امتیازات Prey


کاربر سایت


Developer : Arkane Studios
Publisher : Bethesda Softworks
Director : Raphaël Colantonio
Engine : CryEngine
Genre : First Person Shooter , Action Sci-Fi
Release Date : May 5, 2017
Platforms : PS4 X1 PC

GameStar : 8.5

GameSkinny : 9

Merlin'in Kazanı (Turkey) : 9

attackofthefanboy : 9

Prey Review (2017) | Attack of the Fanboy

Press Start : 9

GamePro Germany : 8.5

gadgets.ndtv : 9​

آخرین ویرایش:
TechRaptor : 5.5

Prey has all the atmosphere in the world but feels held down by its need to conform to what came before, its lack of enemy and weapon variety, and its refusal to let players choose their own path.
Prey Review - Don't Fear The Reaper - TechRaptor

واقعا درک این نمرات یکمی سخته ... تو نقدش اشاره کرده به سنگین بودن سیستم کامبت بازی و اینکه مخفی کاری تو بازی اجباری هستش
Game Revolution : 8

Rather than simply aping the superficial elements of its influences, Prey gets down to the core of what made them great and adds its own imaginative flare for good measure. While I may not remember its convoluted and potentially meaningless story, and can't forget soon enough its incredibly long load times on the PS4, I will always remember Prey's intricate level design, layered combat and the joy I got from exploring Talos I. Hopefully the day comes when I can say the same about Talos II.

متا نسخه PS4 با 18 نقد : 78
متا نسخه X1 با 5 نقد : 90
متا نسخه PC با 8 نقد :87
اُپن کریتیک از 31 نقد : 82
Atomix : 9
Prey is highly sophisticated game in terms of gameplay, level design and narrative. It's graphical and artificial intelligence problems are easy to notice, although, we have a great sci-fi experience.

Gamingbolt : 9
Prey can be best described as the ultimate hybrid of Resident Evil, Deus Ex, Bioshock and Dead Space, along with its own set of original features that sets it apart from other games.

Push Square : 8
PREY continues the hot streak of big releases in 2017. While not flawless, this title offers an incredible sci-fi story about paranoia and the self, while sprinkling Arkane's always excellent gameplay on top. While things like the psychic powers fail to justify being in the game mechanically, the creative weapons and multiple gameplay approaches help to make the exploration of Talos-I really shine. Between the rewards for searching through the environments, and the fact that the game is a visual treat, a venture through this deteriorating Cold War-era space station is definitely worth your time.
Review: PREY (PS4)

USgamer : 8

Prey is a collection of past influences - a bit of System Shock here, some Bioshock there, a bit of Dead Space - but the whole is something we don't get very much these days. With the twisting halls of Talos I, Prey gives you meaningful choices in your abilities, as the level design challenges you to find interesting ways forward. The game falters in combat, but overall, Prey is a wonderful love letter some older titles that are sorely missed.
Prey Review
Generacion Xbox : 9.4

Arkane Studios has captured in Prey everything they learned in the previous years with important references such as Bioshock or Dishonored. Prey returns with an wide-open adventure, but one that is equally contained in a closed space, as the Talos I. The gameplay is just a beast in its genre offering multiple options to the player, who will be forced to learn in order to survive in this hostile environment.
بازی این همه 8 و 9 و 10 داره چجوری متاش شده 79 آخه؟
واقعا دارن سر بازی های آرکین مسخره بازی در میارن، من فقط و فقط متا برام از لحاظ کمک به فروش بیشتر بازی اهمیت داره وگرنه بازی برای من کاملا همون چیزیه که باید باشه و نظیرش نیست توی این چند ساله.
خدا کنه بازی خوب نمره بگیره تا خوب بفروشه، اینا سر DH2 هم فروش آنچنانی نداشتن و من فقط از این بابت نگرانم. خداییش استودیویی با این درجه از کیفیت و خلاقیت خیلی زور داره که بازی هاش فروش خوبی نداشته باشن، واقعا دارن زحمت میکشن و موج جدیدی از خلاقیت رو به صنعت بازیسازی تزریق کردن.
البته علی جان فروش کم DH تقصیر بتسدا بود.بتسدا بازی رو تو نوامبر (ماه پرجنبو جوش.ماه بلاک باسترها)عرضه کرد.ماه نوامبر ماه فرانچایز های پرجنبو جوشه بعد بتسدا این بازی با این سبک هنری و نیاز به صبر زیاد برای تموم کردنش و.....تو این ماه عرضه میکنه.کلا حرکت چیپی بود.این بازی باید تو یه ماهی میومد که قشنگ دیده میشد.
البته prey فروشش تا الان خوب بوده.
Areajugones : 9.2
Prey is a masterpiece of the science-fiction genre. A game that hooks the player from begining to end and creates a wonderful experience for everyone that plays it.

