امتیازهای Batman: Arkham City

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مدیر انجمن
اولین امتیاز از Official Playstation Magazine استرالیا :

"Batman: Arkham City is not only the best superhero game ever made, it's one of
the best games ever made full-stop
. It takes the already superlative original
and gloriously expands on it. It's a deeper game, more complex, more inventive,
more mature. It brings the caped crusader's world to life better than any comic,
movie or television show before it."

"Presentation: Endlessly creative,
perfectly moody, and technically flawless. This is Epic's Unreal engine pushed
to its absolute limit."

"Sound: Alternatively foreboding and frantic, the
game's orchestral soundtrack matches the on-sccreen action perfectly. Voice
acting is brilliant."

"Controls: Complex and initially overwhelming but
also logical and responsive. It'll take a while to get used to them, but once
you do it feels perfectly natural flinging Batman around."

"Replay Value:
Immense. A massive main quest, dozens of side missions, Riddler challenges,
secondary game modes, and DLC will keep most people occupied for

"VERDICT: We can't imagine how a superhero game could be better
than this. Absolutely sublime."

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Arkham Asylum که انگار قسمت ما نیست بازی کنیم. دیسک هاش رو که خریده بودم خراب در اومد و قابل خوندن نیست. اومدم خودم دانلود کنم که اون هم جواب نداد و نمی دونم چرا فایل های 1GB بازی به جای Resume هی از نو ریست می شدن!

ولی این رو ظاهرا باید حتما بازی کرد با این تعریفات شما! :دی

فقط به نظرتون اول حتما باید Arkham Asylum رو رفت و بعد این رو بازی کرد؟ یعنی دنباله هم هستند؟

در مورد GOTY:
کاندید اول بیشترین تعداد GOTY سایت ها شک نکنید که Skyrim ـه، ولی همین بازی با این نمراتش + Rage (آی دی روی این بازی خیلی کار کرده و واقعا این دفعه گرافیک خالی نیست) + Battlefield 3 با شانس کمتر هم کاندید هستند. در مورد MW3 هم که بعید می دونم اصلا زیاد کاندیدش کنند.
این مسخره بازیا چیه!؟
پست اول 1 امتیاز گذاشتن 5 صفحه راجب Goty بحث شده!:-&
تنها بخشی از سایت که هیچ وقت نمیخواد درست شه همین تاپیک امتیازاته,بحث هایی که توش میشه هیچ ربطی به عنوانش نداره.....!!!
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اوه اوه اوه چهار صفحه :d
هنوز به رکورد gears نرسیده:d

امتیاز عالیی گرفته دمش گرم
ببینیم بقیه رو چیکار میکنه
با امتیاز خوفی شروع کرده!

باید منتظر بقیه امتیازات هم بود

Batman AA یک بازی فوق العاده بود اصلا تووووووووووووووووووووپ سر Goty شدن (امسال) مسلما این بازی یکی از اولین شانس هاست...البته امسال خیلی بازیها شانس دارن :دی
با امتیاز خوفی شروع کرده!

باید منتظر بقیه امتیازات هم بود

Batman AA یک بازی فوق العاده بود اصلا تووووووووووووووووووووپ سر Goty شدن (امسال) مسلما این بازی یکی از اولین شانس هاست...البته امسال خیلی بازیها شانس دارن :دی
به نظر من شانس اول با این بازی زیبا هست و در مرتبه بعدی شاهکار Uncharted 3 و شاید GEARS OF WAR 3 باشه.
انتظارش داره منو دیوونه میکنه، پس چرا منتشر نمیشه!!!!
قيژبل نسخه قبلي اين بازي من يادم نمياد بازي بر اساس شخصيت هاي Superhero ساخته شده باشه و خوب از آب در اومده باشه.ولي كلا بازي قبلي تعريف اينجور بازيها رو از اول نوشت.

در كنارSkyrim بزرگترين بازي سال براي من هست.
جریان نقد اول یعنی همون opm استرالیا خیلی جالبه.

بخونید ببینید جریانش چیه

حرفای منتقد بازی بعد از نقد

Stop being jerks, jerks.

By Dan Staines on: 04/10/11 03:28:52 PM

Before I begin, I want to make it clear that the following is me speaking for myself and does not reflect the views of Official PlayStation Magazine Australia or any other publication.

