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Saturday October 12
Saturday 9 AM
Manor ground floor:
Manor door - Right click to open the inventory and see a magnifying lens that looks close at each item in inventory. The inventory has the house key, suitcase and typewriter. Take the house key from inventory and then right click to close the inventory screen. Use key on manor door handle.
Main hall - Enter the manor and look at the Grandfather clock. It is the only working clock in the manor. Wait a bit and hear a phone ring.
Reception hall - Go forward to the reception hall and click on the phone. Talk to Jerry. Pull back from the phone and look around at things in the room.
Living room - Go back to the foyer - main hall. Go left by the main door to enter the living room. Look around at the furnishings. Check the light switch and see that it does not work. Stand by the fireplace and look close at the coffee table. There's a coffee cup and books. Read the diary of a friend of James. Learn about the thoughts and choices of the previous occupant of the manor and noises from 'down there'.
Study - Enter through the door left of the fireplace. Look around at all the gorgeous paintings and furnishings. The fireplace was previously used. The light switch does not work. Look close at the book shelves. The certificate was given to James Blackwood, a construction engineer.
Go to the desk and read another diary. It is written by James. Learn about the interaction with the natives, the strange neighboring tribe - the Dhalmaar and the mask. Check the desk drawer and take the empty envelope at second drawer. Take the boring tool from the third drawer. The top right desk drawer is locked.
Dining Room - Go through the double doors. All the light switches do not work. Look around at the paintings, drawer and the liquor cabinet.
Small Back Hallway - Go through the door on the left of the study door and see the stairs to go up to the next floor. There's a curtained window on the left with various pottery in front of it. Open the curtain and look at the pottery.
Kitchen - Enter through the door to the kitchen. Look around and note an empty key holder left of door and above a table. The faucet at the sink doesn't have water running. Open the lower cabinet left of the sink. Pull the 2 drawers and get a butcher knife. There's a coffee grinder on the center table. You can check the filthy refrigerator. The cellar basement door on the right is locked.
Maid's room - Enter the door on the left and be at the maid's room. Open the side table left of the bed and see a book on Photography. Look close at the desktop across the room. Take the paper with several markings on it. Look close at the photograph. Pull back and open the right drawer. Take the pencil. In inventory, use the pencil with the paper with markings. Examine the paper in inventory and see that it is in Italian. Look close at the photograph under the notebook. There's a key on the key holder by the kitchen door. Hmm... That's a familiar looking pot underneath. Check the dresser and see photographs on top and camera equipments in the drawer.
Maid's bathroom - Enter the door on the right of dresser. Looks like the maid turned the bathroom to a darkroom. Look at all the pictures.
Small Back Hallway - Go back to the back hallway and let's look at the pottery left of stairs. The left vase looks like the one in the picture. Take the rusty golden key inside the pot. Go back to the kitchen.
Cellar - Use the key taken on the locked cellar door. Go down and look around. Look close at the fuse box on the wall beside the stairs. Maybe we can get power to the house now. Hmm - still no power when the levers are pulled and the fuses look okay. That furnace makes you uneasy. There's a drain cover on the floor and water valve above it. Climb the stairs and it seems you hear some distant noise.
Saturday 10 AM
First level:
Go back to the small hallway and climb the stairs or take the main stairs by the foyer. Let's look for the room prepared for you. If you came up from the main stairs, it is the room on the right. If you came up from the backstairs, take the hallway on the right and it will be the room at the end of the hallway.
Guest bedroom - Enter your room and look around. Look close on the desk. Place your typewriter carrier on top of the desk. Open the typewriter carrier and place the papers and then the typewriter on the table. Look at the typewritten paper and see how far your work has been done. Close the carrier and click on it again to automatically place it under the table on the left. Look close at the table on the left and place your suitcase on top of the table. Open the suitcase and read the letter from Jerry about the manor. Take the matches (four left). Look close at Jerry Carter's business card that has his London phone number. Look at the published book of Michael. Take the pen and read you notebook. See that Barbara, your secretary's number is written down. Open the left drawers of the desk and see baby drawings and other anatomical pictures. Look close at the trashcan right of the desk. Read a page from the diary of a friend of James. Go to fireplace and see a doctor's bag right of fireplace. Open the bag and take the stethoscope. Look at the drawings. Look around the room and then exit to check out the other rooms.
