امتیازات Call of Duty : Ghosts


کاربر سایت

Developer---------Infinity Ward
Writer----------Stephen Gaghan
Composer---------David Buckley
Series---------------Call of Duty
Engine----------------IW Engine

God Is A Geek - 10/10
Total Playstation - 9/10
Post Arcade - 9/10
Hardcore Gamer Magazine - 9/10
IGN - 8.8/10
NZ Gamer - 8.7/10
Machinima - 8.5/10
The Globe And Mail - 8.5/10
Canadian Online Gamer - 8.5/10
Gamers Temple - 8.4/10
Lazygamers - 8.3/10
Mondoxbox - 8.2/10
The Sixthaxis - 8/10
GamesBeat - 8/10
OXM - 8/10
Everyeye.it - 8/10
The Escapist - 8/10
MetroGame Central - 8/10
Gamespot - 8/10
Gameinformer - 8/10
OPM - 8/10
Teleghraph - 8/10
IGN Italy - 8/10
OXM US - 8/10
GameBlog.fr - 8/10
LaPS3 - 7.8/10
EGM - 7.5/10
NowGamer - 7.5/10
GameFront - 7.4/10
The Digital Fix - 7/10
DarkStation - 7/10
GameTrailers - 7/10
GRY Online - 7/10
VideoGamer - 7/10
EuroGamer - 7/10
Edge - 7/10
Joystiq - 7/10
Eurogamer Italy - 7/10
Polygon - 6.5/10
GiantBomb - 6/10
DPAD Mag - 6/10
Destroictoid - 5/10

متای بازی (PS4 بیشترین امتیاز ثبت شده رو دارد)

آخرین ویرایش:
داداش شما بحث رو کشوندی به تخصصی موتور بازی اینا! من هنوز نمی گیرم دقیقا منظورت چیه...ببین وارد مسائل فنی نشو. از نظر من اصلا بیان بازی رو با موتور Wolfenstein3d بسازن من کاری ندارم. می گم باید بعد از 7 سال یه تغییر درست و حسابی توی گرافیک داده بشه . الان Titalfall با موتور قدیمی Source ساخته شده ولی دیدی کسی بیاد بگه گرافیکش خوب نیست و قدیمی می زنه؟ اینم همون جوریه. من واقعا نمی دونم یه نفر چجوری می تونه الان به جای BF4 این رو انتخاب کنه...

داداش شما بحث رو کشوندی به تخصصی موتور بازی اینا!
مطمئنی؟! ولی فکر کنم شما اینکار را کردی! دقیقا با این جمله:
سقف انتظارت اینه که یه بازی رو بعد از 7 سال باز با همون موتور گرافیکی نبینیم...این واسه شروع فکر کنم قدم خوبیه!
در ضمن جمله بالایی خیلی با این فرق داره:
از نظر من اصلا بیان بازی رو با موتور Wolfenstein3d بسازن من کاری ندارم. می گم باید بعد از 7 سال یه تغییر درست و حسابی توی گرافیک داده بشه
این جمله دوم حرفی اساسی، درست و منطقی هستش. دقیقا من هم با شما در این مورد اتفاق نظر دارم!
BO هم قوی بود اما اصلا در حد و اندازه ی 2 نسخه ی اول MW نبود اونم فقط به لطف iw به اینجا رسید IW ای که الان دیگه IW نیست....

شما اگه مولتی بازی کنی.. میبینی که BO و کلا کارای Treyarch فنای مخصوص به خودش رو داره...
خیلی از بچه های ایرانی استیم اصلا با BO وارد کار مولتی CoD شدن و واقعا مولتی متفاوتی نسبت به سری MW داره که باعث شده طرفدارای خاصی داشته باشه کلا...
مقایسش هم با دو نسخه اول MW اشتباه ـه... چون کلا کار متفاوتی بود و خیلی هم قوی بود... البته من از سری BO مخصوصا قسمت مولتیش زیاد خوشم نمیاد... ولی خب طرفدارای زیادی داره که اونا هم از سری MW زیاد خوششون نمیاد!

