Sure, this new Battletoads exists - but did anyone stop to think that maybe it shouldn’t? As a Battletoads fan who wanted to return to a semblance of the original, I didn’t care for this game at all. However, to someone with no attachment to the source material, you’d probably have a decent time running through it as a few hour distraction with your kids. It’s passable at best, but honestly you’d be better off revisiting Castle Crashers Remastered.
متا از 60 نقد 71
It is a game designed to be played multiplayer, but not all levels work equally well with company.
Xbox Tavern:80
Aside from the lack of online co-op, Battletoads is put together beautifully, with tremendous hand animated graphics, well written and witty storyline, and tight controls which made me very happy as I was fighting my way through the enemies.
IGN Italia:79
The return of Battletoads is a game in many ways surprising and made with extreme care. But the desire to do too much makes him lose his lucidity and ends up watering down an adventure that is too short in itself.
The game certainly lives up to the original iconic classic: unbridled action, multi-genre not to bore, and pointless difficulty peaks.
متا از 65 نقد 72

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