Main bedroom - Enter the bedroom left at the middle of the hallway. Look around and check everything - the mirror on the dresser and paintings on the wall. Check the tall dresser at the foot of the bed and see a diploma. Open the drawers and see a pocket watch and broken picture glass. Look at the tall mirror and see a painting reflected on it. Go across the room and look close at the painting of the lady holding a crystal ball. Click on the crystal ball and see a safe. It cannot be opened yet. Exit the room.
Gallery - Enter the double doors across the main bedroom. Oh... Look around at the room. The mask case on the right wall and the vase case at the middle of the room. Look at the necklace left of door that has a lion's claw. The table by wall has pictures and maps. Take and read the letter under the hat from Simon Russell to James about books that mentioned the Dhalmaar. At the corner, a pair of ivory tusk is displayed. The display case has handle that wouldn't move. Look down at the base board of the cabinet. It is firmly stuck in place. Exit the room.
Bathroom - Enter the stained glass door at end of hallway. Open drawers and take the rag from bottom middle drawer. Exit the bathroom.
Second level:
Upper hallway - Climb the stairs to get to the upper level of the manor. There's a door that's stuck on the left and 2 doors in front.
Upper bathroom - Enter the door on the right and see bathroom fixtures. Look close at the bricks by the door. Take the metal rod from the second left brick.
Workshop - Open the door to the left to enter the next room. Note the stove that can be lit on the wood planks by the window. Use the metal rod taken from next door on the stove. Try to use the matches on the stove. It's not needed yet.
Upper hallway - Exit the room and turn right. Go to room beyond the attic stairs. Try the door right of the stairs and see that the key is in the keyhole. Turn left, look down and take the newspaper under the paint can. Insert the newspaper under the locked door. Use the boring tool on the keyhole. Take the newspaper. Ugh! The key stayed on the other side.
Tower - Look around and climb the stairs to the tower. There are 2 windows out of 3 that can be opened. Go down.
Attic - Climb the stairs and open the door. Look around. See a music box on the small table left of door. Take the glass flower and automatically place it on the holder. Turn the key, see the flower turn and hear nice music. Go forward to the end of the room and open the chest. Take the oil lamp. Look through and take note of the papers and then the pictures. Check the pile of newspapers on the left of the chest. You need a date to look for.
Go down to the main level. It's time to use the phone to get electricity.
Main floor:
Reception hall - Use the phone and call Jerry. The electrician will be at the main gate. Call Barbara twice. The second call is about the Italian letter. In inventory, combine empty envelope from study desk with Italian letter from maid's desk. Use pen on the envelope to get addressed letter.
Saturday, 11 AM
Gate - Exit through front door and go to the gate. No one is around. Look close and open mailbox. Read the electrician's letter. Oh well! Place the addressed letter inside mailbox. Go back to the manor and call Jerry. You already checked the fuse box at the cellar and saw that it is okay. Candles! Let us look for candles or any source of light.
Saturday 3 PM
Check the stove at the workroom at upper floor, dining room drawer, cabinet and other rooms for candles or oil for lamp. Call Jerry again. You're freaking out and he tells you to go to town.
Saturday 5 PM
Car - Go to the car by the gate. Open the car door and then the glove compartment. Take the car keys and use it on the ignition. Click on the car keys on the ignition and see a red light. You left the lights on! Arrrgh! The car battery was dead. Click on car door to exit. Go back to the manor.
Reception hall - Call Jerry. Call Jerry again and ask about the previous inhabitants. (Be sure that you have read the 2 diaries in the study desk and table in the living room.) Learn about the murder and Jay Blackwood - May 1963. Call Jerry again and then ask about the safe (can be done earlier).
