امتیازات Watch_Dogs

Tommy Fisher

Shit happens
کاربر سایت
اولین امتیاز معتبر سگ های نگهبان منتشر شد . مجله JeuxVideo به بازی امتیاز 19 از 20 داده و Watch_Dogs رو تقریباً بی نقص ولی داستان رو کمی نااُمید کننده دونسته !

Gameplay: 5 stars
Everything works perfectly, the ultra-intuitive hacking allows for exhilarating moments in the game.

Graphics: 5 stars
Very solid on the technical level, especially in the sensation of life that makes Watch_Dogs great.

Sound: 4 stars
Excellent ambient music and sound effects, but the track selection is a little limited.

Longevity: 5 stars
Because it’s a open world featuring multiplayer, there there’s an extreme amount of interesting things to do.


  • Gameplay and level design
  • The life in Chicago
  • Generous content

  • The Story, bof!
  • The first loading
  • That’s all!

Watch_Dogs accomplished all the hopes placed on it and delivers a successful new take on open world games. Almost perfect, but with a slight disappointment on the story.


Joystiq – 4/5
ShopTo – No Score
GodisaGeek – 9/10
CVG – 9/10
LeaderGamer – 9/10
Videogamer – 7/10
DigitalSpy – 4/5
Gamespot – 8/10
Polygon – 8/10
Rock, Paper, Shotgun – No Score
GameReactor – 8/10
Eurogamer – 7/10
Edge – 8/10
Destructoid – 8/10
Metro – 7/10
StrategyInformer – 7/10
GameInformer – 8.5/10
PC Gamer – 87/100
Areajugones – 9/10
EGM – 7/10
Pixel Dynamo – 8.2/10
GameStar – 8.8/10
Softpedia – 8.5/10
Lazygamer – 8/10
Eurogamer.de – 7/10
Zing.cz – 8/10
GamesVillage.it – 9/10
ITF Gaming – 9.7/10
Jeuxvideo.com – 18/20
Gamekult.fr – 7/10
Merlin’in Kazanı – 85/100
Games.ch – 88/100
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نخیر این منتقدها همگی از یوبیسافت مستکبر، پول‌پرست، بی‌شعور و وقیح، پول گرفتند که به بازی نمره‌ی بالا بدند. من بازی رو روی low اجرا کردم و اصلا مثل E3 2012 نیست. اصلا بدرد نمیخوره.
در یوبیسافت باید تخته شود تا حتی جرأت ساخت IP جدید و نوآوری در این ژانر به فکر احدی خطور نکنه. تا سری GTA (ع) هست، که از سال 1997 داره ساخته میشه، کسی به IP جدید احتیاج داره؟ /:)

والا نمی دونم هدفت از این پست چی بود :-/، هرچقدر هم فکر می کنم به نتیجه ای نمی رسم .
والا نمی دونم هدفت از این پست چی بود :-/، هرچقدر هم فکر می کنم به نتیجه ای نمی رسم .
قسمت ایش sarcasm ـی می باشد در پاسخ به اون عده که رازهای پشت پرده را افشا کرده اند!!:دی
قسمت دیگه اش هم مربوط به هیترهای یوبی سافت می باشد که در تمامی پستهاشون در حال منور کردن یوبی سافت می باشن!:دی
قسمت ایش sarcasm ـی می باشد در پاسخ به اون عده که رازهای پشت پرده را افشا کرده اند!!:دی
قسمت دیگه اش هم مربوط به هیترهای یوبی سافت می باشد که در تمامی پستهاشون در حال منور کردن یوبی سافت می باشن!:دی
من که هرچی نگاه میکنم چیزی نمی بینم :|
ترول ! :|:d
PRO_G@MER عزیز با این کامنتش بعد جدید از ترول رو معرفی کرد ! :d 50 درصد بچه های فروم متوجه ترول ایشون نشدن ! :|

اون که واضح ولی خوب طرف این صحبت کیه ؟ خود درگیری آیا :-/
آمـــــــــــــــاده این؟ آماده ؟

CeX: 5/5
Overall Watch Dogs is a fantastic start to an exciting franchise. From it's beautifully designed city that is a true joy to simply stroll around, to the epic hacking gameplay mechanic put in place, Watch Dogs has delivered on the promises it made during E3 2012. While the game isn't earth shattering, it's something that you'll end up pouring hours upon hours into. Whether it's reading the profiles of the countless inhabitants of Chicago, stopping crimes before they happen, jerking around with traffic lights, stealing money right from someone’s bank account, or cruising through the many city districts on offer, Watch Dogs is your home for the next few months.

Watch Dogs delivers on high expectations and gets a 5/5.

T4Mag: 9.5/10
Watch Dogs is a game that offers more in a package than it’s worth. With a single-player campaign running anywhere between 30-35 hours, an array of mini-games and a fully integrated multiplayer, this game has some serious teeth that will be a hot contender for Game of the Year 2014. If you’re a gamer, you will be hard-pressed to find a better value than what Watch Dogs has to offer. Bear in mind though that the game shares many parallels with GTA 5 and similarities between them both will be hard to ignore. But, given the fact that the combat mechanic and hacking in Watch Dogs is a step above GTA 5, we wouldn’t be wrong to assume that Ubisoft has a winner on their hands.


