امتیازهای Batman: Arkham City

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مدیر انجمن
اولین امتیاز از Official Playstation Magazine استرالیا :

"Batman: Arkham City is not only the best superhero game ever made, it's one of
the best games ever made full-stop
. It takes the already superlative original
and gloriously expands on it. It's a deeper game, more complex, more inventive,
more mature. It brings the caped crusader's world to life better than any comic,
movie or television show before it."

"Presentation: Endlessly creative,
perfectly moody, and technically flawless. This is Epic's Unreal engine pushed
to its absolute limit."

"Sound: Alternatively foreboding and frantic, the
game's orchestral soundtrack matches the on-sccreen action perfectly. Voice
acting is brilliant."

"Controls: Complex and initially overwhelming but
also logical and responsive. It'll take a while to get used to them, but once
you do it feels perfectly natural flinging Batman around."

"Replay Value:
Immense. A massive main quest, dozens of side missions, Riddler challenges,
secondary game modes, and DLC will keep most people occupied for

"VERDICT: We can't imagine how a superhero game could be better
than this. Absolutely sublime."

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امیدوارم چرت گفته باشه :(( ! بابا قبلی باس فایتاش معرکه بودن ، پویزن آیوی ـش :x:x
خداییش مبارزه با جوکر رو مزخرف طراحی کرده بودند، امیدوارم مبارزه‌ها تو این نسخه طبیعی تر و سنگین تر شده باشه.در کل این بازی معرکه هست همه جوره دوست داشتنی هست، نامردیه اگه زیر 9.5 به این بازی زیبا نمره بدند.
این مشکل باس فایت رو بازی هنوز داره؟ باس قایت های قبلی هم بیش از حد از پیش طراحی شده بود و یه مدلی بود. مثل باقی بازی نبود.
جزییات بیشتر نقد Consol.at

Review Positives.

- The story is larger, more thought-out and has far more twists and turns than Arkham Asylum.

- Catwoman's mission are short enough not to disturb the main story and is cleverly interwoven.

- Side missions are fun with great gameplay containing a great mix of action adventure and stealth-puzzle elements.

- Combat is more tactical especially since the thugs get more varied and dangerous through the playthrough.

- The "CSI" moments are a welcome change of pace in the game (like in AA), including scanning DNA, following blood trails and projectiles.

- what they loved most: Gadgets, how easy they are to control (second nature after a bit of practice) and how much freedom they convey from a gameplay perspective.

- Standing atop a roof in the moon light with a few snow flakes falling down is genius for every Batman fan.

- Awesome animations and you’ll see new moves even at the end of the game (testament to great freeflow system).

- Realistic look that never denies its comic-roots

Review Negatives.

- They found the plot too convoluted, saying there were too many characters, with many big ones only playing small roles and the boss fights being not exciting enough (hit a spot 3 times, use different tricks on a boss 3 times)

- The side missions interrupt the main story too much (example: while someone needs saving in the main plot and you’re constantly reminded through the radio signal when you are wanting to do a side mission, it feels inconsistent

- Big boss fights feel forced and not inspired, they say the journey towards the boss fight is more exciting than the fight itself.

New Game Info. (SPOILERS)
- Alfred, Robin make appearances/cameos in the campaign

- Arkham City is supposedly not a sandbox like GTA or Saints Row. But like a main world with dungeons (like Zelda), though the dungeons here are buildings and underground tunnels.

- Concept art and challenges can be unlocked through Riddler's huge side mission and collectibles.

- Locations (some have to be revisited) include: a frozen museum (by Mr. Freeze) with dinosaur skeletons and a living hungry white shark, a fiery factory/mill and a underground city with a Steam-Punk Look.
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