EGM 100
Metroid Dread is a superb mix of action and exploration that brings Nintendo’s classic series into the modern era in a way that feels like a new beginning even as it positions itself as an end to a 35-year saga. Samus, her abilities, and the challenges she faces have changed and expanded over time, but the excitement and satisfaction her adventures provide continue to this day.
Merlin'in Kazanı (Turkey) 80
If you are somehow infected with the Metroid series, you do not need these lines to play this game. No, even if you're playing for the first time, Metroid Dread can be a good choice to see what kind of dynamism the series has. 100
The game delivered on its promise in a very big way. As a long-time fan of the franchise, I couldn't be happier with Metroid Dread. It's the kind of game that frequently made me say to myself "just five more minutes" when it was already two o'clock in the morning. Super Metroid is considered by many to be one of the best video games ever made. Gamers will have to judge for themselves if Metroid Dread managed to surpass it, but there's no doubt in my mind that it deserves to be considered among the best games in the series. It has its challenging elements, and they might scare some players off. However, those that stick with the game will be rewarded with one of the year's best experiences.
Game World Navigator Magazine 86
Well-designed metroidvania elements, prominent storyline and dynamic action – Metroid Dread delivers on almost every front. [Issue#255, p.28]
Nintendojo 91
Although we have yet to even see Prime 4, I have no trepidations saying that if the series sticks to 2D in the future, this is the mold—the perfect mix of classic and modern mechanics and pacing. You owe yourself the opportunity to play this game. Dread is a powerful reminder of the importance and quality of one of Nintendo’s greatest franchises.
Digital Spy 80
Samus Aran's latest 2D mission boasts consistently high thrills in exploration and combat to provide a worthy sequel to a highly-regarded game that came out 19 years ago. Metroid Dread doesn't quite deliver on the "dread" promised in the title, with atmosphere lacking and the initially-tense EMMI encounters becoming predictable, but nonetheless we had a tremendous amount of fun and hope we don't face another 19-year wait for the next original entry.
IGN France 70
A bit fastidious sometimes, often original, Metroid Dread is kinda stuck between two worlds. Handling the game is counter-intuitive, but there's some great new additions and you'll find a well balanced difficulty. The game brings a new slice of mythology that has been expected forever now.
Guardian 60
Perhaps I am asking too much. We don’t pry for depth from Mario as he rescues his princess, or ask what motivates Tom Nook in his real estate empire. Like pretty much all Nintendo’s games, with their long legacies and perfect jumps, this feel good to play, and that should be enough: but I don’t come to a Nintendo title for enough. I left Dread feeling that perhaps the real legacy of 2D Metroid will be the games it inspires, rather than the games themselves.
VideoGamer 80
Where the studio succeeds—and where Metroid Dread elevates from noble and flawed effort to inspired riff—is in its embrace of the unreachable.
Impulsegamer 94
Another must-have Switch exclusive, and a modern reminder why the mother of the Metroidvania sub-genre still demands attention.
Attack of the Fanboy 80
Metroid Dread is hard, but it's hard in a really good way. The kind of way that makes you sometimes want to toss your controller, but doubles your resolve while doing so. It's smooth, quick, and makes Samus feel fast and powerful as much as it possibly can without turning into an action platformer.
TierraGamer 80
Metroid Dread is an excellent return to the Samus saga with an interesting story and solid mechanics, although it does have a few problems with its new villains.