امتیازات Fallout 76


کاربر سایت

Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Developer: Bethesda Game Studios
Release Date: November 14, 2018
Platforms: PC, Xbox 1, PS4


SomosXbox: 8/10
Hooked Gamers: 7.6/10
Cheat Code Central: 7.4/10
Playstation Universe: 7/10
Trusted Reviews: 7/10
Xbox Achievements: 6.5/10
The Games Machine: 6.2/10
DarkStation: 6/10
Softpedia: 6/10
Gameblog: 6/10
EGM: 6/10
PC Gamer: 6/10
JeuxActu: 5.5/10
Atomix: 5.5/10
Xbox Tavern: 5.6/10
Attack of the Fanboy: 5/10
Forbes: 5/10
IGN: 5/10
Twinfinite: 5/10
RPG Site: 5/10
Gamers Heroes: 5/10
The Digital Fix: 5/10
GamesRadar+: 5/10
Gamingbolt: 4/10
GameSpot: 4/10
Ragequit.gr: 3.8/10
Push Square: 3/10
CGMagazine: 3/10
TheSixthAxis: 3/10

آخرین ویرایش:
طرف لول 28 هست ولی این ghoul لول 62:
البته این مشکلش نیست مشکلش اینه که دشمنا بازی به صورت کاملا رندوم اسپاون میشن و اصلا کاری به لول شما ندارن ممکنه یـ جا لول 1 ببینی 10 متر اون طرف ترش لول 20 ببنی ! مشکل اصلیش اینجاست .....
البته این مشکلش نیست مشکلش اینه که دشمنا بازی به صورت کاملا رندوم اسپاون میشن و اصلا کاری به لول شما ندارن ممکنه یـ جا لول 1 ببینی 10 متر اون طرف ترش لول 20 ببنی ! مشکل اصلیش اینجاست .....
منظورم منم همین بودن این نشون میده باگ وجود داره و بازی آن بالانس هست
این بازی میتونست به عنوان یه dlc برای fallout 4 منتشر بشه ولی خوده پیت هاینز گفته بود ما برای انلاین کردن فالوت احتیاج داشتیم یه بازی جدید بسازیم فکر کرده بود میتونه بازی ای که هیچ کاری روش انجام ندادنو 60 دلار بفروشن و معلومه شکست خوردن و از کاهش قیمتش معلومه
ابرو ریزی به سبک بتزدا :

its like fighting in hell, this looks like a doom game

پ.ن :تعداد بینندگان رو فقط توجه کنید چون قشنگ این تعداد بیننده توی شبکه تویچ بی سابقست :)
خودتون قضاوت کنید :) حق بتزدا سر این بازی چیه :)
آخرین ویرایش:
Meristation 45
We tried so hard to like Fallout 76, but the game didn’t allow us to do it.

GamingTrend 65
As much as I’d like to be able to tell you that this title is terrible or amazing, the truth is that it’s just okay.

TheXboxHub 70
It’s not perfect, but look beyond the bugs and there is a deeply rewarding game to be found in Fallout 76.

PlayStation Country 40
Despite what many would say, Fallout 76 could have worked on paper. What could have been a brilliant coop adventure in the Fallout world however, has turned into a wasteland of poorly executed ideas and flat, dated mechanics. Ironically, despite the a multiplayer focus, the wastelands of Fallout has never felt as barren or lonely as this.

God is a Geek 60
If you can re-frame Fallout 76 as a survival crafting game in the Fallout universe rather than viewing it as the next instalment in the series then you will have a better time. It is not without its faults, but there is a base there that has the potential to be improved upon as time goes by.
MondoXbox 50
A fascinating world and several good ideas are ruined by lots of technical problems and some design choices that make Fallout 76 almost unplayable. When it works, it can really shine; but this happens very rarely at the moment.

InsideGamer.nl 50
Fallout 76 can be super fun with friends or strangers, but you will mainly find bugs and half made up game mechanisms.

Gamer.nl 50
Fallout 76 has many bugs, but that is not its main problem. That is the wrong focus. The fun aspects of Fallout are gone now that you always have to be online.

SpazioGames 55
Fallout 76 is an evolving game, and we've no doubt it'll become better with time, but for now this is not what we were expecting. The multiplayer idea behind the game is somehow interesting, but technically the game is terrible and gameplay talking is clumsy.

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