Saturday 6 PM
Attic - Let's check the old newspapers at the attic now that we have a date. Click on the newspaper, click on the words below the screen (to look for worthwhile news on May, 1963) and read the 25th May, 1963 newspaper. Learn about the accusation of Eva Mariani, the maid that James murdered Catherine Blackwood. Go down the stairs. It's time to go to bed.
Saturday 7 PM
Guest bedroom - Go to your bedroom and click on the bed.
Sunday 12 AM
Guest bedroom - You are awakened by a knocking sound. Exit the bedroom and hear it louder at the hallway.
Gallery - Enter the gallery and see a door where the elephant tusks cabinet was previously located. Look down and see a hammer and planks. Take the hammer.
Guest bedroom - You now really wake up from a nightmare. You hear a grating sound. Go to the fireplace. It is louder. Look in the fireplace. Use the stethoscope on the fireplace. Exit the room and go downstairs.
Sunday 1 AM
Living room - Use the stethoscope on the fireplace wall (not floor). It is coming from below.
Cellar - You can't go down. It is pitch dark and no source of light.
Gallery - Let's check your nightmare. Go upstairs to the gallery. Go to the elephant tusk cabinet. Look close on the floor where you tried to take the hammer. They look normal as seen earlier.
Guest bedroom - After hearing the scratching sound from the living room fireplace, the bedroom fireplace sound stops. Go back to bed and sleep.
Sunday October 13
Sunday 9 AM
Guest bedroom - Wake up to a stormy day.
Main hall - Go downstairs. Hear the phone ring. Answer the phone and talk to Jerry. The combination to the safe is 03 2 11.
Main bedroom - Go to the picture of the lady holding the crystal ball. Click on crystal ball and click on the dial. Automatically open the safe and take the generic blue key. Read the contractor's bid to build a second floor at the manor. There's money kept for this construction at the Bank. The Bank's phone number is listed - 01912 94144.
Sunday 10 AM
Upper hallway - Go up to the top floor. Go forward to locked door behind the stairs to the attic. Use the blue key on door.
Room with paintings - Look around the room. Look at the floor plan on the table. Click on each room of the ground level plan to identify them. Flip through the plan to see the one for the first floor. Click on all the room and more importantly on the room that is left of the main bedroom. It's odd, we didn't see that before. You need to get into that secret room. Study the last plan. Take the generic silver key and a can lid from the table between the pencils and the paint brush containers. Take the hammer on the stool left of the table.
Room in construction - Go through the door to the adjoining room. Go towards the ladder with a rope hanging beside it. Climb the ladder and look over the ladder. Take the oil can. Use the rug on the very dirty can left of the oil can and see a motor oil can. Use the boring tool on the motor oil can. Click the lamp on the motor oil can to fill the lamp with oil. Back out of the cans.
Look up to the rope tied to the beam. Use the knife taken from the kitchen on rope as close to the beam as possible. Go down the ladder, move one step away and pick up the rope from floor. Exit through the door left of the ladder to get this door accessible later.
Lower hallway - Go down the stairs and look at the wall left of the main bedroom door. This is where that room seen on the floor plan should be located. Use the knife on the wall and see that it is bricked up. How do we get in that room?
Tower - Go to the upper hallway beyond the attic ladder at top level. Climb the stairs to the tower. Open the second window and see the roof. Climb higher and see rusty lamp on the wall. Place rope on the rusty lamp. It's too risky to use the rope on the rusty lamp alone. Look down from rusty lamp and see a crack. Use the hammer on crack to make a wider crack from inside wall to outside wall. Look down to coiled rope on ground and click on coiled rope. Automatically, the rope is inserted through the hole.
Go down to second window, look close and click on the rope peeking at upper right of the window. The rope is now hanging down. Take a deep breath and click on rope 3xs to gain courage to climb down the rope. Click to go down and then click on window. Click on window again to enter the mysterious room.
Sunday 11 AM
Nursery - Look around the room - bricked door, crib and wooden horse. Open the dresser drawers. Read the birth certificate under the rattle dated 9th of August, 1961 and signed by Christopher Milton. The baby's name is erased. Look closer on the blocks with letters and numbers on them. There's a B I N blocks on the foreground. Exit through the window again and back to the tower.