در مورد قسمت اول حرفت هم... درسته یه عده شاید دارن زیادی از Ghosts دفاع میکنن، ولی یه عده هم دیگه دارن زیادی میکوبنش...
الان شما که میگی این همه پسرفت، میشه یکیشم به ما بگی؟! :d (به جز گرافیک که گفتی - که البته به نظرم گرافیک بازی اصلا بد نیست، شاید در حد عالی و مثل BF4 نباشه، ولی اینکه دیگه بگیم افتضاحه واقعا مسخرس)
در مورد متا هم چند صفحه قبل گفتم
LOL فقط... چقدر خوشحال شدن بعضیا !!
من که رسما به نمره های بازی اهمیت نمیدم و بهترین بازی عمرم متاش 60 - 65 بوده ...

به نظرم تا آدم خودش بازی نکنه، نمیتونه از رو نمره ها قضاوت کنه...

در کل به نظرم CoD از MW3 به بعد فقط تونست فنای خودش رو (اونم فنایی که چندین ساله دارن مولتیش رو میزنن) راضی کنه.... و این هم یه ضعف بزرگ ـه که باعث شده این همه ایراد و اشکال به بازی گرفته بشه... و کسی که زیاد اهل مولتی این بازی نبوده، نمیتونه تفاوت های نسخه های مختلف این بازی رو درک کنه، که همین باعث میشه بازی براش تکراری بشه و ازش بدش بیاد. که این ضعف بزرگ هم به خاطر رفتن اعضای IW ـه .. و در وافع سازندگان (ته دیگای IW :d) بازی میترسن گیم پلی رو تغییر بدن.. چرا که ممکنه فنای خودشون هم از دست بدن...
لان شما که میگی این همه پسرفت، میشه یکیشم به ما بگی؟! :d (به جز گرافیک که گفتی
خداوکیلی این حرف اصلا جور در میاد با عقل که یه بازی فقط به خاطر گرافیکش نمرش پایین شده باشه؟!:دی 100% مشکلات دیگه هم نظیر داستان ،شخصیت پردازی گیم پلی صداگذازی موسیقی بازی همه ی اینا ملاک هست موقع نمره دادن....
call of duty همیشه بهترین شوتر بوده از این به بعدم میتونه باشه! 2 نسخه افت داشت اما از نظر من به این معنی نیست که نتونه به روز های اوجش برگرده همه ی اینام برمیگرده به سازنده که اعتماد همرو جلب کرده با عناوین فوق العادش که باعث شد خیلی از استودیو ها هم به خودشون بیان
Embargo نسخه Xbox One برداشته شده و چند تا سایت بازی رو روی کنسول های نسل بعد مقایسه کردن:

Character customization, maps, dynamic events, weapons, gametypes, and constant 60fps multiplayer framerates are ubiquitous across current- and next-gen platforms. The biggest variations between platforms falls upon visuals and player counts. On the current-gen versions Ghosts looks nearly identical, though I did encounter occasional framerate issues during the single-player campaign on PS3 and PS4, whereas my time with the Xbox One version was stable throughout.

When comparing the PS4 and Xbox One versions side-by-side, there’s little to no variation in textures and effects, but there is a discernible difference in resolution. While both are displayed at 1080p, the Xbox One version upscales the game from 720p resolution. In contrast, the PS4 version runs natively at 1080p, which makes character models, weapons, and environments look noticeably sharper and more detailed. The difference is especially apparent on larger-sized TVs, where pixel density weighs more heavily in picture quality.

It’s certainly going to be a sticking point for those who demand the highest fidelity experience, but the difference is harder to identify in absence of a side-by-side comparison.

Much has already been made of the shortcomings of the Xbox One version of Ghosts, and so it will probably come as no surprise to hear that the Xbone version is lacking in the visual department. It's not just resolution that has suffered, however, although that in itself is fairly disappointing.

In the single-player game, at least, texture quality can range from average to very poor, and geometry itself can look clipped and badly aliased, giving the game a jaggy, muddy look that does nothing to tell you that your £429 investment was a good one. In some cases, elements of the world look barely textured at all, as is the case when the battle cruiser is seen at the end of the 'Fort Santa Monica Beachhead' mission. It was so bad that I navigated to the dashboard to ensure that the machine had been set up correctly. It had...

