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There is a Devil May Cry Movie. In Ghana.We're not sure what to make of this one, really. The domestic Ghanan filmmaking scene sure is interesting, though.We don't know about you but we're leaning toward this not being an officially licensed adaptation of the noted Capcom series. Apart from major game publishers growing more circumspect about film adaptation rights in recent years, the name "Devil May Cry" is not limited to the exploits of Dante and friends.
Of course, even without speaking the language it's clear there is something game-related going on in this trailer. We're just not sure what.
How about you? Want to take a stab (please, no pun intended) at what's happening in this trailer? Share it with us in the comments below.
WHAT IN THE NAME OF SPARDA?!خب دوستان این توضیحات سایت Gameranx در مورد فیلمه، مثل اینکه رسمی نیست (یا شاید کپکام هنوز تائیدش نکرده)
There is a Devil May Cry Movie. In Ghana.
سلام اساتید . یکی میشه توضیح بده بینم شخصیت ها کین و داستان از چه قراراه ؟ یا هنوز معلوم نیست ؟ تریلر هم بود ممنون![]()
من اصولا به اچیومنت و تروفی ها زیاد اهمیت نمیدم ، مگر اینکه عنوان جالبی داشته باشندو عنوان یکی از اچیومنت های DmC خیلی به دلم نشست
( اسپویل نداره فقط برای اینکه هیجان انگیز بشه گذاشتمش توی اسپویلر
"In the name of my father"