Sunday 2 PM
Attic - Take the stairs to the attic. Click on the newspapers and then click on anything of interest in August, 1961. Read the August 10, 1961 newspaper about the death of the son born by Catherine Blackwood. It is time to really check on other unanswered events. Go down to the gallery.
Gallery - Go to the elephant tusk cabinet. Look down on the base of the cabinet. Use the knife on the base board. See 2 wheels under the cabinet. Use the oil can on both wheels. Pull the cabinet using the metal bar. Pan left and go forward to the hidden boarded door.
Sunday 4 PM
Storeroom - Use the hammer on the boards and enter the room. The room is too dark. Use matches on lamp with oil. Click lit lamp on the room. EEEEEEKK! Okay my heartbeat is now back to normal. Look at the mask. Pan left and see a dark corner. Turn around to the window and move the bamboos out of the way of the window. Turn around and look again at the dark alcove. Read the paper below the lamp about James' thoughts on the Dhalmaar tribe and the mask. Read James' letter to Christopher left of the lamp. It's the mask! He stole it and James' is asking for help. Exit the room.
Guest bedroom - Look close at the desk. Take paper on the right and click on the typewriter. Michael writes his story. Read what he wrote.
Sunday 6 PM
Reception hall - Use the phone to call Jerry.
Guest bedroom - Go to sleep by clicking on the bed.
Monday 12 AM
Guest bedroom - You wake up again. Something is not right!
Gallery - Go to the storeroom and enter. The mask is gone! Exit the storeroom and <insert screech here>.
Guest bedroom - That was another nightmare. The scratching sound woke you up for real again.
Gallery - Go to the storeroom to see if the nightmare is true. The mask is there.
Cellar - Go down to the cellar. This time we have light. Use the match on the lamp and then click the lit lamp on the room. Go down the stairs. Open the furnace door and hear the scratching sound. Enter the furnace. Go forward. Enter the hole on the metal plate and brick wall. See a grilled door. Who was that? Exit the furnace and hear that sound louder during a short blackout. Go back up to the kitchen.
Monday 1 AM
Kitchen - The oil in the lamp is used.
Guest bedroom - Click on bed to go to sleep.
Monday October 14
Monday 9AM
Guest bedroom - You are determined to find out about what is happening on your third and final day at the mansion. Let's review what have we not checked yet - the silver key taken from the safe and places outside the manor.
Living room - Go downstairs and feel the coldness in the manor. Time to burn the wood in the fireplace. Click the matches on the wood in the fireplace.
Monday 10 AM
Reception hall - Call Jerry. He's driving here today.
Garage - Go outside to the garage. Use the generic silver key on the padlock of the garage. Enter the garage. Look around and check the classic car. Check the bicycle and look at the device on the rear wheel. Click on the pedals and see the bicycle light comes on. It's a makeshift generator. Go to the workbench at the corner. Take the crowbar leaning at right side of the bench on the floor. Look close at the toolbox and take the pliers and a screwdriver.
Crypt - Go back to the manor and exit through the kitchen door to go outside. Go forward until you get to the crypt. The wind picked up. Look on wire wrapped on door handles. Use pliers on wires to get wires. Enter the crypt. Go forward and look at the plaques on the pedestal base holding the 2 coffins. Catherine and James Blackwood died on the same year. Pick up the stone on the ground between the plaques. Open the lower coffin and see a decomposing body. Open the upper coffin and see... empty. Turn around and see the grate on the floor.
Go down to the lower crypt. Look around at the coffins and the plaques. You can try to open them. The middle lower coffin is half opened. There's a dead cat in there. Examine the smaller coffin on top left. Look at the plaque below it. You can barely read it. Remember the nursery, it must be the baby. We need more light to read the plaque.
Go back up and look up. While standing with your back on the door, use the stone on the glass dome That was not successful. Go back down to the lower crypt and pick up the stone at corner below the stairs. Use the stone again on the dome glass. This time it you broke it. Still not enough light.
Main Bedroom - Go back to the main bedroom at first level of manor. Look close at the mirror on dresser left of the safe. Use the screwdriver on the mirror to get mirror.
