بحث و تبادل نظر در مورد سری Devil May Cry (خلاصه داستان در پست اول)

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دوست دارین نسخه‌ی بعدی DMC رو چه استودیویی بسازه؟

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بهروز جون این لینک جدیده رو هم دانلود کردم. اجراش که میکنم یه صفحه باز میشه که یه عکس گیم پد سیاه داره و روش علامت سوال هست و دیگه کاری نمی تونم بکنم. میشه راهنماییم کنی که چکار کنم؟
یا علی مدد

سلام حسن جون! اگه مي شه يه عكس از اون صفحه كه مي گي بزار ببينم مشكلت چيه...ولي احتمال مي دم كه كنترلت رو نشناخته! درايو گيم پدت نصبه؟! اگه نصبه با يه كنترل ديگه امتحان كن.


من يكم اطلاعات بدست اوردم دوست دارم اينجا به اشتراك بزارم شايد انگشت شماري باشن كه هنوز مثل من زياد اطلاعات از سري DMC نداشته باشن....از بچه ها هم هركي اطلاعاتش دراين زمينه كامله حتما كمكمون كنه!

داخل مجموعه DMC اسپاردا شيطاني بود كه با تمام اهريمن هاي دويست هزار سال قبل روي زمين مبارزه كرد و همه اونها به اضافه Mundus پادشاهشون رو شكست داد، و در وازه اهريمن ها رو با استفاده از خون فاني ناپذير خودش بست.

و قسمت ديگر اين طلسم داخل شمشيري كه براي اسپاردا بود قرار داشت و همينطور نيمه دوم اين طلسم كه همون خون اسپاردا بود به صورت دو تا كليد جدا در بدن دوتا پسراش يعني دانته و ورجيل قرار داشت كه اين دو پسر هديه اي بودن از طرف همسر اسپاردا كه بر خلاف خود اسپاردا شيطان نبود و كاملا انسان بود. اسم اين زن ايوا (Eva) بود.

عكس از Mundus پادشاه دنياي شياطين:


اين عكس اسپاردا:


اينم عكس Eva :


صداي Eva كه ما ميشنيديم صداي اين بازيگره هست (Sarah Lafleur):


عكس از Trish: تريش كسي بود كه توسط مانداس ساخته شده بود و شباهت زيادي به مرحوم Eva داشت. و وظيفه داشت تا دروازه اهريمن ها رو به روي زمين باز كنه و كار دانته رو سخت تر كنه ولي دانته اين رو فهميده بود كه اون از نوچه هاي مانداس هست !و فقط شباهت زيادي به مادرش داره.بهر حال دانته و تريش طي بازي باهم رابطه بهتري پيدا مي كنن و در آخري بازي با كمك هم ديگه مانداس رو شكست مي دن و دفتر Devil May Cry رو تاسيس مي كنن.


توضيحاتي در مورد Eva : ما ايوا رو به صورت يك كاراكتر داخل بازي نمي بينيم، بلكه (اگه قسمت اول اين بازي رو بازي كرده باشيد) ايوا رو به صورت يك خاطره و رويا در ذهن دانته مي بينيم كه با هم صحبت مي كنن! و عكسش رو روي ميز كار دانته مي بينيم.
دانته خيلي به مادرش علاقه داره به خاطر همين به تريش Trish كه شباهت زيادي به مادرش داشت نيز علاقه مند مي شه و غيره.

عكس از شخصيت اول بازي دانته:


Reuben Langdon كسي هست كه صداش رو ماداخل سري سوم شنيديم و در سري چهارم هم خواهيم شنيد.عكس:


برادرش ورجيل:


اگه جاييش مورد داشت بگيد تا درستش كنم.ممنون:love:

اگه مطلب خوبيم داشتيد حتما بزاريد اينجا تا استفاده كنيم.
بهروز جون من که اصلا گیم پدم رو نصب نمی کنم usb رو که میزنم خود به خود سیستم میشناستش. اینم عکس از صفحه ای که باز میشه.
یا علی مدد

خوب اشتباه كارتم همينجاست ديگه حسن جون...ببين داخل تصويري كه گذاشتي داخل منوي برنامه اون گوشه سمت چپ اينو نوشته(Unknown Controller) يعني چي! يعني اين كه برنامه x Padder كنترلت رو نشناخته حالا چارش...!

شما اول برو به اين آدرس:

Start>Control Panel>Game Controllers

حالا روي گزينه Properties كليك چپ كن اگر منوت كامل بود و به اين شكل اونوقت كاريش نمي شه كرد!

ولي اگه منوت يكي از اين گزينه ها رو كم داشت يحتمل اين كارايي كه مي گم رو بكن شايد درست شد!