  • Amazing gameplay and graphics
  • Characters seem to have unique personalities
  • Variety of dialogues that don't get old
  • Deep narrative and skill system


  • NPCs can sometimes be stupid
  • No pleasure in hunting for fast cars

Gameblog: 4/5 - Very Good - 'Must-have' label

Does Watch Dogs fulfill its contract, i.e. offering a true open-world game with interesting gameplay centered on hacking, all inside a huge, hyper-connected city? Yes, undeniably. An excellent first draft in this genre where GTA reigns, the Ubisoft title even competes with it in a beautiful way, by intelligently standing out thanks to an original approach. So, a very good game, even if it's not as technically impressive as its initial public reveal and despite a few flaws regarding the artificial intelligence of the enemies, a scenario we wish was more engaging, or a repetitive aspect fo rthe rougher players who'll rather use weapons instead of the numerous subtleties of hacking. Anyway, with its gargantuan content and a limited yet original online play, Watch Dogs imposes itself as a must-have on the PS4.

The good:

  • The density and content of Chicago
  • Online play in the solo campaign
  • The progression in Aiden's skills
  • The fine blend of hacking, infiltration and action
  • Original online play...

The bad:

  • ...but not deep enough
  • Lackluster scenario
  • Underdeveloped enemy AI
  • Music and sounds are somewhat generic
  • Playing rough sometimes seems to pay better than infiltration and hacking
  • Aiden and his lack of charisma

نقدای دیگه تا فردا می آن، ایمبارگو مال ساعت دوازده آمریکاست، اما به نظر هرکی به ساعت دوازده Time Zone خودش برسه می زاره.

پیمان، نیما و امیرحسین آماده کنن.
آمـــــــــــــــاده این؟ آماده ؟

CeX: 5/5
Overall Watch Dogs is a fantastic start to an exciting franchise. From it's beautifully designed city that is a true joy to simply stroll around, to the epic hacking gameplay mechanic put in place, Watch Dogs has delivered on the promises it made during E3 2012. While the game isn't earth shattering, it's something that you'll end up pouring hours upon hours into. Whether it's reading the profiles of the countless inhabitants of Chicago, stopping crimes before they happen, jerking around with traffic lights, stealing money right from someone’s bank account, or cruising through the many city districts on offer, Watch Dogs is your home for the next few months.

Watch Dogs delivers on high expectations and gets a 5/5.

T4Mag: 9.5/10
Watch Dogs is a game that offers more in a package than it’s worth. With a single-player campaign running anywhere between 30-35 hours, an array of mini-games and a fully integrated multiplayer, this game has some serious teeth that will be a hot contender for Game of the Year 2014. If you’re a gamer, you will be hard-pressed to find a better value than what Watch Dogs has to offer. Bear in mind though that the game shares many parallels with GTA 5 and similarities between them both will be hard to ignore. But, given the fact that the combat mechanic and hacking in Watch Dogs is a step above GTA 5, we wouldn’t be wrong to assume that Ubisoft has a winner on their hands.


  • Amazing gameplay and graphics
  • Characters seem to have unique personalities
  • Variety of dialogues that don't get old
  • Deep narrative and skill system


  • NPCs can sometimes be stupid
  • No pleasure in hunting for fast cars

Gameblog: 4/5 - Very Good - 'Must-have' label

Does Watch Dogs fulfill its contract, i.e. offering a true open-world game with interesting gameplay centered on hacking, all inside a huge, hyper-connected city? Yes, undeniably. An excellent first draft in this genre where GTA reigns, the Ubisoft title even competes with it in a beautiful way, by intelligently standing out thanks to an original approach. So, a very good game, even if it's not as technically impressive as its initial public reveal and despite a few flaws regarding the artificial intelligence of the enemies, a scenario we wish was more engaging, or a repetitive aspect fo rthe rougher players who'll rather use weapons instead of the numerous subtleties of hacking. Anyway, with its gargantuan content and a limited yet original online play, Watch Dogs imposes itself as a must-have on the PS4.

The good:

  • The density and content of Chicago
  • Online play in the solo campaign
  • The progression in Aiden's skills
  • The fine blend of hacking, infiltration and action
  • Original online play...

The bad:

  • ...but not deep enough
  • Lackluster scenario
  • Underdeveloped enemy AI
  • Music and sounds are somewhat generic
  • Playing rough sometimes seems to pay better than infiltration and hacking
  • Aiden and his lack of charisma

نقدای دیگه تا فردا می آن، ایمبارگو مال ساعت دوازده آمریکاست، اما به نظر هرکی به ساعت دوازده Time Zone خودش برسه می زاره.

پیمان، نیما و امیرحسین آماده کنن.

اینا که قدیمیه حاجی :| :دی آمادگی نمی خواست :دی

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

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