SomosXbox : 9
As a whole, Prey is a great game. Difficult to classify, full of choices, with an extraordinary sci-fi setting and most of all, with a marked personality. If you want an excellent adventure, there are so many reasons for not missing this game, such as the huge number of influences underlying it.

IGN Spain : 8.5
Prey is a solid gaming experience in which we discover the secrets of the alien DNA investigation committed by TranStar. Its emergent narrative and cohesion between main and secondary missions augur us more than 25 hours of interesting and varied search of the truth aboard the Talos I.

DualShockers : 8.5
Prey often feels like mash-up of some of the best sci-fi survival horror games of yesteryear and Arkane's previous work. And it is. But it also a title with some wildly unique ideas, an incredibly thick and unnerving atmosphere, and an exemplary soundtrack.

The Overpowered Noobs : 8
With Prey, the developer Arkane Studios has built on the proven success of its stealth shooters. The gameplay discourages a head-on approach, slowing down the pace of the action. However, the frustration of having to hide instead of fighting enemies is remedied by excellent graphic and sound design, a strong RPG element, and the possibility to gather resources and build useful devices. An additional perk is the inventive writing, which manages an immersive, haunting atmosphere.

M3 : 7
Prey really wants to be the strange science fiction cousin to Dishonored, with varied combat and deep world building. Arkane Studios has really succeeded with the latter. It's easy to tolerate the lackluster combat when Talos 1 is such a fascinating place to visit

متا نسخه PS4 از مجموع 21 نقد : 79
متا نسخه X1 از مجموع 9 نقد : 88
متا نسخه PC از مجموع 10 نقد : 85
اُپن کریتیک از مجموع 38 نقد : 82
Post Arcade : 8.5
To be sure, much of what players encounter will be familiar, and usually pleasantly so. But there’s also a satisfying dribbling of concepts and ideas here that you won’t find anywhere else. If you’re a fan of any of the games I’ve referenced over the course of this little essay and you’ve enjoyed Arkane’s past work, then Prey is a pretty safe bet.

JeuxActu : 8.5
PREY is a great game that blends many influences such as System Shock, BioShock, Half-Life, Deus Ex and Dishonored, and it's only let down by the technical aspects. Maybe for PREY 2?

PC Gamer : 7.9

It's let down by lacklustre combat and some annoying enemy design, but Prey is still a compelling, beautiful immersive sim.
Worth Playing : 9
Prey is simply exceptional. The story is twisting and confusing in a way that is exciting, and it makes you crave the next scene. The survival-horror approach to combat and gameplay creates the right amount of tension, while the crafting elements and ability to use almost anything in the world allows for emergent solutions thanks to the different approaches to almost every situation. Most of the flaws are technical in nature, and they're not enough to severely impact the game, so Prey earns its place as one of the hallmarks of this platform generation.

ICXM : 9
Prey is easily one of the best games to come out this year, and I highly recommend picking it up if you’re a fan of BioShock or Dishonored. Arkane skillfully wove together a cohesive narrative, engaging gameplay elements, and a vast environment open to the player. Talos I is an incredible achievement in design and the world of Prey is as intriguing as it is chilling. Its performance issues can be bothersome but aren't a huge detriment to an otherwise excellent game.