Multiplayer also looks demonstrably worse than in the PS4 version, with similar problems afflicting the look of the game. Mechanically it is identical, and at least the game ran stable enough to keep me blaming myself and not the frame rate for any kills I may have suffered. (Although I had no problems with the PS4 build, some users are reporting frame rate issues on Sony's machine.)

Still, whether through rushed/overstretched development or hardware problems (or a combination of both), Ghosts has ended up looking (far, in some cases) worse on Microsoft's machine than on its direct rival.

While the Xbox One version of Call of Duty: Ghosts has been confirmed by Activision to run at a lower resolution than its PS4 counterpart (720p upscaled to 1080p native, respectively), that numerical difference is less meaningful than you might imagine.

The two versions look nearly identical. Viewing the Xbox One release next to the PS4 , I had difficulty telling them apart. It's possible that the PS4 version looked somewhat sharper, but that may have just been my imagination after confirming the hard resolution difference. The next-gen releases of Call of Duty: Ghosts are so close together that gun to my head, I'd have no confidence in being able to discern which version was which — at least, while the two are standing still.

The Xbox One release's framerate was far more noticeable. As mentioned in the initial review, Call of Duty: Ghosts suffers from consistent framerate drops on the PS4, especially during multiplayer when action got especially hectic. The Xbox One version suffered no such drops, maintaining a steady 60 frames per second throughout.

For a multiplayer shooter, framerate consistency is paramount. Given its relative visual parity with the PS4 release, Call of Duty: Ghosts is a more playable, slightly superior (albeit disappointing) game on Xbox One

The biggest change for Call of Duty: Ghosts from current consoles to next generation consoles are the amazing new graphical capabilities. Call of Duty: Ghosts has beautiful visuals that look dramatically better when compared side by side with current generation versions of the game. Graphics are extremely important for players since you want a game to look just as good as it plays.

There's been plenty of talk around the interwebs about the difference in the display of Call of Duty: Ghosts on PlayStation 4, that runs the game on full 1080p display, and Xbox One, which features 720p display enhanced for the best picture quality.

After testing out both versions of the game, the PlayStation 4 version of the game may look just a bit better in still screenshots of the game, but the game runs much more smoother on Xbox One with very few frame drops and other bugs that somewhat plague the experience on the new Sony console
اون تاپیک که بسته شد گفتم اینجا بگم:

مجض اطلاع ماکرو ۷۵۰ میلیون به پولیگان کمک مالی کرده بوده!

یعنی پول رو که گرفته:d اما وقتی ای جی ان یه چیز دیگه میگه یعنی یه خبرایی هست حتما!
اون تاپیک که بسته شد گفتم اینجا بگم:

مجض اطلاع ماکرو ۷۵۰ میلیون به پولیگان کمک مالی کرده بوده!

یعنی پول رو که گرفته:d اما وقتی ای جی ان یه چیز دیگه میگه یعنی یه خبرایی هست حتما!

اینم نظر یه سایت دیگه:

After testing out both versions of the game, the PlayStation 4 version of the game may look just a bit better in still screenshots of the game, but the game runs much more smoother on Xbox One with very few frame drops and other bugs that somewhat plague the experience on the new Sony console

این سایت هم مایکرو بهش 2 میلیارد کمک مالی کرده حتما والا !
آخرین ویرایش:
اون تاپیک که بسته شد گفتم اینجا بگم:

مجض اطلاع ماکرو ۷۵۰ میلیون به پولیگان کمک مالی کرده بوده!