So. A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a world exclusive review of Batman: Arkham City for Official PlayStation Magazine Australia. We worked hard for that review: because of reasons, I had two days to play the game and produce copy in time for deadline. And before you ask: no, I didn't play it the whole way through before writing the review. That’s just the reality of publishing – sometimes you don’t get to do reviews in ideal circumstances.

Did my opinion change after playing it to completion? It sure did – for the better. Here’s a text I sent to my editor after I finished it:

Just finished Arkham’s story. Holy SHIT. **** 10 – this thing should’ve got 11.

In any case, the review has leaked onto the internet – as reviews are wont to do sometimes – and from what I can tell the reaction has been largely negative. As soon as they see the source, the game, and the exclusivity, people do the math:

Official Magazine + Big ****ing Game x World Exclusive = obvious corruption.

And look, I can understand why you’d be cynical. Games journalism doesn’t have a sterling record of quality and integrity, and – to be perfectly honest – neither do I. I’ve written enthusiastic previews for games that turned out terrible, I’ve been taken on junkets and plied with free booze and t-shirts. But one thing I have never done, and never will do, is let PR dictate my opinions.

Warner Bros. didn’t give me money to give their game a positive review. The only time I even interacted with Warner Bros. was when their PR rep handed me the disc. There was no editorial or managerial pressure to write a favourable review. I wrote a favourable review – a very favourable review – because I ****ing love the shit out of that game.

I’ll admit that the text is a bit hyperbolic in places, but it isn’t engineered hyperbole – it’s the natural sort of hyperbole that occurs when you experience something incredible and want to share it with somebody. I wrote that review to convince you mother****ers to buy the damn game. I want you to buy the damn game because the damn game is rad as balls.

And really – do you think that Warner Bros. and Rocksteady don’t know that? Do you think they’re ignorant of the fact that their game is totally brilliant? Because I don’t think they are. I think they know very well how good the game is, and I think they know what sort of response it’s likely to receive. Given that, why on Earth would they bother wasting time and money trying to BUY good reviews when they know they’re going to get them for FREE?

It’s important in magazine publishing to write for your readers, and I’m certain that at least 90 percent of mine are going to love Arkham City. Which is great! As a critic, there are few things I love more than being told that my work has encouraged someone to try a great game. I know there are people out there (not a lot, but they’re there) who trust my opinions, who trust me to be honest, and I work ****ing hard to make sure that I am. There are some games journalists who couldn’t say the same, but personally-? I don’t know any.

So **** you guys. **** you for your constant sneering derision, for your endless unfunny “journalist in quotation marks” jokes, for your automatic assumptions of corruption, for all the times you sent someone an email full of vile personal insults because they gave some game you like a bad score, and for all the other toxic, squalid, and puerile bullshit that defines your contribution to videogame culture. Grow the **** up for Christ’s sake. Or if you can’t do that, at least have the decency to keep your mouth shut once in a while.

Again: it’s right to be sceptical of games journalists. It’s right to be sceptical of big exclusive reviews that give massive scores to blockbuster titles. But if you’re going to accuse (or even insinuate) that a review is the product of corruption, that the journalist must have accepted cash for comment or anything like that, then here’s a tip: get some proof. Hell, not even that: get some evidence. Even the tiniest little shred will do. Get some evidence and use it to support your assertions. Otherwise, what are you even doing? I’ll tell you what you’re doing: you’re being a jerk.

Stop being a jerk.

Oh, and guys? The suggestion that I wrote the review the way I did so that I could get a quote on the box is… absolutely right. You got me! Ever since I was a child, I have longed – YEARNED – for a chance to get something I wrote printed on a videogame box. Truly it is my one great ambition, my one driving passion, and to this day it remains painfully unfulfilled. I don’t know if Arkham City will be my salvation, but I can assure you that I did everything in my power to make it so.

Consol.at - Review (Austria) - 9.2/10


In short:

Graphics: Better than AA (more details, better animations)
Sound: Everything (music, synch) is very good, like AA I guess
Controls: Great
Lasting Appeal: New Game +, DLC, Challenges, Main Story = great

+ length
+ again the best Batman game
+ cool new features

- boss fights

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