امتیازات Mad Max

.:AC MilaN:.

کاربر سایت

Publisher : Warner Bros . Interactive Entertainment

Developer : Avalanche Studios

Release Date : 1 Sep 2015

Platform : PS4 , X1 , PC


Hobby Consolas : 9
ZTGD : 9
Gamer.no : 9
IGN : 8.4
IGN Italia : 8.4
Impulsegamer : 8.4
GamesVillage.it : 8.2
Canadian Online Gamers : 8.1
IGN Spain : 8.1
Worth Playing : 8
Telegraph : 8
XGN : 8
Pure Xbox : 8
Twinfinite : 8
Brash Games : 8
Attack of the Fanboy : 8
Eurogamer Poland : 8
Cheat Code Central : 8
GamesRadar+ : 8
Softpedia : 8
Vandal Online : 8
LaPS4 : 7.8
Game Crate : 7.8
PC Gamer : 7.7
MMORPG.com : 7.6
GameStar : 7.6
4Players.de : 7.6
CGMagazine : 7.5
PSX Extreme : 7.5
Level Up : 7.5
JuexActu : 7.5
GamesBeat : 7.5
Xbox Achievements : 7.5
Atomix : 7.5
3DJuegos : 7.5
Playstation Lifestyle : 7.5
Game Informer : 7.5
God is a Geek : 7.5

GameTrailers : 7.4
Everyeye.it : 7.3
Power Unlimited : 7.3
Post Arcade : 7
Official Xbox magazine UK : 7
Playstation Universe : 7
Game Revolution : 7
PC Invasion : 7
Videogamer : 7
Metro Game Central : 7
Usgamer : 7
Destructoid : 7
Game Rant : 7
Lazygamer : 6.9
Digitally Downloaded : 6
Giant Bomb : 6
Digital Spy : 6
InsideGamer.nl : 6
Level7.nu : 6
Gameplanet : 6
Guardian : 6
GameSpot : 6
Hardcore Gamer : 6

GamingTrend : 5.5
Dealspwn : 5
Polygon : 5

The Jimquisition : 4
We Got This Covered : 4

آخرین ویرایش:
منم که گفتم انتظار متای 8 یا بالاتر نداشته باشید اما 1 عده مخالف این قضیه بودن پستی که دادم
انتظاری از این سبک بازی ها که از فیلم بر می دارن نمی ره تجربه ثابت کردن نهایت متای این بازی ها 7.5
GameStar : 7.6

It captures the charm of the outstanding original, and should satisfy fans of the original. However, it is also monotonous, tough and a little unimaginative

Playstation LifeStyle : 7.5

It has fun melee and vehicle combat mechanics, and it has an engaging upgrade and customization system in place. While things did begin to feel old after a while, players can still get many, many hours out of the game before that happens

Power Unlimited : 7.3

Mad Max manages to translate the vibe of the movies perfectly, but, unfortunately, that makes for a monotonous game. A bit like last year’s Shadow of Mordor
من که لذت بردم از بازی نمی دونم چرا الکی بازی رو می کوبید بزرگترین اشتباه ش بازی این بود که همزمان باmgs v عرضه شد
آخرین ویرایش:
این عده ای که میان اینجا بازی رو میکوبن همون هایی هستن که سر بازی مورد علاقشون یا یه بازی از کمپانی خاص کلا متا رو زیر سوال میبرند و یه چیز چرت و بی مفهوم تلقی میشه و نظر منتقدا اصلا مهم نیست تو اون مواقع ۰۰۰۰خیلی جالبن کلا این دوستان۰
این عده ای که میان اینجا بازی رو میکوبن همون هایی هستن که سر بازی مورد علاقشون یا یه بازی از کمپانی خاص کلا متا رو زیر سوال میبرند و یه چیز چرت و بی مفهوم تلقی میشه و نظر منتقدا اصلا مهم نیست تو اون مواقع ۰۰۰۰خیلی جالبن کلا این دوستان۰
چرا مغلطه میکنی ؟ کی متا رو زیر سوال برد ؟ متا 70 کاملا برازندشه :-b درک این خیلی سخته ؟
Softpedia : 8

While overall Mad Max borrows from past titles like Batman when it comes to combat, or Far Cry when it comes to the design of its open world and its activities, it still manages to stand out through its car combat. The story is also pretty compelling and manages to keep you invested even if some of the missions get repetitive after a while

GameTrailers : 7.4

Mad Max doesn’t break a new mold for open world games or feel like an epic cinematic experience, but it’s nowhere near being a cheap movie tie-in either
چرا مغلطه میکنی ؟ کی متا رو زیر سوال برد ؟ متا 70 کاملا برازندشه :-b درک این خیلی سخته ؟
یه زمانی یه تاپیکی بود که متا ر کلا برده بود زیره سوال ولی وقتی به پست ها اینجا نگاه میکنی انگار نه انگار که کی بود اون تاپیک ر زد:d
دوباره الآن یه نفر میاد پست ها زیر خاکی من ر میکشه بیرون:d
IGN Italia : 8.4

A very good Mad Max game, with some excellent bits but also some issues. The setting is great, car combat is incredibly fun - there's a good sense of freedom and the main missions are pretty good, but the story is quite flat (even though the ending is great), the fighting system is nothing more than decent and the optional stuff becomes pretty repetitive

GamesVillage.it : 8.2

Mad Max and the Wastelands would have deserved a bolder characterization. Nonetheless, this is a good open world title, beautiful to see and fun to play. The gameplay draws from different genres, and despite the fact that it doesn't offer anything truly original, the overall result is a solid and fun experience

Twinfinite : 8

With less “busy work” tasks and repetition of tearing down enemy towers or defenses to lower the ‘threat’ within a given area, it could have been a smoother ride, but who said that an all-out war across the dusty expanse was supposed to be smooth

4Players.de : 7.6

If you focus on the main and the wasteland missions you’ll discover a tight and gripping story with characters that George Miller will certainly approve of – as well as the intense and explosive action. But if you stray from the path you’ll only find generic collecting in an open world that doesn’t offer too much variety

Game Rant : 7

Mad Max may be a bit of a mixed bag, but the faithful recreation of the film universe, the ridiculous car combat, and loads of content will keep players coming back to the desert for a long time

The Jimquisition : 4

When it comes to simply chewing through yet another open world game, Mad Max does suffice. It’s a substandard but largely competent “AAA” game in a sea full of them, and those who do value the idea of content above all else will find more than their money’s worth here...There’s simply no reason to pick it up, however, if you’ve yet to try The Witcher 3, Shadow of Mordor or Batman: Arkham City. There are tons of better games that go for what Mad Max went for and do so in a superior manner
آخرین ویرایش:
4 ? چقدر مسخره و بیخود مسلما هر چی باشه از 4 لیاقت بالاتری داره ! قشنگ مشخص هست یک سایتی با یک بازی کل می افته نمرات خیلی نافرم میده. تا شیش و حتی 5 قابل درک هست ولی 4 ؟

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