یعنی پول رو که گرفته:d اما وقتی ای جی ان یه چیز دیگه میگه یعنی یه خبرایی هست حتما!
من نقدش رو کاری ندارم ولی مطمئن باش هر چی گفته نظرشخصی ـش بوده :دی


پ.ن: فعلا به متا دسترسی ندارم دیگه از GR کمک می گیرم ولی متای بازی هم 85 بود تا اون جایی که یادمه :دی
الان از این 4 نقدی که ممد گذاشت IGN و VideoGamer به صراحت گفتن نسخه PS4 بهتره ولی BioGamerGirl (:دی) و Plygon گفتن XO بهتره . حالا BiogamerGirl رو بیخیال ولی پولیگان واقعا فک میکنه نسخه XO بهتره ؟
Ghosts already looked great on current-gen consoles, but it shines on Xbox One. Everything looks basically the same, expect the Xbox One version is highly defined, rich and runs like a beast. There’s been rumblings lately, seemingly confirmed by Activision, that the One version is rendered at 720p while the PS4 version is rendered at 1080p. While this is disappointing at first glance, make no mistake: Ghosts looks beautiful on Xbox One. I’ve played the game for around forty hours on the console and rarely had a problem with slowdown, never had freezing issues and the Xbox One simply handled it like a champ. I’ll need more time with the PS4 version to make a definitive statement on which plays better, but regardless of who ultimately gets the edge, it’s completely unfair to malign the Xbox One version for not measuring up to the PS4. The game simply looks and feels right on the Xbox One, no thanks in part to its controller which proves superior playing the game.


Before the resolution drama took the internet by storm, I got the chance to spend a considerable amount of time with Call of Duty: Ghosts on Xbox One, and to be perfectly honest, I was shocked to later find out that the game wasn't running in native 1080p. After playing hours upon hours of both the Xbox One and PS4 versions of the game, I honestly could not tell the difference between the two. Granted, they weren't held up next to each other, so a side-by-side comparison might have changed that, but as far as this gamer could tell, the two are virtually indistinguishable.

In fact, I'd go so far as to say I actually preferred Ghosts on Xbox One. Of course, it all comes down to preference, but I like the staggered stick configuration for first-person shooters, so I naturally gravitated toward the Xbox One controller. If you don't mind the stick layout of the DualShock 4, then by all means go with the PS4 version, but don't let the 1080p mumbo jumbo take precedence over your controller preference.

In addition, I also thought the experience ran a bit smoother on Xbox One when compared to the PlayStation 4 version, especially during the campaign. Perhaps going with 720p upscaled to 1080p allowed Infinity Ward to craft a slightly better performing game at the cost of a few pixels... I don't know. After all, I'm no tech expert; I can only speak to what I saw with the limited knowledge that I have. I honestly didn't see a difference as far as resolution between the two, despite the difference, so I'm either blind to that sort of thing, or it really is a non-issue.

In the end, I highly recommend you don't base your Call of Duty: Ghosts purchasing decision on resolution, but rather the controller you prefer for this type of game and where your friends will be. Don't isolate yourself from all your online buds just so you can have the native 1080p version. That's just silly.
دوستان اشتباه نشه ها:دی منو به نام کاربریم دقت نکنید:dمن سونی فن اصیل هستم:دی

به بالایی: الان این متن شما مشکل افت فریم رو رفع نمیکنه.چون میگه که انگار این دونسخه تو تکسچر و اینا نزدیک همن
there’s little to no variation in textures and effects

ویرایش: الان دیدم کلا ویدیو گیمر شسته ماکرو رو. حرفمو پس میگیرم

Still, whether through rushed/overstretched development or hardware problems (or a combination of both), Ghosts has ended up looking (far, in some cases) worse on Microsoft's machine than on its direct rival.
با این نقدای جدید مخصوصا از طرف honest gamer و gr احتمالا بحثای طویل چند روز پیش اینبار به طور برعکس تکرار خواهد شد:d
کلا کنسولا اوایل نسلشون همینطوری هستن دیگه.....خیلی با ثبات نیستن و هر کدوم تو یه قسمتی بهترن و بهتر وقتی کمی از عمرشون گذشت در موردشون قضاوت کرد(البته این نسل که جداقل روی کاغذ ps4 کمی شاخصتر)

Perhaps going with 720p upscaled to 1080p allowed Infinity Ward to craft a slightly better performing game at the cost of a few pixels...

این بابا داره به خودش پنالتی میزنه، بعد شده منتقد؟ فرق 1080 تا 720 فقط چندتا پیکسله. few pixels...

کاربرانی که این گفتگو را مشاهده می‌کنند

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