امتیازات Prey


کاربر سایت


Developer : Arkane Studios
Publisher : Bethesda Softworks
Director : Raphaël Colantonio
Engine : CryEngine
Genre : First Person Shooter , Action Sci-Fi
Release Date : May 5, 2017
Platforms : PS4 X1 PC

GameStar : 8.5

GameSkinny : 9

Merlin'in Kazanı (Turkey) : 9

attackofthefanboy : 9

Prey Review (2017) | Attack of the Fanboy

Press Start : 9

GamePro Germany : 8.5

gadgets.ndtv : 9​

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مگه این همه بازی که این چند ماه اومدن بازی نبودن ؟؟؟
شاید بخاطره سبک مورده علاقشون باشه.
چون من خودم تو این چندماه هیچ بازی نگرفتم چون طرفداره شوتر هستم.
برای منم بعد از مدت ها یه بازی خوب اومده...
بنظر میرسید ترکیباتش از دیسآنرد و هاف لایف و دداسپیس و... چیز باحالی درنیاد ولی مثل اینکه خوب جواب داده.
ولی من هنوز تبدیل شدن به قوطی کنسرو برای عبور از موانع تو بازی رو نمیتونم هضم کنم. :D
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Reactions: dr.ice
GameStar : 8.5

I just like them, this "Great scenery with lots of freedom and story-snippets" games. Whether underwater ideology as in Bioshock, transhumanist dystopia like in Deus Ex or magic steampunk as in Dishonored - as long as I am allowed to explore and experiment, I am happy. Prey satisfies both needs perfectly.
Prey Test (PC) - Um die Ecke gespielt - GameStar
IGN Italia : 9.1

Prey means deep space, and deep gameplay. A huge space station hides thousands of game mechanics and dynamics ready to be explored by the solitary player. Its warfare is not infinite nor predestined, but makes part of a bigger picture, a bigger game, where gameplay means much more than gunplay.

Gameblog.fr : 9

If you're looking for a good science-fiction survival game with a ton of fresh ideas, deep and satisfying mechanics with a lot of replayability and, of course a great setting... Well, look elsewhere, because Prey is not good... it's amazing.

Gamers Heroes : 9

Prey is Arkane Studios' best work to date, and is a thrilling sci-fi journey into a world of question and uncertainty

We Got This Covered : 7

Prey burrows beneath your skin and never quite leaves your waking thoughts, but it's also buggy and imbalanced, marrying a first-rate setting to uneven gameplay. Comparisons with Bioshock are inevitable, but with its peaks and troughs, Prey reminds me more of Alien: Isolation.
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