then blow that
son-of-a-bitch to hell. Cheer loud and long after it hits.

من تو بازی کرایسیس تو مرحله آخر گیر کردم رو کشتی هستم که موجودات همه حمله کردن حالا نمیدونم باید چیکار کنم میدونم که میگن باید بریم زیر کشتی حالا نمیدونم چیکار کنم اگه کسی به صورت عکس نشون بده ممنون میشم .
من نسحه ps3 رو بازی میکنم اونجا که اون موجود بزرگ میاد رو کشتی من اون اسلحه مخصوص رو هم دارم ولی چه میرم زیرش چه از دور شلیک نمیکنه.:(
چیکار کنم؟
من نسحه ps3 رو بازی میکنم اونجا که اون موجود بزرگ میاد رو کشتی من اون اسلحه مخصوص رو هم دارم ولی چه میرم زیرش چه از دور شلیک نمیکنه.:(
چیکار کنم؟

اون تنفنگه canon رو برداشتی؟؟
اگه اونو برداشتی اول باید با اون تفنگاشو از کار بندازی بعدش ک اومد رو کشتی اون یکی تفنگاشو بزنی با همون missile یا guese بزنیش بعد ک دهنشو باز کرد بزنی تو دهنش!!کلا خیلی سخته این آخرین مرحلش جر خوردم تا رو آخرین درجه کشتمش:دی

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اون تنفنگه canon رو برداشتی؟؟
اگه اونو برداشتی اول باید با اون تفنگاشو از کار بندازی بعدش ک اومد رو کشتی اون یکی تفنگاشو بزنی با همون missile یا guese بزنیش بعد ک دهنشو باز کرد بزنی تو دهنش!!کلا خیلی سخته این آخرین مرحلش جر خوردم تا رو آخرین درجه کشتمش:دی

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ممنون ولی از همون اول رو کشتی هستش.تفنگیم نداره فقط دهنش رو باز میکنه و یا یخ و یا شلیک میکنه.تو دهنشم کلی شلیک کردم ولی هیچی نمیشه اون اسلحه هم همش میزنه no target همین
اون شیلدشو از کار انداختی؟؟ تا اونارو از کار نندازی هیچ کاریش نمیشه کرد...اون عینکشو فعال کن اونیکه برات دشمن اینارو مشخص میکنه و زووم داره...اونو فعال کن بعد اون جاهای ک باید تیر بزنی تا غیر فعال شه رو مشخص کرده برات...اگه اون رک کردی شروع با پرواز میکنه و میاد بالای کشتی بعدش بازم جاهای ک مشخص کرده رو بزن...:)

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اون شیلدشو از کار انداختی؟؟ تا اونارو از کار نندازی هیچ کاریش نمیشه کرد...اون عینکشو فعال کن اونیکه برات دشمن اینارو مشخص میکنه و زووم داره...اونو فعال کن بعد اون جاهای ک باید تیر بزنی تا غیر فعال شه رو مشخص کرده برات...اگه اون رک کردی شروع با پرواز میکنه و میاد بالای کشتی بعدش بازم جاهای ک مشخص کرده رو بزن...:)

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ممنون برم ببینم میتونم کاریش کنم.
با سلام خدمت دوستان عزیز و گرامی.

من نسخه ی Crysis : Warhead رو هم اکنون بازی می کنم و من در این بازی در مرحله ی Frozen Paradise به یک ناو رسیده ام که به هیچ وجهی نمی تونم اونجا رو رد کنم!

اگر کسی اطلاعاتی دارد ما را نیز راهنمایی کند؟! ;)
سلام دوستان من بعد مدتها خواستم یه بازی کنم اومدم از این بازی شروع کردم
الان دقیقا همینجا گیر افتادم چطور باید به اون نقطه سبز برسم؟
توضیح :مرحله بهشت گمشدست همون اولش که شروع میشه یه کشتی خیلی بزرگه که هرکی ک روش هستو با همه افراد توشو میکشم اما باید روی عرشه کشتی برسم ک متاسفانه نمیدونم چطور باید برم
یه سوراخ داخل خود کشتی هست اما وقتی میرم تو کشتی با ماکسیمم قدرت هم نمیتونم بپرم بالاش تا به عرشه برسم ممنون میشم کمکم کنید تا اینو تموم کنم برم سر نسخه بعدیش
خواهش میکنم واضح تر توضیح بده.من از هر طرفی که میخوام برم نمیشه.از کجا باید از این گودال کوفتی بیام بیرون؟؟؟؟؟ممنون میشم یکی بهم کمک کنه

- - -ویرایش - - -


- - -ویرایش - - -

سلام من فکر کنم تو مراحل اول بازی گیر کردم یه جایی هست که مثل یه تله میمونه و من باید برم از اونجا یه اسلحه ابی رنگ بزرگ رو بردارم در عین حال یه برج بزرگ بالای سرمه که هر جنبنده رو میکشه اسحله رو گیر اوردم ولی تو اون چاله بزرگ گیر کردم اسلحه هم تیر نداره و اونطوری که معلومه تیراش بالای گودال هست از یه طرف که میرم میدون مینه از طرف دیگم یه دروازه بسته هست موندم چیکار کنم شیلد مخفی بودنم هم اون قدر جواب نمیده که فرار کنم از دست تیرا . تا از میدون مین رد میشم و به یه اتوبوس ترکیده که میرسم دیگه می میرم.

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن