امتیازات Dishonored 2

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Endure & Survive
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Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Developer: Arkane Studios
Release Date: November 11 2016
Platforms: PS4 X1 PC



VideoGamer 100/100
Attack of the Fanboy 100/100
PCGamesN 100/100
IBTimes UK 100/100
Cheat Code Central 100/100
GearNuke 95/100
PlayStation Universe 95/100
Areajugones 95/100
Meristation 94/100
NZGamer 94/100
Game Infromer 93/100
PC Gamer 93/100
IGN 93/100
Everyeye.it 92/100
Vandal Online 92/100
Atomix 91/100
Eurogamer Poland 90/100
XGN 90/100
GamesRadar+ 90/100
The Daily Dot 90/100
US Games 90/100
DualShockers 90/100
Reno Gazette-Journal 90/100
High-Def Digest 90/100
Digital Spy 90/100
M3 90/100
EuroGamer Italy 90/100
WCCFtech 90/100
LaPS4 90/100
Playstation LifeStyle 90/100
Trusted Reviews 90/100
JeuxActu 90/100
Merlin'in Kazanı (Turkey) 90/100
SpazioGames 90/100
Shacknews 90/100
God is a Geek 90/100
LevelUP 90/100
Xbox Achievements 90/100
ThisGenGaming 90/100
Twinfinite 90/100
Impalsegamer 90/100
Gameblog.fr 90/100
Game Revolution 90/100
WorthPlaying 90/100
Lazygamer 88/100
GameCrate 88/100
Multiplayer.it 85/100
Polygon 85/100
Hooked Games 85/100
PC Games 81/100
GameSpot 80/100
CGMagazine 80/100
Stevivor 80/100
Gamingbolt 80/100
GameSpew 80/100
Guardian 80/100
Destructoid 75/100
Cubed3 70/100
PC Invasion 60/100
The Jimquisition 50/100

Eurogamer : Essential

PS4: 88
PC: 89
X1: 88

آخرین ویرایش:
بازی فوق العادس . پر از ریز کاری بازی . واقعا دارم لذت می برم. خود من یه مقدار شک داشتم در مورد 2 شخصیتی شدن بازی ولی الان می فهمم چه تصمیم خفنی بوده. انگار 2 تا بازی مختلف می شه. امیدوارم بازی خیلی خوب بفروشه. حیف اینجور بازی ها دیگه ساخته نشن.
IBTimeUK 100/100
Last night I went to bed after starting my second playthrough of Dishonored 2, and I dreamed of Karnaca. Like the Outsider plucking those who interest him from their earthly existence, Dishonored 2 has invaded my unconscious mind, to the point where I can barely think about much else. I'm already planning my third run
LazyGamer 88/100
Dishonored 2's story beats are perhaps a little too familiar, but it makes up for its narrative trappings with open-ended gameplay that rewards exploration and creativity. To call Dishonored 2 a stealth game is a bit of a disservice, because you can play it any way you like
Gamingbolt 80/100
Dishonored 2 is ultimately quite similar to the original game with subtle changes to gameplay. However its dual campaign mode should provide enough excitement and fun to fans and newcomers alike.
WCC Ftech 90/100
Dishonored 2 is the best stealth action/adventure game on the market. It's filled with memorable characters and locations, not to mention empowered by superb art style and gameplay. No gamer should miss it, though if you intend to play on PC you might do well to wait for the update that's scheduled to bring a slew of performance improvements

Cubed3 70/100
There's so much effort put into the actual gameplay and level design that Arkane Studios' laziness with everything else makes the unrefined parts stand out all the more. It isn't enough to ruin the whole experience, but Dishonored 2 absolutely suffers from its horrible story, voice direction, sound mixing, general lagginess, and sloppy optimisation. A video game's first priority should be the gameplay, but its other facets shouldn't suffer as a result. The actual game design is incredibly creative and the replay value is through the roof, but everything else is lacking in just about every other regard. As it stands, Dishonored 2 is certainly playable and fun, but never lives up to all its potential
تو Opencritic ثبت شد ولی خوشبختانه تو متا ثبت نمیشه :D الان رفتم ببینم سطح سایته چطوره دیدم به U4 هم 60 داده :))
آخرین ویرایش:
WTF @-)
باورم نمیشه ویدیو گیمر 10 داده... اخیرا خیلی خیلی سخت گیر شده بودن ببین آرکین چه کرده که اینا امتیاز کامل دادن ...
آخرین بازی ای که از ویدیو گیمر نمره کامل گرفت INSIDE بود بعد اون هم The Witness.
فقط حسرت میخورم از اینکه یه تعداد انگل که هر سال رشد می کنند نمی زارند این بازی تو بخش فروش هم به حقش برسه... ملت چقدر دیگه باید آشغال تکراری تجربه کنند یه چیز متفاوت نمی خوان؟
Meristation 94/100
What a sequel should be: bigger, more ambitious, but with a solid grasp on what the original was and wanted to be. A true example of how to design a world and an infiltration game
CGMagazine 80/100
Dishonored 2’s world and gameplay feel just as tight and diverse as the original
Trusted Reviews 90/100
Dishonored 2 is a fabulously immersive role-playing game that rewards exploration, experimentation and repeat playthroughs. It’s a shade less well written than its forebear, but it’s far better designed. The Clockwork Mansion will likely go down as one of the all-time best missions in gaming, and Dishonored 2 may well be the game of 2016
Playstation LifeStyle 90/100
Dishonored 2 is going to keep stealth game fans busy for quite a while this holiday season. Every level is meticulously crafted, with more emphasis on verticality to enhance some of the new powers introduced. Additional hidden level goals are discovered organically, and while enemies can be hilariously clumsy, they are also adept pathfinders. With a nuanced story, two protagonists to play as, and multiple endings, Dishonored 2 begs, or rather, deserves to be played again and again
The Daily Dot 90/100
Dishonored 2 is just the latest example in a long line of games that continue to illustrate the close relationship between quality stealth games and emergent gameplay. Any given playthrough will present you with myriad chances to both create and react to opportunities, many of which appear with little to no warning. It's in surviving these situations (preferably undetected) where Dishonored 2 delivers its most tangible rushes and most profound sense of gratification. It's a tale of vengeance that's presented in an imaginatively conceived world, one that is as threatening as it is inviting
Eurogamer Italy 90/100
آخرین ویرایش:
نمایش E3 بازی خیلی خفن بود ولی حقیقتا فکر نمی‌کردم اینقدر بازی نهایی و نقداش خوب بشه. تبریک به Arkane Studios و Bethesda برای یه Dishonored عالی دیگه. این رو هم حتما باید بزارم توی لیست خریدم و در آینده برم سروقتش.
Game Informer 93/100
Wonderful environmental storytelling and smart level design that invites players to think outside the box combine to overcome the poorly executed narrative
AusGamers 93/100
Dishonored 2 is definitely worth playing. You might want to buy it on console, or wait a while before you get it on PC, but it's a must-play game for 2016. There's so much to explore, to experience, that I think it's essential playing — despite the slightly disappointing stealth
GameCrate 88/100
Better than the first game in every way, Dishonored 2 is a creative stealth/action adventure packed with replay value
آخرین ویرایش:
الان تقریبا نصف بازیو رفتم باورتون نمیشه چقدر لول دیزاین بازی قویه،یه مرحله رو واسه گرفتن همه ruinها و bonecharmها تو حالت low chaos حدود 5-6 ساعت درگیرش بودم و اصلا خسته کننده نمیشه و ذره ای از جذابیتش کم نمیشه. هردفعه که بخوای میتونی از یه راه دیگه بری. من قبل از dishonored 1 اصلا فکرشم نمیکردم دیگه این روزا یه بازی بتونه اینجوری منو جذب خودش کنه ولی واقعا دم بروبچ خلاق Arkane گرم که ترکوندن. این بازی GOTY شدن حقشه.

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