امتیازات Garshasp: The Monster Slayer

ايني كه رفته استيم فك كنم كلا انگليسي باشه ، كسي اينو بازي كرده؟
اگه اشتباه نکنم یه جایی خوندم منوهای بازی انگلیسی هستند ولی صدای کاراکتر ها وراوی ـه همون فارسی هستند و دوبله نشدند....
نقد این یارو تو متا باحاله :))! به بازی 2 داده و نوشته:

A long time player of Ubisoft games, it was immediately apparent not even minutes into the opening cutscene that this game is a blatant ripoff of Prince of Persia. (I've also played God of War, but saw no similarities with this game) Garshasp (the protagonist) looks EXACTLY like the Prince, and combat, movement, graphics - everything looks like Prince of Persia, allbeit with a different scale, lower quality graphics, and a poorer engine. The skybox was nonexistant, and the sound was bad both in quality and choice. It was painful to listen to. Combat was absurdly easy and simplistic to the point of being boring, and the graphics just caused the game to be an eyesore. It straddles this awkward line of being more advanced than a 2d platformer, but so unpolished and simplistic that it became ugly. Aliasing was a HUGE issue, and movement felt clunky. There were several times I would be attacking an enemy as it approached, only to end up ON TOP of the enemy - LITERALLY standing on its head. Understandably, it's from an Iranian indie studio, which carries its own set of connotations, however they could've really stood to do some further playtesting to iron out small (but annoying and longstanding) bugs and to improve game balance to provide something more challenging and fun to play. AND SOMETHING MORE ORIGINAL PLEASE. It loses most of its points for me strictly for being an obvious ripoff of Ubisoft games that predate it, and loses the rest of the points for general lack of polish. This FEELS like it's from an indie studio, unlike other indie games that are very polished, beautiful, and fun to play. Instead of inventing their own "gimmicks" to draw players, they rely on ones created by other companies, which entirely ruins the game for me
انگار صبحونه نخورده نشسته پای بازی. گرسنگی هم بهش فشار آورده باگ های بازی هم همینطور. یه مقدار تعصب بی جا هم چاشنی کار، تجربه ای که از پرنس هم داشته. باعث شده Speak his mind کنه به صورتی کاملاً مودبانه.
دریغ از یک کلمه!! تعریف :|
IGN هم به بازی امتیاز 5 رو داده !
ریز نمراتش :

IGN درست زده :d

Developed by: Fanafzar Game Studios

اتفاقا IGN کاملا اشتباه زده چون فن افزار امتیاز بازی رو به Dead Mage که تو روسیه هست فروخته !:d
آخرین ویرایش:
نقد Game Spot به نظر من از همه باحال تر بود. ولی خداییش زیادی بهش نمره دادن. آخه این همه باگ توی یه بازی باشه چطور میشه 5 از 10 بگیره!!
دوستان گفتند،این بازی قسمتش 20 دلاره و به قیمتی هم که داره توجه میکنند! :d مثلا اگر اینم 50 دلار عرضه میشد ممکن بود ... :d :d :d

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