Hobby Consolas : 8.8
Prey honors all the great games that served as inspiration, but it also manages to be its own thing. It's not perfect, but science fiction and space horror fans will surely love it. Once it clicks, it will take full control of your mind.

GameZone : 8.5
While Prey's influences aren't hard to miss, the game maintains its own identity. Prey brings the best of sci-fi to the table and offers plenty of replayability.

CGMagazine : 6
Prey is a game that is a patchwork of other titles with no swatches of originality added to the mix.
مقاله‌ی بسیار خوبیه و پیشنهاد میکنم حتما بخونین. من با تک تک چیزهایی که نوشته موافقم.
درسته منم اگه مجبور باشم تحت فشار و زمانِ کم یه بازیو تجربه + نقد کنم، مطمئنا توی امتیاز و نتیجه‌گیری کلی از بازی تاثیر منفی می‌زاره.
البته این یکمی تقصیر سایت‌‌ها هم هست چون واقعا کسی مجبورشون نکرده حتما روز عرضه یا فردای روز عرضه نقد رو آماده کنن و مثل IGN و Gamespot می‌تونن فعلا به یه Early Impression بسنده کنن. اگه بخاطر دو تا کلیک بیشتر، بخوای حاصل کار صدها نفر رو که توی 4 سال متوالی واسش زحمت کشیدن رو با عجله نقد کنی دیگه واقعا آخرِ بی‌انصافیه. اونم وقتی که گیمرای بی‌خبری هستن که فقط با یه امتیاز پرونده‌ی بازی رو می‌بندن...
Prey هم عنوانی نیست که بخوای سریع و با عجله تمومش کنی، چون اگه بخوای بدون انتخاب استراتژی خودت توی مبارزات و گشتن توی محیط‌های بازی، بری سراغ دشمنا، رسما روانی میشی و تجربه بازی رو واسه خودت زهرمار می‌کنی. الان من دارم بازیو تجربه می‌کنم و به جای اینکه برم سراغ مراحل اصلی، یه چیز(!) جالبی دیدم که کلا باعث شد منطقه‌ی بزرگ دیگه‌ای از ایستگاه فضایی رو کشف کنم و واسه 3-2 ساعت برم توش بچرخم و آیتم‌های جدیدی پیدا کنم...الان اگه خودم رو مجبور می‌کردم که بازیو تموم کنم هیچ کدوم از این اتفاقا نمی‌افتاد و کلا حس نابی که توی ماجراجویی در محیط‌های بازی هستش رو از دست می‌دادم.
الان این چیزی که من دارم بازی میکنم بیشتر به یه بازی با متای 90 شباهت داره نه 79 و 80...
این بحث بازم برمی‌گرده به اینکه امتیازا مهم نیستن و مهم تجربه‌ی خودتونه چون همونطوری که می‌بینید متاسفانه وضعیت انتشار، نحوه‌ی ارسال نقدها، دید کلی از ناشر بازی هم توی امتیاز دادن تاثیر گذاره و نقدها خالص نیست.
یادمه Pete Hines توی یه مصاحبه‌ای میگفت که وقتی بعضی نقدها رو می‌خونم واقعا ناامید میشم چون قشنگ از چیزای اشتباهی که توی نقد بهش اشاره می‌شه می‌تونم بفهمم که منتقد حتی 2 ساعت هم بازیو تجربه نکرده و کلا سریع نقد رو نوشته که خلاص بشه بره :| حتی به نقدایی که امتیاز بالا دادن هم اشاره می‌کرد و میگفت که بعضی از نقدهایی که امتیاز بالا دادن هم هیچ درک درستی از بازی نداشتن و فقط یه نمره‌ای دادن رفته و خیلی صریح گفتش که نقدایی که نمره‌ی پایین دادن ولی انتقادهای منطقی و درستی کردن خیلی باارزش تر از نقدایی هستن که 10 دادن ولی اصلا نمیدونن به چی 10 دادن...

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