Crypt - Go back to the crypt. Use wire on the mirror to get wired mirror. Use the wired mirror on the candle holder at top of stairs. Now the light is reflected to the lower level. Go down and read the plaque. R..... <sigh>
Reception hall - Call and talk to Jerry. Learn about the death of James Blackwood on July, 1963. Only one body at the crypt, so let's investigate more. Call the bank using the number 01912 94144. Select dialogues: James Blackwood, Christopher Milton and ask about recent activities. Ah... the account is still active.
Attic - Take the stairs to the attic. Click on the newspapers and then click on anything of interest in June, 1963. William Bailey, the police chief at that time has his phone number written on the newspaper - 01665 65217.
Monday 11 AM
Reception hall - Dial 01665 65217 and talk to William Bailey. Learn about Eva's account, dug hole, Dr. Milton, throat slit open and no autopsy. He never retrieved the body.
Garden - Go out to the mailbox to see if the Italian translation of the paper is now there. Read the mail and learn about Eva's fear and secret compartment under the loose board which is under the side table of her bed.
Maid's room - Look close under the side table and remove the loose board. Take a thorough look at the picture of a body and a man digging a hole. Note the shadow of the tower at lower center of picture.
Greenhouse - Exit the house through the front door and take the path to the right. Go forward on stone path until the greenhouse. Use oil can on door knob of greenhouse.
Go forward, look down and see a shiny object under the grill surrounding the pot of the dead tree at the center of the room. Look around. There's pot overturned on the drain. On the side by the stairs, there's a faucet at the base of the tree pot. There's no water.
Climb upstairs and go forward. Pan left, see a shovel stuck in soil and hose on the floor. Click the bottom end of the hose to get that end hanging down on the railing. Click on top end of hose to get that end on the soil close to the shovel.
Go around to the work table. See a live plant. Open the left drawer and read more of James' diary. Open the right drawer and take the garden shears. Use garden shears on the African plant on the table to get few leaves and fruit with a particular smell. Time to get water going.
Cellar - Go back to the cellar of the manor. Use the crowbar on the water valve on right wall. Then use the hammer on the crowbar to turn the water wheel. Take crowbar. Go upstairs to the kitchen and turn the tap. Water is flowing but something is wrong with the pipes.
Greenhouse - Go back to greenhouse. Connect the end of the hose to the faucet. Turn the faucet on. Go upstairs and now take the shovel.
Go back downstairs and see if we can get the shiny object. Remove the hose from the tap with running water. Look at the shiny object on the other side. Huh. Go to the overturned pot at right and use the garden shears to remove leaves and branches off the drain. Now look for the shiny object. It is gone.
Monday 12 PM
Eastern garden - Exit the greenhouse, go forward 2 times and then turn right. Go forward and see a tree with a hole at the base. There is a pool of water in front of it. Take the shiny object that got washed from the greenhouse drain. It is a small key.
Study - Go back to the Manor and the desk at the study. Use the small key on the locked right drawer. Read the letter of Christopher Milton to Catherine dated March 21, 1963. It talks about his feelings concerning events 2 years ago. Take the box and see that there's a numbered lock. What number to use?
Nursery - The only numbers we saw are on the blocks at the nursery. Go back to the nursery via the rope hanging down the tower roof. and check the blocks. The name of the baby on the plaque starts with an R. There's BIN and O on the floor. Let's try ROBIN. The R is on the wagon. The numbers for ROBIN are 59097.
Study - Go back to the study and the locked box. Enter 59097 on the lock. Click the lid to open the box. See a piece of wood at the center partition that changes direction when clicked twice. Turn the piece of wood towards the right (/) and then click on the knob at right wall of the box. Turn the piece of wood to the left (\) and then click on the knob on the left wall of the box. Click the bottom wood to see the secret compartment. Take the adorned (with a cross) key.
Monday 2 PM
Chapel - Exit the manor through the front door. Turn right from the fountain. Take the brown path at right. You are now left of the manor. Note the area left of path that is devoid of life. Go forward until the chapel. Use the key with a cross on the keyhole.