اول اين درايو گيم پدي هست كه خودم ازش استفاده مي كنم اين رو دانلود كن و نصبش كن:
حجم حدود 2 مگ
اينم كرك بازي هست بهتره از اين كرك استفاده كني چون ديگه با اين مشكلات عجيب غريب كمتر روبرو مي شي و ديگه نياز به دايمون تولز و اون برنامه DMC Loader نداري.فقط تنها مشكلش اينه كه ديگه تصوير رو به صورت فول اسكرين نداري!
حجم حدود 5 مگ
اون دوتا فايل رو اكستركت وكپي كن داخل پوشه بازيت.
اگه مشكلت حل نشد، شرمنده ديگه بيشتر از اين اطلاعاتم قد نمي ده كه راهنماييت كنم!
موفق باشي
سلام سلام سلام:cheesygri

من يه زمون خلاصه اي از داستان رو تو يكي از فروم هاي انگليسي زبان ديدم سعي مي كنم دوباره بگردم پيداش كنم اونوقت دوتايي ترجمش مي كنيم البته اگه كسه ديگه اي نخواست كمك كنه!(چون asuka جان احتمالا اين چند وقت سرشون شلوغه وقت نكنن به فرام سر بزنن)


من واقعا معذرت می خوام:(هرچی میگردم متن بدردبخوری گیر نمی یارم;)
بهروز جان(بگم craig marduk یا همین بهروز؟:confused:) امیدوارم که از دستم ناراحت نشده باشی .
برای اینکه نشون بدم چقدر ناراحتم یه والپیپر از مری یا همون لیدی میزارم(برای معذرت خواهی:p:p:p)

در ضمن باید بگم که می خوام( در صورت موافقت دوستان )در ترجمه کمک کنم.من فعلا مشغول گشتن هستم. خدا کنه که چیز خوبی پیدا کنم:laughing:


سلام سلام سلام:cheesygri

من واقعا معذرت می خوام:(هرچی میگردم متن بدردبخوری گیر نمی یارم;)
بهروز جان(بگم craig marduk یا همین بهروز؟:confused:) امیدوارم که از دستم ناراحت نشده باشی .
برای اینکه نشون بدم چقدر ناراحتم یه والپیپر از مری یا همون لیدی میزارم(برای معذرت خواهی:p:p:p)

در ضمن باید بگم که می خوام( در صورت موافقت دوستان )در ترجمه کمک کنم.من فعلا مشغول گشتن هستم. خدا کنه که چیز خوبی پیدا کنم:laughing:



به قول Welcome Back! : Lady
هر جور راحتي ، فرقي نداره دوتاشم يكين!

ممنون والپيپر قشنگي بود. اينم تقديم به همه فن بوي هاي DMC و خوره هاي اين بازي!

Asuka جان به احتما قوي خوب نگشتي! من گشتم اون فرام رو پيدا كردم ولي اينگار اون تاپيكش به رحمته خدا رفته! ولي تونستم داستان سه قسمتDMCرو براي كسايي كه مثل شما سيريش! داستان بازي شدن پيدا كنم شايد ديگه دست از يغه اين داستان بردارن(رضايت بدن!) شوخي كردم به دل نگيريد.

Story Line DMC1
Dante heads to Mallet Island after a run-in with a woman named Trish, who barges into his shop and requests his assistance in ridding the world of demons for good. She states that Mundus, a demon Sparda had defeated two millenia ago was looking to return and rule the human world. Seeing that Mundus is behind all of this, Dante brings Force Edge, his father's sword, along.

After arriving at Mallet Island and confronting Mundus' generals - Nightmare, Griffin, Nelo Angelo and Phantom, Dante defeats each one, while discovering that one of the generals is in fact Vergil, his twin brother. After the Vergil's final defeat, Dante acquires the other half of the amulet. Combining them together along with his father's Force Edge, he reawakens the Force Edge's true form - Sparda, and treks on into the Demon World. While in a battle with Nightmare, Trish betrays Dante and revives Nightmare for one more go.

Dante, however, manages to defeat Nightmare again, triggering something within Nightmare to cause it to fire wildly before finally being destroyed. In the chaos that ensues, Trish almost gets crushed by a falling pillar but Dante saves her out of the fact that she looks like his mother. This troubles Trish greatly, as she doesn't completely understand.

After the final battle with Nightmare, Dante finally reaches Mundus's lair. During their 'talk', Mundus shows Dante Trish who is hung high up on a wall. During the short moment Dante is distracted, Mundus shoots some spikes at him, locking his movements. He is about to finish him off when Trish jumps in front of Dante and saves his life while giving up her own. In his rage, Dante devil triggers, channeling Sparda's power through himself to gain his father's form and promptly defeats Mundus.

After returning from the battle to Trish's body, he leaves the pendants and the Sparda Sword with her.

Returning to the castle, an injured mutated Mundus confronts Dante again. In the midst of their battle, Trish returns and tells Dante to use her power, channeling her energy through him. Dante does so and seals Mundus again with a classic move from his younger days. After this, Trish and Dante escape the island on a plane as it collapses and become partners.

Story Line DMC2
Dante heads to Mallet Island after a run-in with a woman named Trish, who barges into his shop and requests his assistance in ridding the world of demons for good. She states that Mundus, a demon Sparda had defeated two millenia ago was looking to return and rule the human world. Seeing that Mundus is behind all of this, Dante brings Force Edge, his father's sword, along.

After arriving at Mallet Island and confronting Mundus' generals - Nightmare, Griffin, Nelo Angelo and Phantom, Dante defeats each one, while discovering that one of the generals is in fact Vergil, his twin brother. After the Vergil's final defeat, Dante acquires the other half of the amulet. Combining them together along with his father's Force Edge, he reawakens the Force Edge's true form - Sparda, and treks on into the Demon World. While in a battle with Nightmare, Trish betrays Dante and revives Nightmare for one more go.

Dante, however, manages to defeat Nightmare again, triggering something within Nightmare to cause it to fire wildly before finally being destroyed. In the chaos that ensues, Trish almost gets crushed by a falling pillar but Dante saves her out of the fact that she looks like his mother. This troubles Trish greatly, as she doesn't completely understand.

After the final battle with Nightmare, Dante finally reaches Mundus's lair. During their 'talk', Mundus shows Dante Trish who is hung high up on a wall. During the short moment Dante is distracted, Mundus shoots some spikes at him, locking his movements. He is about to finish him off when Trish jumps in front of Dante and saves his life while giving up her own. In his rage, Dante devil triggers, channeling Sparda's power through himself to gain his father's form and promptly defeats Mundus.

After returning from the battle to Trish's body, he leaves the pendants and the Sparda Sword with her.

Returning to the castle, an injured mutated Mundus confronts Dante again. In the midst of their battle, Trish returns and tells Dante to use her power, channeling her energy through him. Dante does so and seals Mundus again with a classic move from his younger days. After this, Trish and Dante escape the island on a plane as it collapses and become partners.

Story Line DMC3
One late afternoon, Dante was greeted by an unknown man in his office who mentioned Vergil, Dante's twin brother. Then, he was attacked by demons. After dealing with them, both in and outside of the office, the ground shook furiously and in the distance a giant tower rose. That tower was Temen-ni-gru.

Seeing Vergil atop the tower, Dante knew that he had something for him, so accepting the invitation, he proceeded to walk in the tower's direction. In the tower, he was confronted by a mysterious clown who called himself Jester. He appeared to help when Dante was lost, and Dante didn't really care, but he took the clown's advice and managed to proceed to the next few stages.

Soon, Dante reached an opening on the side of the tower where he caught a young woman falling from the skies by her leg. Ungrateful, the woman pointed her gun at Dante and demanded for him to let go. Dante scoffed at the irony, but the woman ended up shooting him in the head, twice. Fed up, Dante left her on her own to continue on his journey to the top of the tower where he met Vergil for the first time in a year.

Perhaps it was just the way they've always been, perhaps they felt it was necessary, but immediately after their reunion they burst into a fierce battle. Unfortunately, Dante lost and Vergil took his amulet. Arkham, the unknown man from the beginning, appeared and was about to leave with Vergil when the devil inside Dante awakened. Springing up onto his feet, Dante lunged at Vergil but Vergil was quick enough to stop him with his katana. They were just about to fight again when Arkham prompted Vergil to leave for they have all that they needed for the moment.

So Dante was left to himself and it wasn't long before he was ready to go on again. He jumped off the tower, performed stunning stunts and got swallowed by a giant flying demon known as Leviathan. He later got out of it and met with the woman from before again. Dante asked for her name as they fought demons together for a bit, and ended up naming her Lady himself. Then leaving the demons all to Lady, he left to rejoin the party he's missed.

Along his way, he found Arkham lying half dead in a marble corridor. Lady arrived at the same place merely a few seconds later and was furious to witness the scene. She started attacking Dante, thinking that he was the one who killed the man, and revealed that he is her father who was so obsessed with demons that he killed his own wife. Dante reacted casually and after the conflict, he left her alone with her father. Unknown to them was that Vergil was the one who killed Arkham after he had no more use for him since he's opened the final sealed door.

With the little bit of life left, Arkham told Lady that he had been possessed all this time. Succumbing to her soft nature, Lady felt bad for her father and swore that she'll stop the demon responsible for all this, as told by Arkham – Vergil.