Climb the stairs to the loft. Open the cabinet and then the top drawer. Open several pages of the bible and take the nail.
Go down and forward to the altar. Look up and see a big crucifix. Go to the other side of the altar and look down. See a metal ring. Use the crowbar on the metal ring. A slit with a chain and wheel is seen. Stand in front of the crucifix and look at the foot of Jesus Christ. Place the nail on the hole on His foot. The chain on the floor is more exposed. Look up and click on the INRI sign. It is tilted. Use the crowbar to straighten the INRI. The crucifix tilts forward and the secret passage under the altar is exposed.
Secret room - Go down to the secret room. It's dark. Pan right and use matches on the candle. Look around. Look close at the desk. Read the March 26 paper describing the Dhalmaar, Bushmen, 20000 yrs ago and Dothom. Learn that this vengeful god had a lion incarnation and about the claw. Learn how to prepare the amulet. You need to mix the victim and victimizer, rare medicinal plant and a branch of a peculiar tree. You now realize the reason for the Dhalmaar's actions. Read the April 5, 1963 letter to Christopher. Take the odd looking branch from the table. Exit the chapel.
Reception hall - Call and talk to Jerry. He is emphatic that he wants you out of here.
Monday 3 PM
Garden - Go out the front door and note that 'someone has been at the front gate'. Go to the mail box and read the rolled Eviction Notice. You have to vacate out of here and a police officer will arrive on Tuesday, October 15. So that is why Jerry wants you out of here. Open the boot of the car and take the uncharged battery.
Garage - Time to charge up the battery. Place the battery on the box by the rear bicycle wheel. Click on the device on the rear wheel to automatically attach the cables to the battery. Now pedal. Take the battery that has a small charge on it.
Monday 4 PM
Garden - Exit the garage and place the battery back in the boot of the car. Close the boot. Enter the car and click on the key that is on the ignition. Michael is having second thoughts on leaving. He feels responsible for disturbing the forces in the mansion. Click on door to exit the car.
Garden - Go to the brown path left of the manor. Go forward once and look at the cleared area on the left. Remember Eva's picture. Look up and turn right to see the tower roof. Look for the shadow of the tower on the ground. Use the shovel on the tip of the tower shadow. Find Catherine. How sad. Use pliers on Catherine's teeth to get a tooth. Click on spade to rebury Catherine. If you do not find Catherine, dig again closer to the shadow's tip.
Gallery - Go back to the manor and up to the gallery. Look close at the necklace left of door. It is a lion's claw. Remember the incarnation of the vengeful god. Use pliers to get lion's claw pendant.
Kitchen - With the sink on your back, face the table and look close on the coffee grinder. Click to open it. Place the lion's claw on grinder and click to close the lid. Click the handle to turn the grinder. Open the bottom drawer and take the ground claw. Do the same for Catherine's tooth to get ground tooth. Mix the 2 powders together. Place the mixed powder over the African leaves and berries.
Monday 5 PM
Workshop - Go up to top level. Enter the left door and forward to the stove on the plank. Be sure that you have added the metal rod taken from next door on the stove. Place the can lid taken from the room with paintings on top of stove. Place the mixed powder on African leaves and berries on top of the can lid. Use match on the stove. Take the organic stone. Hear the laughter louder now.
Storeroom - It's time! Go to the gallery and then storeroom. Click on mask - challenging... Use the stone on the branch taken from the secret room to get an amulet. I was ready... Go ahead - click the amulet on the mask. The atmosphere felt lighter.
Monday 6 PM
Living room - It's done! Or is it? Go down to the main level via the main stairs. That scratchy noise is back again. It is louder. Go to the fireplace in the living room. The wood has burned out to expose a grate.
Hidden passage - Open the grate and go down. Look around the room. Go right and enter the grilled door. There's a hole on the wall ahead. Look around the room. Check the table. Look close at the teddy bear and its neck. Check the pail by the pipes on left corner. See the raw meat on floor under the window.
Look closer on the hole on the wall of the lair...
Look again...
How sad...