On the other side, using the information he got from Jester yet again, Dante caught up with Vergil who for some reason was unable to release the seal that locked the gateway to the demon world. Figuring that he needed more blood to undo the spell, Vergil fought with Dante again. It seemed almost like an endless battle, and soon Lady even appeared to join. However, the brotherly feud was interrupted by the mysterious clown who had appeared suddenly. Annoyed at the loudmouth, Vergil ran over to attack, only to be thrown far back. Confused, Vergil grunted and looked up to see Arkham where Jester was, well and alive. Realizing what was going on, Lady tried to attack Arkham as well, but she was slammed to the ground instead.

Turning back and forth from Arkham to Jester confused them all, but Dante was more annoyed at the fact that there was someone else more talkative than him and tried to shoot at the clown, but was taken down easily after all that fighting by a flat kick from the ceiling. Then, Jester turned back into Arkham and revealed that Vergil didn't have all that was needed to break the spell. What that was needed was Vergil and Dante's amulets, both their blood and the blood of a descendant of the maiden whom Sparda sacrificed back then to cast the seal. That descendant was Lady. Picking up Lady's rocket launcher, Arkham stabbed Lady's thigh with the bayonet. With her blood, the seal was finally released and the tower shook and began to rise even higher.

Arkham disappeared out of sight standing on the platform that was rising. Vergil fell off a huge crack in the ground while Dante helped Lady from falling herself. When things were stable again, Lady left on her own to settle her family scores with Arkham despite Dante's advice. So on his own, Dante journeyed back to the top of the tower once again to enter the Demon world. On his way there, he met Lady again and inevitably fought her in the attempt to stop her from insisting to pursue Arkham herself. Having lost the battle, Lady agreed to give in and made Dante promise her to free her father. She also then lended her rocket launcher, Kalina Ann, to him.

At this time, Arkham had acquired the Force Edge that laid somewhere in the demon world, and took Sparda's form. He attempted to strike Dante from behind when Dante finally arrived in a mysterious room at the end of his journey through demon world, but Dante already expected the ambush and easily fended him off. Then, Arkham turned into a nasty purple gooey blob thing and their battle began.

Dante almost lost half way through but Vergil surprisingly reappeared and saved him. Then together, they took Arkham down. As Arkham's mutated form disintegrated, it revealed the Force Edge and the two amulets inside, and Vergil ran to grab them immediately. Dante then ran after him and they both jumped into the deeper levels as they retrieved their own amulets.

As the twins fell deeper into the demon world, Arkham's human form fell back down to the human world atop the tower. While struggling to get up on his feet, he saw Lady standing in front. He tried to excuse himself and trick Lady into helping him but Lady was determined and killed him on the spot, crying only after that.

Back in the demon world, Dante and Vergil landed on the ground and both tried to grab the Force Edge before the other, but it was Vergil who got it first. Vergil demanded Dante to give him his amulet and Dante refused. Dante tried to persuade Vergil into giving up his quest for power, and that they should try to be like the father they're proud of, protecting humans instead of turning their world into demonville, but unfortunately, blinded by his desire to gain power, Vergil couldn't come to terms with Dante. Each for their own purpose, they battled for the third and last time.

Dante defeated Vergil this time, and Vergil told Dante to leave before the portal to the human world closed, and then he threw himself off into the depths of hell. Sad, Dante picked up Force Edge that Vergil left behind and returned to the human world.

As Dante walked out of the tower, he saw Lady waiting for him and returned her Kalina Ann. They fought a couple more demons and that was it. Later, Dante rebuilt his office and offered to help Lady hunt down demons. He also finally decided a name for his shop, basing it on a phrase Lady once used on him - Devil May Cry.
اينايي كه مي بينيد عكساي گرفته شده از تريلر بازي هستن(به درد كسايي مي خوره كه مثل من از مرض ديال آپ رنج مي برن.:cheesygri) سعي كردم كه كم حجم باشن تا اذيت نشيد!

عكساي گرفته شده از Anime بازم بدرد بالاييا مي خوره(بي شوخي من كه استفاده بردم و تا حدودي با حال و هواي انيمه و داستانش آشنا شدم گفتم اينجا بزارم شايد كسي نديده باشه!)

دوتا آهنگ آغازين و پاياني Anime رو هم براتون فشرده كردم با حجم حدود 4 مگ.(حتما دانلود كنيد چون اهنگ پايانيش خيلي با حاله!)

موفق باشيد.
آخرین ویرایش:

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

تبلیغات متنی

رمز عبور خود را فراموش کرده اید؟
اگر میخواهی عضوی از بازی سنتر باشی همین حالا ثبت نام کن